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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

70 years of selling ourselves short

There was once an extremely talented and gifted artist, but in the environment he was in there was no appreciation for fine art, so he lacked motivation in interest in developing his talent and producing the phenomenal masterpieces he was capable of. Instead he drew comics and cartoons which gained him the appreciation he needed and also an livelihood.

This parable can easily be applied to so many other things. A very talented songwriter or musician can pursue the success of rapping mediocre music with empty lyrics but appeal to the entertainment industry because they pulse to the lusts of the listeners.

Thank Gd Israel is booming, and it will continue to do even better and better, however unfortunately most of the achievements are very shallow pandering to the approval of others, or even of one's own body approval, and losing out on the real greatness.

After the Holocaust Israel went back to compete in the Olympics, and now they have all the sports industry, and they are so proud to be the start-up country in technology, and so liberal in debauchery, and now they got into the media industry and they figured out how to make the most popular movies and tv for netflix. All of this is such pathetic pandering and selling themselves short of their true amazing ability. Because it is hard to really reach deep into yourself and the Torah, and no one shows appreciation for that. So they see that it is so easy to grab what the world, or their bodies, hold high, and they swoop in for the easy score. Miracle of miracles, Hashem Yisburach gives them constant glitches and flops, and doesn't let then pull it off as easily at they really could.

Thank Gd for Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

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