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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Nuclear Nanach


Today there is what may be the biggest threat the world ever had to nuclear war. Putin like Biden has obviously taken to be overcome with senior moments, which have pushed him over the edge to the murderous attack on Ukraine. The hope is that he wouldn't go nuclear. People are quick to rule it out, because they say it is so obvious, even to someone with onset dementia, that this would trigger his own obliteration. However it is not so clear cut - all or nothing, there are many other nuclear options G-d forbid. E.g. he could warn that a certain remote area in the Ukraine is going to be targeted, and give everyone there time to evacuate, and then bomb it. Even if not one person is killed directly, the effect would be completely devastating, and how in the world can the urban guerilla fighters combat that.

Unfortunately, the worst enemies, especially of the Jewish people, come from within, as stated explicitly in Scripture (Isaiah 49:17), no need to elaborate here. This is true also in present day Breslov. Unfortunately many have grown old. Old meaning closed to renewal of any sort, the very thing Rabbainu said was forbidden, but they know no recourse. Saba Yisroel and many of the greats of Breslov were clear that we should bring the holy tomb of Rabbi Nachman to Israel. Saba had great mesiras nefesh - self sacrifice endeavoring to do this. Even though he made great headway, and gained the support of influential politicians and other powerful figures, his greatest opposition was from people who called themselves Breslov, who stood in the way of any official from acting, because they said that they were the real Breslov, the real representatives of Rabbainu, and would not allow it. They even threatened Saba's life for this wake up. They had everything set up and knew how to work the system, and now their comfort zone was being threatened. Ultimately Saba had to step back, and put it on hold. But they could not kill the idea, the need still exists, and it is even more necessary. Saba said it would happen. 

So the question is just how? How can any official move be conducted (-it has to be official, Saba said that it must be done in a respectful fashion, otherwise there was plenty of opportunity to use the mafia to this, they offered this for a sum of one or two million dollars, which was available), in face of these self righteous old people? Would it take G-d forbid some sort of nuclear fall out which would make it impossible for regular people to reach the holy tomb?!

May HY have mercy on us and the whole world. May Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman reign and prevail.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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