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Tuesday, March 22, 2022



If a person goes from being color blind to being able to see full color, he will see everything so much better - both good things and bad things.

If a skier picks a much steeper slope, he will have much more exhilaration, but will also be faced with much greater challenge and risk.

So when a person rises to a higher spiritual level, it is not all roses, he will also have much greater  perceptions of evil and will be faced with much greater trial tribulations and challenges.

Thus Rabbainu revealed that often a person feels that he has had a terrible descent and fall, and in reality he is being introduced to a higher level.

And thus Rabbainu revealed that no higher level of Torah conception can be achieved without first undergoing a new onslaught of forbidden sexual desires.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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