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Thursday, March 31, 2022

Seventy nations at war in the bathroom

 HH Rabbainu revealed that every person includes in himself all the 70 nations, and because many of them are at war with each other, therefore a person doesn't have inner peace, and when he is alone and all these forces are at work undiluted, it could cause him to go mad R"L. That is why before one prays and attempts to bring world peace, peace being the Name of HY a holiness that most nations aren't preparing themselves for, first one must merit to inner peace, and from that root point of strength he can proceed to pray for the peace to prevail in the world.                                                                                                              

So there was a rabbi who decided to address the war issue when he was doing his business in the bathroom. From outside they heard and smelled all types of exclamations: Take that Ukraine, up ... russia, that will silence you, and so forth and so on, for quite some time. Then there was a flush, and water started to seep out of the bathroom. Someone shouted at the rabbi, hey what's going on? The rabbi replied, the war has spilled over....                                                                                                 

May HY save us from the wars and the rabbis. NNNNM

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