Sunday, June 28, 2015
American National Debt impacts morality
Saturday, June 27, 2015
פרשת בלק - קבלת הפתקא
Predictions of slavery based on history
The first thing Noach took care of after leaving the ark, was planting vineyards for today's equivalent of drugs. After getting wasted he was sodomized or casrrated by his son Chum, his other sons, Shem and Yefes quickly covered Nach respectably avoiding even seeing their father's nakedness. For this Yefes is rewarded that in the wars of Gog and Mogog his progeny will receive burial. Well those times are coming. Chum was cursed by Noach to be a slave to his brothers.
First America started to legalise drugs, then they legalized sodomy, this gives a strong notion to expect slavery in America in the near future.
Friday, June 26, 2015
צדיקים למעלה מארץ ישראל
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Merit to do kindness
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
נפטרה פרשת חקת
צאתכם לשלום
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Metric verses imperial
The metric system is based on units of 10. This has its roots in the ten sfiros. The metric system is based on the dynamics of 12, this has its roots in the 12 mazalos constellations - signs of the zodiac. The root of twelve (why don't they just follow the 10 sfiros) is revealed in Sefer Yetzira, and further by the Arizal, they manifest the 6 lower sefiros as they are paralleled in the sefira of Tiferes. Tiferes - Splendor is the most defining sefira of the Jews, so it follows that the Jews are above the 12, and are in fact the root of the 12. The twelve tribes of Jacob, 'ha-me-at' the humblest - of all the nations.
Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Lost Princess - Winds of Despair
There is more for this to be developed, for at the beginning the princess went by carriage.... But it is hard for me to write especially with my thumbs....
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
בינה לעתים
ב"ה להבין קורות הזמן ע' בפירוש רבינו בחיי פרשת בראשית ב:ג שהאלף הששי מקביל ליום הששי של בריאת העולם שבו נבראו הבהמות ואדם בא על כולם ולא נתק רק דעתו עד שבא על חוה.... תן לחכם ויחכם... נ נח!
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
אהבה רבה
ב"ה אבינו אב הרחמן המרחם רחם עלינו.
המרחם - מ"ה (עולם התיקון מהמצח הרצון) רחם... כל העולם הוא רמח אברים - כולו רחמנותו
ענין ג"פ רחם פירשתי במ"א בס"ד. וכן רחמיך, וכן ענין חמלה גדולה ויתירה.
נ נח
Float your ship
A person is defined by his highest and complete aspect (just as a billionaire is not called a millionaire). Thus a person is his kesser. Kesser here is usually understood as rutzon. However in Lkm 24:7 Rabbainu NNNNM reveals that it is a hybrid of a. Misader and mi-yashev hasechel which is blessed from the hands of the world above him. And b. Emuna.
Mukom, space, G-d created to hold creation. Creation are creatures each defined by their kesser. A particular mukom is a reference to a particular kesser, and mukom in general is the container of all the kessers, it is the faculty of becheira - choice.
Creation is from the risheemu. By achieving yishuv hadaas, so that the misader and miyashev is set, this flips the switch of the becheira-place allowing the kav Ain Sof to shine the utter unity of HY.
Center of the universe
HH see Likutay Moharan 24. See klalim rishonim of Ramchal #3 that the center of the Ain Sof is His unity. Put the two together.
Get real NNNNM!
HH people need so much a loving touch, a caress from a friend or a lover. Think about it, how pathetic it is that they are so dependent on this. A person has to be a lot stronger than that. If he can't get past this how will he ever get anywhere?
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Korach told Moshe (16:13)
המעט כי העליתנו מארץ זבת חלב ודבר להמיתנו במדבר כי תשתרר עלינו גם השתרר
It is it not enough.... that you make take rule (office) over us as well
The Meshech Chuchma (Litvak Rabbi of Dvinsk) says a beautiful insight. We find in the mishna (Yuma 7:1 and Sota 7:7-8) that when the High Priest or King would read from the Torah before the multitudes, the Torah would be taken out by the President of the Synagogue, who would give it to the Assistant High Priest, who would give it to the High Priest, who would give it to the King. All of this was to bring more honor to the King.
This is what Korach accused Moshe, saying that Moshe was creating new offices and positions between him and the people, only to bring himself all the additional honor which comes with the appointment of every new station.
From this one should learn practically to inculcate different progressions of supernal worlds in his meditations and prayers to G-d. Before speaking to HY, or meditating of His existence, one can gain profoundly heightened consciousness by simply reviewing in his mind quickly the hierarchy of the seven heavens and seven heichulos (chambers).
There is another advantage as well, usually in order to fly one needs to first take some small jumps in progression. Similarly, at least for beginners, it might be hard to bind oneself directly to the Ein Sof B"H immediately, but by first grabbing higher cognizance one at a time, maybe B"H he will be able to go all the way to the Ein Sof B"H.
Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!
Saturday, June 13, 2015
פרשת שלח - מבלתי יכולת ה' להביא את העם הזה אל הארץ אשר נשבע להם וישחטם במדבר (במדבר יד:טז)
Letter of the Ramchal -- book report
About 15 years ago this book was called something else (Ramchal and his Generation - I think), less organized and presentable, and not available, In order to read it you had to borrow it from someone, and that's what I did (a guy in Lakewood, he died a few years ago). Today B"H the Machon (institution of) Ramchal (located in Har Nof, Jerusalem) publishes "Igros Ramchal" - Letters of Ramchal, and it is very presentable and readily available (although I don't think they are willing yet to make it free on Hebrewbooks, unlike the predecessor of the publication of the Ramchal, Yosef Spinner, who amazingly, may HY bless him, gave all this material for free download!).
Yesterday I finished rereading this amazing book, which is on the top of the most must read books. This book is a source of strength and encouragement to help one through the tribulations of life. Here are some of my thoughts that I quickly jotted down, to ease the rage and to leave some memory of the torrents of passion which coursed through me from this reading.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
All sin, bad thoughts, negativity, it all stems from a person's despair, giving up, failing to believe that he will hear G-d personally in the near future. If a person would really be expecting and full of hope that he would experience the Divine then there would be no way he'd fall to depression and sin, on the contrary he would excited, happy, and productive.
The holy sages revealed that even the greatest sinner is beloved by his Creator, and literally in a split second can change his status to that of righteousness. Obviously the odds are kind of against him, mainly because of his own despair. Even a regular person is challenged to keep high faith that he will merit to an extremely blatant relationship with HY.
The more a person spends in hisbodidus with HY, the more he will learn first hand how much his life is actually in direct synchronization as a communication with HY. He will begin to appreciate more and more the hand of G-d in all of his life. He will begin to feel HY's touch. He will begin to understand that no matter where he fell or find himself he can and should feel the most intimate relationship with HY. In this way he can be full of faith and find himself full of positive thoughts and productivity.
Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!
הערות על מעשה ב' - ממלך וקיסר - מסיפורי מעשיות משנים קדמוניות
Monday, June 8, 2015
מפרסמים של שקר - Famous Rabbis of Falsehood
The Talmud, tractate Sanhedrin page 26 says that Shivna would give lectures in Torah to crowds of 130,000 whereas the righteous King Chizkiyahu, in whose merit all of Israel - even the very young children - were thoroughly proficient in all of the Torah, had an attendance of only 110,000 to his Torah lectures.
Rabbi Nachman revealed in Likutay Moharan (Torah 61) that on account of giving any recognition to undeserving rabbis, the "writing" of Israel is handed over to the gentiles, and the Jews are banished from their settlements G"F.
So it was that Shivna sent a note to Sancheriv offering him the city of Jerusalem, temple and all. King Chizkiyahu even feared the power of the merit of Shivna, who was such a popular educator of Torah. So G-d had the prophet tell Chizkiyahu not to consider at all the numbers of Shivna, for the evil can never real bond.
The Talmud reveals that in reality this huge Jewish star and hero of the public - Shivna, was a "baal hanu-ah' meaning that he was very into filling himself with pleasures, and or homosexual.
This is something that we find many many times throughout our exile, and only now thanks to our holy master Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman, are the masses becoming knowledgeable and have insight into this issue, and they are learning to distance themselves and utterly not recognize those prestigious personages that attract the fancy of the masses and who are busy destroying Israel, G"F.
Na Nach Nachman Nachman MeUman
אמרו ליה משירייתך היכא אמר הדרו בי אמרו ליה אם כן אחוכי קא מחייכת בן נקבוהו בעקביו ותלאוהו בזנבי סוסיהם והיו מגררין אותו על הקוצים ועל הברקנין אמר רבי אלעזר שבנא בעל הנאה היה כתיב הכא {ישעיה כב-טו} לך בא אל הסוכן הזה וכתיב התם {מלכים א א-ב} ותהי לו סוכנת (ואומר)
Sunday, June 7, 2015
How low can you go?
Some people have a real hard time in this world, it just isn't worth it to them, they even contemplate suicide G"F. This is nothing for the tzaddik. The tzaddik has absolutely no enjoyment or benefit from this world, the tzaddik begins his sorrows when he ceases to even be able to project for himself a future world. Rabbainu says that a Jew only begins to enter the devotion of G-d when he reaches this state -- not having any portion what so ever, at which point the person takes upon himself the service of HY for this alone, for the glorification of HY, without having any thoughts of personal benefit or promotion. This is where it all begins!
Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!
Chizuk (encouragement)
This guy was lying without strength, he'd been sick for some time and no real hope for getting better in the near future, sounds are going off in his head to just give up and give in to the yetzer hura (evil inclination), so he reaches for a copy of Blossoms of the Spring, and asks to be shown what he needs to know or do right now. He opens up the holy book and there in front of him he learns that even the smallest motion that a person does to draw close to the tzadik is infinitely precious. So he gets the message and with his remaining strength sings, or maybe that is a little generous, chants Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman, and little by little he is blessed with a touch more strength to continue productively.
True story.
Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!