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Monday, August 2, 2021

The Land of Israel

HH how is it that HY allows such evil wicked people to dominate the world, the judiciary, the media without any accountability?!
Rabbi Nachman reveals in Likutay Moharan Torah-teaching 55 that this is righteousness of HY who knows that these wicked people have their evil eyes set to destroy, so HY lifts His hand of judgement from them giving them reprieve, because by this His Hand blocks the light and their evil eyes and intent, and in this shade the righteous can gaze far and really see and grasp the true righteousness of HY and straighten their hearts with simple strong belief, which then expresses itself in prayer, which arouses the merit of the forefathers who are graced with the Shechina, this is the aspect of the Land of Israel, which obliterates the wicked in front of our very eyes doing upon them what they contrived to do to us.
Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN

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