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Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Exchanged Reality of Today

 HH Watching the plandemic subjugate the world to fearful servitude, and watching biden steal and destroy america, is beyond, just beyond, so it really shows the greatness of Hashem as laid out by Rabbainu in Rabbi Nachman's Stories of Ancient Times, Story 11 of a King's Son and A Maid's Son Who Were Exchanged: And the one who was driven away (i.e. the king's true son) - well, he did what he did and squandered his money. One time, he went out alone for a walk; and he lay down and it came to his mind what had happened to him, and he thought: "What has G-d done to me? If I am indeed the king's son, I certainly don't deserve this, and if I'm not the king's son, I also don't deserve this (very thing); that I should be a fugitive and an exile." Afterwards he came to a resolution of this mind: "Just the reverse. If it is so, that Hashem Yisburach can indeed do such a thing, that they should exchange a king's son, and such things should befall him - do I turn myself to behave this way?! Is it right, what I have done? Does it befit me that I should behave thus, the way I have done?" And he began to have great anguish and strong remorse over the evil deeds he had done. Na Nach Nachma Nachman MAyUMaN

After posting this I realized that if you spell biden - בעידן, it is letters עבד נ"י!

Furthermore, ני with the inclusive = ס"א (sitra achra).

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

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