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Saturday, March 12, 2022


HH the reason why Rabbainu is buried in the Ukraine, Rabbi Nussun explains based on Likutay Moharan volume 2, Torah-teaching 8 (which is about the song Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN) that the tzadik gets caught in the throat of the evil realm and makes it throw up all the holy sparks it devoured and then some. The tzadik always chooses the most pleasant path, and until two years ago Rabbainu operated by bringing more and more people to Uman and making his Rosh Hashana such a huge colossal event that the whole world learned about it and more and more people got involved or started to learn more about Rabbainu and so forth, and in this way Rabbainu helped release many souls from their captivity. However two years ago Bibi netanyahu and his government wrote to the zelensky telling him he must not allow the Jews to go to Uman because they spread disease RL, good old antisemitism at its bleakest, and all the politicians around the world were raking it in playing the plandemic, so the coward zelensky shut them out, even leaving over a thousand stranded in no man's land on the border of Belarus, including pregnant women and infants. Even last Rosh Hashana when it was possible to go, there were all types of foolish idiotic restrictions. So Rabbainu had to resort to other means to enduce the vomitting, a much uglier way, but apparently very effective, as tens of thousands of Jews flock to Israel. Even still we would much rather the kinder way, to reopen Uman completely, including the local international airport in Uman which the antisemitic zelensky government keeps shut down. How did zelensky become such a rotten person causing the destruction of the whole Ukraine while he parades as a hero - maybe it was when he married out of faith, I don't know, but the sooner he goes the better it will be for the Jews, Ukrainians, Russians and the whole world.
Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN 

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