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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Act like your crazy do silly foolish funny things to be happy

Letter of Nachman


By now you must be familiar already with the fact that the entire redemption is entirely contingent on the dissemination of the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, better known as Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman. However, there is a great supplement, an old Jewish treasure from a Rabbi Nachman that lived approximately 500 years before Rabbainu, Nachmanidees. This Rabbi Nachman also made it to the Holy Land, and he wrote a letter to his son, it is only one page, he says it should be read at least once a week, and on any day that it is read all of his prayers will be answered. The letter also asserts that it is the path to receive Divine Inspiration and experience the delight of the future world, even in this world.

Rabbi Chaim Vital, the Arizal's main disciple, in his book Shaarei Kedusha (Gates of Holiness) in the 4th section which documents different techniques of attaining Ruach Hakodesh (due to the nature of this section, it was censured and wasn't printed for the public until about 20 years ago), brings the letter amongst all the other heebee jeebee stuff. Confirming that this letter of simple ethics ranks up there as a method of achieving Divine Inspiration.

The letter is very propitious to reverse depression, and cultivate true inner satiation and happiness.

Take advantage of this! Don't let a week go by without one reading, and aim for a few serious readings. Especially when confronted with trials and tribulations, from the yetzer hura (evil inclination), people around you, or general life circumstances, take a few minutes to give the letter a careful read, and then you will be armed with Rabbi Nachman's guarantee that HY will listen to your prayers, and that you are heading in the direction of holiness.

The main sing is to sing: Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman! 

[The reason Breslov did not trump this holy letter of the Ramban, I think is because in our times the main thing is holy brazenness which is in fact true humility, as explained in various places in the holy teachings of Rabbainu, and this would seemingly conflict with the message and practices advocated in this letter, even still I think any true Nanach will be the first to take advantage of regularly reviewing this letter which will undoubtedly compliment the holy brazenness which Nanach empowers, but without Nanach things can get complicated today when a person wants to lower his own control he can easily GF be hijacked by all types of crazy forces, and my only hope is that if the person is firm the letter will bring him to Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!]

Iggeres HaRamban - The Ramban's Letter
(Written to his elder son, Nachman, with the instruction to read it weekly.)
Hear, my son, the instruction of your father and don't forsake the teaching of your mother (Mishlei 1:8). Get into the habit of always speaking calmly to everyone. This will prevent you from anger, a serious character flaw which causes people to sin. As our Rabbis said (Nedarim 22a):Whoever flares up in anger is subject to the discipline of Gehinnom as it is says in (Koheles 12:10), "Cast out anger from your heart, and [by doing this] remove evil from your flesh." "Evil" here means Gehinnom, as we read (Mishlei 16:4): "...and the wicked are destined for the day of evil." Once you have distanced yourself from anger, the quality of humility will enter your heart.This radiant quality is the finest of all admirable traits (see Avodah Zarah 20b), because (Mishlei 22:4), "Following humility comes the fear of Hashem."
Through humility you will also come to fear Hashem. It will cause you to always think about (see Avos 3:1) where you came from and where you are going, and that while alive you are only like a maggot and a worm, and the same after death. It will also remind you before Whom you will be judged, the King of Glory, as it is stated (I Melachim 8:27; Mishlei 15:11), "Even the heaven and the heavens of heaven can't contain You" -- "How much less the hearts of people!" It is also written (Yirmeyahu 23:24), "Do I not fill heaven and earth? says Hashem."
When you think about all these things, you will come to fear Hashem who created you, and you will protect yourself from sinning and therefore be happy with whatever happens to you. Also, when you act humbly and modestly before everyone, and are afraid of Hashem and of sin, the radiance of His glory and the spirit of the Shechina will rest upon you, and you will live the life of the World-to-Come!
And now, my son, understand and observe that whoever feels that he is greater than others is rebelling against the Kingship of Hashem, because he is adorning himself with His garments, as it is written (Tehillim 93:1), "Hashem reigns, He wears clothes of pride." Why should one feel proud? Is it because of wealth? Hashem makes one poor or rich (I Shmuel 2:7). Is it because of honor? It belongs to Hashem, as we read (I Divrei Hayamim 29:12), "Wealth and honor come from You." So how could one adorn himself with Hashem's honor? And one who is proud of his wisdom surely knows that Hashem "takes away the speech of assured men and reasoning from the sages" (Iyov 12:20)!? So we see that everyone is the same before Hashem, since with His anger He lowers the proud and when He wishes He raises the low. So lower yourself and Hashem will lift you up!
Therefore, I will now explain to you how to always behave humbly. Speak gently at all times, with your head bowed, your eyes looking down to the ground and your heart focusing on Hashem. Don't look at the face of the person to whom you are speaking. Consider everyone as greater than yourself. If he is wise or rich, you should give him respect. If he is poor and you are richer -- or wiser -- than he, consider yourself to be more guilty than he, and that he is more worthy than you, since when he sins it is through error, while yours is deliberate and you should know better!
In all your actions, words and thoughts, always regard yourself as standing before Hashem, with His Shechinah above you, for His glory fills the whole world. Speak with fear and awe, as a slave standing before his master. Act with restraint in front of everyone. When someone calls you, don't answer loudly, but gently and softly, as one who stands before his master.
Torah should always be learned diligently, so you will be able to fulfill it's commands. When you arise from your learning reflect carefully on what you have studied, in order to see what in it that you can be put into practice. Examine your actions every morning and evening, and in this way every one of your days will be spent in teshuvah (repentance).
Concentrate on your prayers by removing all worldly concerns from your heart. Prepare your heart before Hashem, purify your thoughts and think about what you are going to say. If you follow this in all your daily actions, you will not come to sin. This way everything you do will be proper, and your prayer will be pure, clear, clean, devout and acceptable to Hashem, as it is written (Tehillim 10:17), "When their heart is directed to You, listen to them."
Read this letter at least once a week and neglect none of it. Fulfill it, and in so doing, walk with it forever in the ways of Hashem, may he be blessed,so that you will succeed in all your ways. Thus you will succeed and merit the World to Come which lies hidden away for the righteous. Every day that you shall read this letter, heaven shall answer your heart's desires. Amen, Sela!

This translation is part of the Worldwide network of learning materials of Pirchei Shoshanim (c)1996.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman

Monday, January 30, 2017

You need to search and find any bit of good

בדיחה על החסידים של שקר

רבינו אמר שהחסידים של המפרסמים של שקר יהיו הכי קשים לקבל את משיח, כי כבר יש להם אמונה כוזבת במי שהוא אחר...

מעשה בשני חסידים שהתווכחו על איזה חיה שהיתה רובצת על הגדר, אחד אמר שזה חתול ואחד אמר שזה ערב, זה אומר חתול וזה אומר ערב, וכן התווכחו לאיזה זמן, עד שאמרו עד מתי נתווכח על זה, בא נזרוק עליה אבן, ונראה אם זה עפה זה ערב ואם זה קופצת ובורחת זה חתול. וכן עשו, זרקו אבן והחיה פרחה והמליטה, אז החסיד האחד התפאר ואמר אתה רואה זה ערב, והחסיד השני הוא עם כוכבים בעינים ואומר לחבירו בהתפעלות, בחיים שלי לא ראיתי כזה חתול שמעופף!!!

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

You need to have great stubbornness in the service of Hashem



בספר המדות (ערך כישוף אות ג) רבינו הקדוש גילה בזה"ל:

אין הכשוף מזיק אלא לבעלי גאוה, עד כאן.

ועיין עוד בזה בסיפורי מעשיות משנים קדמוניות, מעשה ה' מבן מלך שהיה מאבנים טובות:
    ובא הצדיק להמלך, והיה מתפלל ולא הועיל, והודיעו לו שהוא כשוף. והצדיק הנ"ל היה גבוה למעלה מן כל הכשפים...

ויש לפרש טעמא, כי תועבת ה' כל גבהי לב, והגאוה הוא בחינת עובדת אלילים כמובא (לקוטי מוהר"ן תורה י' ועוד מקומות). ועבודה זרה כתותי מכתת שיעורי (זה דין בגמרא - עיין למשל במסכת עירובין דף פ' שעבודה זרה כמו אשרה חייב לשרפה, ולכן רואין אותה כאילו היא נשרף כבר ואין לה שיעור ומציאות של רוחב ואורך ועומק, וכמעט כמאן דליתא בכלל). אלא שעבודה זרה של ישראל אין לה ביטול, וכל היכא שהאדם יש לו גאוה הרי אחשביה (דהינו הוא כמו שני דברים שאינן ברשותן של אדם ועשאן התורה כאילו ברשותו לעבור עליהן, חמץ בפסח ובור ברשות הרבים - שהם גם כן ממש עניניו ובפרט חמץ כידוע, וכמבואר כל זה במפרשים), ורק מי שהמיך רוחו אז האנוכיות שלו כנבער מן העולם. והרי רש"י בפרשת וארא גילה בטעם למה החרטמים של פרעה לא היו יכולים להוציא את הכינים וכתב ז"ל (שמות ח:יד) שאין השד שולט על בריה פחותה מכשעורה, עד כאן לשונו. ולכן הצדיק הענו הוא כבריה פחותה מכשעורה ולא יכול עליו שום כשוף ושדין, שנזכה גם אנחנו לענוה כזו בעזה"י.

וכיון שבאת לידי פרשת וארא - אכתוב עוד רעיון בעזה"י בסוף הפרשה כתוב (שמות ט:כט) ויאמר אליו משה כצאתי את העיר אפרש את כפי אל ה' ופרש"י ז"ל אבל בתוך העיר לא התפלל, לפי שהיתה מלאה גלולים, עד כאן לשונו, וטרחו המפרשים ליישב בזה כמה סתירות שנראה שבאמת משה רבינו התפלל כמה פעמים בתוך העיר, ובאמת קשה בכלל איך יכולים לפסול את כל העיר מלהתפלל שם בכלל. ויש לאמר שהרי זה היה מיד אחר מכת ברד, וכל הירא את דבר ה' מעבדי פרעה הניס את עבדיו ואת מקנהו אל הבתים (שם ט:כ), והנה מקנהו של המצרים היה יראתם (רש"י שם ח:כב) העבודה זרה שלהם, ומן הסתם אם היו מכניסים את מקניהם לבתיהם, יהיה צר להם וקנאה עם העבודה זרה שהיו מחזיקים בתוך ביתם, ולכן ניתן לאמר שלעת עתה הוציאו את כל העבודה זרה שלהם שהיה בביתם החוצה לפנות מקום למקניהם. ולכן ניתן לאמר שדוקא עכשיו במכת ברד כל העבודה זרה - חוץ ממקניהם - היה בחוצות של העיר, ולכן משה רבינו לא היה יכול להתפלל אז בתוך העיר.

עוד בענין כשוף

רבינו הקדוש גילה בספר המדות, ערך ההתנשאות אות ה':

    כְּשֶׁנּוֹתְנִין מָמוֹן לְהַשָּׂר בִּשְׁבִיל אֵיזֶהוּ הִתְמַנּוּת, שֶׁיַּעֲבִיר אֶת חֲבֵרוֹ וִימַנֶּה אוֹתוֹ, זֶהוּ כְּמוֹ כְּשֶׁוּף
ויש להשוות את זה למה שרבינו אמר על אלו שמתפללים עם כוונות האריז"ל ולא ראויים לזה - בלקוטי מוהר"ן תורה קכ - שזה כמו כשוף - כי גם בזה גם בזה האדם מצוה לכוחות עליונות לעשות כפי פקודתו, ואם הוא לא ראוי לזה הרי בעצם פקודתו לא יגע בכלל אל הקדושה, והרי הוא כמו מצוה לשרי העכו"ם השדין ולילין לעשות פקודות, וכמו הנותן להם כסף לעשות כרצונו.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

אל הנער הזה התפללתי


הגמרא במסכת ברכות (דף לא:) כותבת ששמואל הורה הלכה לפני עלי רבו בזה ששחיטת קדשים לא צריך להיות על ידי כהן אלא מותר וכשרה על ידי כל אדם. והמורה הלכה לפני רבו חייב מיתה, ועלי אפילו הבטיח לחנה בן אחר יותר חשוב ממנו, אבל חנה התעקשה שדוקה אל הנער הזה התפללתי.

והנה חז"ל הקשו על קרח שהיה פקח איך הוא נפל ונכשל לחלוק על משה רבינו וכו', וגילו שקרח ראה ברוח קדשו שעתיד לצאת מצאצאיו שמואל הנביא, אז הוא בטוח שהיה צודק נגד משה רבינו. והמפרשים כתבו שדוקא משום זה עלי חשש כל כך מההוראה של שמואל, אפילו שהיה עוד קטן, כי כיון שהיה מצאצאי קרח הרי כבר סימן בידו שהוא חולק על הצדיק, ואכן הוראתו היה בענין שלא צריכים כהן כמו שקרח חלק על הכהונה.

אבל חנה התעקשה "אל הנער הזה התפללתי" שכיון שהוא נער זה יפה לו, להיות חזק ותקיף בדעתו, אפילו שהוא קטן ואין הוראתו הוראה ממש להתחייב כמורה הלכה לפני רבו, טוב שיהיה לו דעה חזקה. וכן באמת היה מדת ששמואל, שלפני מיתתו העיד שלא נהנה כלום מאף אחד, והוכיח את עם ישראל חזק שהם חייבים כליה על זה שלא היו חזקים לעמוד על עמדם וביקשו מלך - אף על פי שזה מצוה מן התרי"ג מצות, וכבר שאלו חז"ל מה אשמתם בזה, אבל על כל פנים זה שמואל שהוכיח אותם חזק על זה וטען עליהם שהם מאסו אותו - כי זה היה מדתו להיות תקיף בדעתו. והרי הוא ממש התיקון של קרח, כי קרח כבר טען כל העדה כולם קדושים - אבל זה היה התרסה ומרידה נגד הצדיק, ואילו שמואל גם כן טען שכל אחד צריך להיות תקיף בדעתו - אבל באופן שזה להקים את רוח הצדיק. כי דוקא הצדיק רוצה למלאות את העולם עם אנשים, דהיינו בני דעת (לקוטי מוהר"ן תנינא תורה ז) - אנשים תקיפים בדעתן, וחזקים ומאמינים גם בעצמן (שיחות הר"ן קמ), ואדרבה בזה שאנשים לא חזקים בדעה אמיתית זה מרידה בצדיק, כי אז לא עומדים אפילו באמיתת הצדיק האמת, וממאסים את השם ממלוך עליהם, ואז באים לצורך של הרבה רבנים שאין זה אלא רבות השקר.

ולכן במחלקת של קרח דתן ואבירם יצאו נצבים (פרשת קרח - במדבר טז:כז) כאילו הם חזקים ותקיפים בדעתן - אבל תקיפתן היה ממש עזות של הסטרא אחרא, ואילו חנה טענה לפני עלי הכהן (שמואל א:א:כו) אני האשה הנצבת עמכה בזה, שהייתה צריכה להיות חזק מאד ותקיף בדעתה להגן על שמואל הנביא, כי היה הנידון חשיבות תקיפת הדעת לשם שמים. וכן צב"ת בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן ע"ה. הנצבת, עם האותיות, בגמטריא אני נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

There's no despair in the world whatsoever!

One hour of hisbodidus a day


Rabbainu - Rabbi Nachman of Breslov - better known as Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman revealed that the highest way of living in devotion of the One True Merciful G-d Blessed He is to spend the entire day in personal solitary prayer - hisbodidus, however he acknowledged that this is too difficult for many people, and therefore he established that at the very least each and every single Jew should do one hour of hisbodidus a day.

In Hebrew the the term "an hour" does not necessarily mean an hour of 60 minutes, rather a period of time, somewhat like in English, like "in an hour of need" - and especially in previous good times not everyone had the advantage of keeping time to the minute.

However in new transcripts that were just published this year from Saba Yisroel, and retranslated from the original Yiddish into English in
The Fires of Israel

Saba says that one must do hisbodidus an hour on the clock - thus establishing that the hour that Rabbainu said means the full hour of 60 minutes. Even still it can be argued that Saba was saying that this is the best approach to fulfilling the directive of Rabbainu, but bideyeved (-not optimal, but passable) any significant allotment of time given for hisbodidus is ok. And of course, even if one does not find himself rising to fulfill the full hour, he/she should not despair G-d forbid completely of doing hisbodidus, and should grab even a few words, even one silent scream... that makes all the difference...

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The greatest wisdom is not to be wise just honest pure and simple

Starting up your engine


When I was a kid many people would have to spend a long time every day at the ignition of their cars trying to get them started, this was daily trials and tribulations, and it was not infrequent that they were simply unsuccessful and that was that. This is something I haven't seen in a very long time - even computer problems - like unsaved documents being deleted - are B"H much much more rare things of the past. And I see all of this as a sign of the times that today one can connect so powerfully and meaningfully to HY without any arduous preparations and the like, one can simply turn aside and speak to HY and really get through, whereas in previous good times it wasn't so simple, devotion of HY demanded much much more, it was a very demanding discipline, very taxing and demanding, and not necessarily fulfilling. Be appreciative and take advantage...

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!  

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Sorry! You are going to be happy! NNNNM!


Being sorry and saying sorry is the highest - it is the crown, you can see this from the Ketoares <incense offering> which had eleven principle ingredients, correlating 10 Sefiros and their peripheral, the ingredient corresponding to Kessehr-Crown is Sorry!

This is what Rabbainu revealed in Words of Rabbi Nachman (article 45) that from a broken heart one comes to joy - because the ketoares-incense offering - which is crowned with "sorry" brings joy (see Proverbs 27, Likutay Moharan 24)!

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

Be like Abraham who was the only person in the world

ארך אנפין דקליפה בפועל $221 million..

ב"ה רבינו נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן גילה בספר לקוטי מוהר"ן תורה רמב ז"ל דע שיש בחינת אריך אנפין בקלפה, ומי שפוגע באשה מבחינה זו קשה לו להנצל מהרהור, ואף אם יעצים עיניו, אף על פי כן בכל צד שיפנה תזדמן לו, כי היא בחינת אריך אנפין של הקלפה, שהם פנים ארכים ועל כן בכל צד שיפנה תזדמן לו. ודע שצדקה הוא סגלה גדולה ומועלת מאד להנצל וכו' עיין שם כל דבריו הקדושים.
והנה אריכות הפנים של אריך אנפין מבואר בספרים הקדושים הם כמנין שמו אר"ך אנפין - דהיינו מאתים ועשרים אורות שיש לו יותר מהמאה וחמישים של זעיר אנפין, ועל כן שפיר קרוי בשם אר"ך אנפין. ועם כל זה הצדקה מצלת אפילו מאריכות אנפין של הקלפה.
אז מה יעשה הקלפה כדי להתגבר על מעשה הצדקה, אז אובמה לקח אר"ך (מאתים עשרים ואחד) מיליון דולר ונתן אותם צדקה להמחבלים החמסים, ובו באותו שעה הגבירו הנשים באריכות פניהן להפגין ולהציג את ערותן ותאוותן של זנות ונאוף.
ועם כל זה, דף אחד של רבינו - הפתק הקדוש - מספיק שלא יעלו בשם כלל, וקשר רשעים אינה מן המנין, כמו שכתבתי פה בבקר באנגלית. וכל גדולתן היה רק לשעה קלה ופורתא כנאמר על ישמעאל (שארגנו כל המצעד והצגה) שנים עשר נשיאים... שהם פורחים ומסתלקים כעננים... כי שק"ר אין לה רגלים לעמוד ולהתקיים, רק קושטא קאי.

השיר נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן יתפשט ויתן דעת ויברר את המדמה לברר את רוח האדם מן רוח הבהמה (אובמה - ו'אלה ה'מלכים א'שר מ'לכו ב'ארץ א'דום לפני מלך מלך לבני ישראל...), ויקדש את העולם בעזה"י.

עוד מעניין מאד שהחג הבא (חוץ מטו בשבט) הוא פורים, שחז"ל אמרו שכל המועדים עתידין להיבטל חוץ ממנו, וחז"ל בעצמן תמהו איך הגיע אחשווירוש לשטות כזה שהיה צריך לעשות גזירה להיות כל איש שורר בביתו, והיום רואים שזה לא פשוט בכלל, וזה דוקא הגזירה לדורות, וימי הפורים האלו לא יעברו... ובו בפרשת שמות, שהתורה משבחת את המילדות שפרה ופועה יוכבד ומרים, שזכו לא להכניע לגזירת פרעה ותחיינה את הילדים ובזכות זה השם יתברך עשה להם בתים, חכמות נשים בנתה ביתה - וזכו לבית המלכות, לבית הכהונה, ולבית הלויה. והן הן הנשים צדקניות שבזכותן נגאלו אבותינו ממצרים. ודוקא בפרשת שמות ובשובבים הפגינו, בסוד הנ"ל של ארך אנפין דקלפה. ועל כן צריכים להתפלל עבור מושיען של עם ישראל ומחנה הקדושה בדגל הפתק הקדוש של רבינו.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן!

Monday, January 23, 2017

All your movements to gain holiness come to your aid in time of need

All your movements to gain holiness come to your aid in time of need

Marches and demonstrations, protests and petitions do they really matter?


Our Sages (Talmud Sanhedrin 26) revealed that the connection and banding together of wicked simply doesn't aggregate, they don't add up - קשר רשעים אינו מן המנין. They said this even regarding a scholar who gave lectures and taught Torah to tens of thousands of people, and King Chizkeyahu was worried that perhaps therefore this felon would have clout and merit which could empower his bout for evil, so our Sages simply dismissed him and his antics (Rashi there gives two possible reasons why he was sidelined and written off, from memory - either because he was into sensual pleasures, or he was even leaning towards homose**ality).

Rabbainu revealed in Likutay Moharan, Torah 181 that people can band together to bring down even a very important personage, by amassing their collective honor they can gain more honor than him and knock down his honor. So there are two factors, one is that their aggregate honor has to surmount the honor of the person they are trying to knock down, and second, they cannot be wicked, because wicked people do not have the ability to make a collective honor.

And by the way, where would they knock him down to? Rabbainu provides that information for us as well - they knock him down into promiscuity.

So when I judge some of the crazy demonstrations that took place recently, especially those campaigning for and by means of the most degrading things, I don't see how even millions of such people can amass substantial honor, and they probably also constitute a band of wicked which simply has no cohesive ability, and they remain as individuals.

Whereas even the smallest demonstration - where people get together to honor something even of diminutive status - will have a definite and strong force of empowerment. At least they have a gathering - an actual group. Even a little dance of some holy brothers, a few Nanach infinitely outweighs a billion demonstrators honking and jeering to high heaven.

Be apart of the KEEBOOTZ - gathering - rally honor to the Most High!

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

Let's be happy always against all adversary Toontastic!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Know Nothing expertly

Trump and the Ramchal


Previously (you can find the articles in the cloud index on the right side of the blog, look for Trump and Donald Trump) I wrote how the Hebrew word for hitching is "tramp" (same letters as Trump), which is the secret of all road lead to Uman. Now I want to point our further that the Ramchal who lived most of his life in Padua, Italy, Padua has the numerical value of Uman (-and from there he went to Amsterdam - which has the numerical valud of Na Nach Nachma Nachman - thus it can be said he achieved and aspect of Na Nach Nachma Nachman May<from>Uman! and he lived in the Hebrew year of 491 = Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman) - now resides in his holy tomb at the end of the street: TRUMPeldor. Seeing how the Ramchal is precursor to the ultimate redemption which is entirely contingent on Rabbainu Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman - it is very apt that Trump was elected president as this is the very name of the address of the Ramchal!

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

Fraudulent Rabbis

First of all that is the way it is. After Rabbi Nachman passed away there was no one who took the role as Rebbe. This was one of the main reasons the opponents based their baseless hatred and hisnagdus on Breslov, saying that one must have a live Rebbe, and they called Breslov - "Toyta chasidim" - "Chasidim of a dead Rebbe" - So the question why it has to be that way is valid, but that it has to be that way is certain, this is what Breslov was about in all the generations, this is why Breslovers were literally hunted down etc. etc. etc. - and the answer to the question can not be to take some half wit or even the smarted capable guy in the world as one's Rebbe - that is not Breslov - that is the antithesis of Breslov. In all the generations of Breslov there were always giants of Torah and Spirit, none of them ever did what the rabbis do today, they shirked away from any honor, power, prestige, anything, e.g. R' Shimshon Barsky a direct descendant of Rabbainu who put together לקוטי עצות and other important Breslov classics, he gave a shiur every midnight, and never ever would associate with those he was helping and teaching and guiding as their rebbe, he was simply like their older brother, he knew more he was more talented and holy so he shared the wealth. Not until recent times, maybe 40-50 years ago, did this disease take hold and begin in Breslov -  Rabbainu had predicted it - it is a documented tradition that Rabbainu said explicitly that even in his matter there would arise fraudulent rabbis - "meforsamim shel sheker", and alas that is exactly what happened - forget about clowns like a**sh and convicted perverts like his rebbe who he still defends etc. - but even in the Nanach there are people that have built up their own rabbanut, where they are called rabbi or rebbe, people kiss their hands, the whole nauseating thing - all the time wearing a Nanach beanie and even singing Nanach and the Petek. This is what Rabbainu foresaw, and there is no refuge from the evil, on the contrary the bigger one is the stronger the evil will rise up with him, as was revealed by Chazal.

Hopefully it is now clear the first premise, that there is absolutely no justification for any figure head rabbis in Breslov, and that Breslov was nearly wiped out completely GF unwilling to deter from this. What remains to explain is only the why it is, and has to be like that, and how to live this way. Even still let it be clear that even though there are no rabbis in breslov - and anyone professing to be such in Breslov is obviously a hypocrite and much worse - there were and are always followers of Rabbainu who were no less in stature than the most leading Rabbis in the outside world - no less holy no less wise, and on the contrary.... - and these followers were always happy to share their blessings with everyone as equals, as explained above, so the truth is that there is no real deficiency, the only thing deficient is the falsehood of hierarchy where one person takes a higher title than the rest.

Now to the crux of the matter. There are a few factors. 
One is what Rabbainu revealed in Likutay Moharan volume 2, Torah 80 that today no one is on the level of being a rabbi for the sake of Heaven. Even still, in that Torah Rabbainu seems to say that if the people insist strongly upon taking a person as their rabbi, then he can acquiesce. And this is what many of today's fraudulent rabbis claim, that they do not promote themselves whatsoever, they do not wish this at all that they should be called rabbi and have people kiss up to them etc., they are forced into this against their will..... Go figure, take one look at them, and if you believe their fantasy then you really need help - but there is much more, that was just to get started.

Rabbainu revealed in Likutay Moharan, volume 2, Torah 18, that even a true tzadik does not necessarily know how to give over Torah to others, and thus by their giving over their Torah to others they can be actual murderers, and adulterers, and thieves, and every evil perpetrator GF R"L every single second - so much so that even real murderers and the aforementioned completely pale against them - because a real murderer can only succeed in achieving his fancy once or a few times GF, but these people with their Torah are perpetrating these evils every second!!!!

The story is told of a Jew who entered a Breslov shteibel in Poland and went over to one of the chasidim and told him that he is a Jew who went of the derech and is mechallel Shabbos and now he wishes to repent - a goldmine! Which rabbi wouldn't get excited, another fish! But in the entire shteibel there was not one person who accepted to take this guy under his wing and be his guide, they all told him the same thing - we have no idea who your soul is, where your "place" is (as it says do not judge your friend until you know his place), how can we possible give you the proper guidance you need. What you need to do is start following the holy advice of Rabbainu, you need to start doing hisbodidus every day, you need to start getting up every night for chatzos etc. - because Rabbainu saw every single soul - from the time of Adam till the coming of the Messiah, and every single rectification for every single soul, and he addressed each one personally in the holy books he bequeathed.

Ultimately the main reason why there can not be any rebbe today, in my humble opinion, is because it is the very antithesis of what Rabbainu wants to achieve with us. When a person has a child, he dictates every single move and decision for that baby, and as the baby grows older he begins to make more decisions for himself, and ultimately he takes on responsibilities until he progressed to be completely independent. No one wants a twenty year old son that needs to be treated like a baby. In this same way Rabbainu wants us to grow up - to take responsibility for ourselves - he demanded that each person does hisbodidus and take responsibility for the whole world (-mischayaiv binafshoa kul hamitzius!  - Likutay Moharan Torah 52, and also see Torah 5), and true life always presents huge challenges that are way above our heads - but the answer is not to run to some rabbi - but to run to HY and do hisbodidus and figure out what to do. Rabbainu himself almost never gave direct orders to people: do this or this, he gave aitzoas - advice, and often he expected and desired people to contend with what he told them. When Rabbi Nussun asked Rabbainu whether or not he should become a rav of a city, something he was very well suited for and needed to provide bread for his family, Rabbainu answered definitely, and Rabbi Nussun knowing deep in his heart that this was against everything he had learned from Rabbainu, mustered up mesiras nefesh to ask Rabbainu if this was really true - Rabbi Nussun was often embarrassed and petrified of even opening his mouth and speaking to Rabbainu, and here he challenged him asking him if he had just lied to him!!!! And Rabbainu said yes, that is the truth. And here Rabbi Nussun mamash put his life on the line, and asked Rabbainu if this is the real truth!!!! And then Rabbainu was happy and told him, if you want the real truth, stay far far away from such a thing.... Rabbainu revealed that if not for Rabbi Nussun we would not have left over from Rabbainu even one page of shaimoas (discarded holy  items), and had Rabbi Nussun taken up the job as a Rabbi, he would have been left with precious little time to record a tiny fraction of what he merited, and he wouldn't have been able to go around from town to town sharing Rabbainu, and he wouldn''t have been able to build up Uman, in short the very redemption of Israel was at stake - and Rabbainu knew this, and decided that if Rabbi Nussun did not have the strength of character and conviction to stand up to him and challenge this directive of becoming a Rabbi, then the redemption simply could not be brought through him - HY is great, He will provide redemption a different way - as Abraham had to decide when HY commanded him to sacrifice the only continuation of HY's promise. And similarly Rabbainu told a great follower once that due to this followers tremendous impediments he was exempt and should not come to Rabbainu for Rosh Hashana, and the follower did not come, and then Rabbainu revealed that that was a travesty. And there are more such anecdotes. The point is that only the real true tzadik can take the role of being a rebbe and guiding people, because it is a very very tricky job, and only the real tzadik is capable of doing it, and even the real true tzadik - even Rabbainu expects from us sometimes to challenge him - and if we don't we disappoint him and miss the boat GF. 
In Likutay Moharan Tora 3, Rabbainu explains the mishna of make for yourself a rabbi - meaning make yourself your own rabbi!!!! So when people challenge the Breslov tradition with this mishna, first of all we have a rabbi, and tzadikim in their passing are all the more alive, and he is our rabbi, and he is the Rebbe of all of Israel, as he revealing in Torah 111 and elsewhere, end of story. And if we must make decisions and so forth, then we must man up, take responsibility, make our own malchus (kingdom) "make yourself the rebbe" - sure we can and must consult with friends as Rabbainu revealed in Torah 34, but he must not go to some rabbi GF - for in doing so he empowers the exile and banishment of Jews from their settlements (Torah 61) - he subordinates his own true freedom and responsibility enslaving himself and thus invoking this submission and exile on all of Israel GF. 
And for this reason Messiah can not come, because the people are just waiting for such a messiah - such a rabbi that will tell them: do this, do this, eat this, take this job, this operation, etc. - they want another rabbi to take away all their own responsibility and growth, to make all their decisions and be their figurehead so that they can be more confident of themselves and their dysfunctional society - where one hand washes the other - the people need someone to make all their tough decisions, and the rabbi needs the honor, money, and power, so he caters to the peoples needs.... and that is exactly what Messiah does not want. Messiah wants to bring us to even higher responsibility -  Rabbainu said that when Messiah comes everyone is going to be doing hisbodidus - real hisbodidus - to take complete charge of their lives. Messiah will give us further direction - but he is not to be another rabbi like those we know of today GF!

Regarding the claim that rabbis are needed in order to explain what Rabbainu wrote – I have already explained fully that this can be done with the help of friends, and no rabbi should ever be consulted for such help. In addition, one should be honest with themselves, that there is plenty of the teachings of Rabbainu that are very very readily understood, and if there are parts that aren't that is how all of learning is for everyone, even the most gifted and learned encounter teachings that they don't understand properly, and Rabbainu already revealed (Words of Rabbi Nachman 76) that a person should not be deterred by the things he doesn't understand when he is learning, he should do his best to understand and move right along as fast as he can, Rabbainu said that when the person will finish the entire book and another, and will then go back and learn them again, he will see that he already understands much of what he had previously given up on. So a person should be strong and resolute to learn directly from the holy books of Rabbainu himself and Rabbi Nussun, who wrote with Ruach Hakodesh (Divine Inspiration) having our very souls in mind, and one should not see the books of contemporary rabbis as books of Breslov, at best maybe maybe (halivaye) they are not injurious and damaging, but they are definitely not to be considered books of Breslov..

Enough said for now.
Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Very very close to the end




Our sages revealed how Rome was created from a single reed planted in the Ocean upon King Solomon's forbidden marriage to the daughter of Pharaoh – the symbol of external wisdom (Likutay Moharan 35), and this reed collected upon itself more and more such gook, of sciences and philosophy, until the island formed. If such is true of impurity, then holiness infinitely more so has this power to create and build an entire stature of holiness from just a single good point, as Rabbainu revealed in his famous teaching “Azamra” (Likutay Moharan 282).
Rabbainu revealed the highest secrets on the Talmudic lore of Rabba Bar Bar Channa, of those that go down – setting off to sea. These fantastic legends the Vilna Gaon says are reflections of the crazy things a person sees in his lifetime – each and everyone knows for himself some crazy wild stuff that happened to him or that he witnessed – often there are things we can't even share with anyone, and that is why we respect even an elder gentile – because the experience of life in so many years ascertains that this person has witnessed and been a part of stuff we have just barely glimpsed and may no nothing of and wouldn't even dream could happen, certainly not to us ourselves.
In this ocean which is our life, we need to find sanctuary – a strong foothold, where we have a firm grip on ourselves, where we are anchored and can take hold of our lives, take stock of what has transpired and plan for the future. This is the gift of hisbodidus that Rabbainu bequeathed to the world. Establishing that everyone must make a set time and place every day to check in, and anchor. From this one little point of the day, a person can collect upon himself more and more good points, until he is already floating a firm island, and dominating the entire day in holiness.
Rabbainu said that this hisbodidus should be in the wild, in a place where no one goes, and at midnight, at a time when the air is pure of the invading thoughts of the world. A person needs to build his anchor on solid firm ground. But most people have despaired of actually fulfilling this, as their daily storms they weather make it seem to them impossible to actually break away even just for a bit to such a solid firm place. So Rabbi Nussun asked Rabbainu (Words of Rabbi Nachman 279) what can when do when the bad is simply too overpowering?! Rabbainu answered that in such a case one has to shut down, one closes his eyes and mouth, and shuts down. If a person can't make it out of the storm, he must make his stand right where he is, and buckle down. He must close his eyes and mouth, he should also plug his ears up with good kosher music (one should have a playlist prepared, and whatever other preparations), and reach out to HY with all his heart and soul, from right there and then. This is a person's SANCTUARY. This experience should be such a relief and a point of hope for the person that he looks forward to it all day. In this way a person also gains the strength to weather out all the craziness that may engulf him, knowing that soon he will just close up and enter his SANCTUARY and find relief and ecstasy with HY. Slowly he can extend the time period of his daily SANCTUARY, and even make a second time in the day as a SANCTUARY, until he can slowly completely take a hold of even the events that take place outside of his SANCTUARY, finding how to deal with them from his safe spot, from where he knows how to control and direct, he can start to deal with his daily challenges. First and foremost he will be able to begin to pray the set daily prayers with his new found personal domination, and thus he will gain new SANCTUARY islands in the day, and build up his kingdom. Until eventually he will reign B”H over the whole day.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

Please be with me

Nanach kills the falsehood

Every fall is in order to rise higher

Nanach on the Torah - References to all the original Breslov Torah on this weeks Torah portion of Shemoas


Nanach on the Torah (just the references) for this weeks Torah Portion - Parshas Shemoas


Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

What demons? The Rambam paskened that they do not exist!


Last night at the Rambam's shrine, in honor of his hilula, we had a little snack as is customary, and in our little get together we talked of a certain Nanach who had done some major segufim (self flagellation) until he began to see some of the demons that accompany people, and he began to refuse to have any dealings therefore with many people. In the middle of this one of the Nanach pointed out that the Rambam wrote that there are no such thing as demons! So I told them what is said in the name of the Vilna Gaon that obviously the Rambam did not deny the existence of demons, what he wrote was a halachic edict, a halacha of the revealed Torah to establish that no demon could have any appearance or status in the revealed world. So in the merit of the Rambam may our friend be spared the visions of the demons....

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

Don't be a slave just for a piece of bread

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Right at the door to holiness do whatever it takes to break through

Daas - Realization of Knowledge - of the Evil Realm


The holy Zohar says that the evil realm is castrated (/impotent, sterile) and can not produce offspring. However we do find in scriptures children attributed to the evil, as in e.g. Psalms (37:28) The children of the wicked are cut off, the Ramchal says in Adir Bamurom that this means that even though they have children, the children are not viable, and will not live. Rabbainu revealed in Likutay Moharan (volume 2, Torah 37) that a person who isn't holy and just chases after his desires, and leaves his wealth to his children, is likened to a person that defecates on himself and cleans the feces with more feces, for his children are really the aspect of feces GF, because they come from the superfluous waste of his brain, and are just like the vanity of his wealth, likened to excrement GF, see there. Thus we see that the children born to the wicked are an aspect of void. Like the holy Zohar says about the people that study Torah without purity that they create heavens and earths of void GF. That means that their conjugation is like they are relieving themselves on their partners, and in fact today there is a sick fe*ish k*nk for such a thing, because in reality that is what all of p*rn*graphy is – and even knowing this will not help those stuck in it's putrid disgusting grip, as explained in the Words of Rabbi Nachman (Sichos Huran 304), and therefore it is better not to even talk of it at all.

When I was in Uman a little while ago I was shmoozing with this kid, and I was explaining to him the concept that daas (realization of knowledge) is only for the good, because in the realm of evil there is nor real unity in conjugation, which is what daas is – the unification of Chuchma (wisdom-father) and Beena (understanding-mother). And after our whole talk the kid says let's see what Rabbainu says, and he opens a Likutay Moharan straight to Torah 43, where Rabbainu says, “know that there is daas of klipa (evil husks-forces)….” That was like hitting a brick wall. Even still it would seem that Rabbainu is not coming to dispute what is explained in the holy books that the daas of the klipa is simply a collection of the the chusudim (kindnesses- from the side of chuchmu) and givooroas (mights – from the side of wisdom) and does not have any unifying or cumulative power from the two sides. And the bar daas (-one possessing daas) that Rabbainu talks about there, would be someone who produces such offspring as described above – that are in reality void.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Seven billion friends in the world of Nanach

Tell Yosef Please Forgive Your Brothers- כה תאמרו ליוסף אנא שא נא פשע אחיך

HH this weeks Torah Portion of Va-yichey!

פרשת ויחי - כסות בסות נ נח!


ויחי מט:יא ובדם ענבים סותו (ובתורה כתיב סותה) – התרגום של סותו הוא "כסותה" – וכבר כתבנו שכסותה (שכך כתוב בתורה והקרי כסותו) הוא סוד תיקון הברית ובסוד לבוש הנשמה, והוא בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. והנה סותו – בגמטריא יז בתמוז (היום שסבא קיבל הפתק הקדוש שבו גילה רבינו שהוא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן)!

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

What is Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman?!

רבונו של עולם - אבא רחמן


שיחות הר"ן ה' שהעיקר הוא יראת העונש, וכבר הארכנו ב"ה בלקוטי נ נח, בענין יראת העונש נגד יראת הרוממות, ועדיין יש לעיין למה יראת הענש ולא מדת האהבה, והיום דייקא רואים כמעט שבכלל אין לנו מושג של יראה, כי ב"ה אין היום כל כך מורא של מלכות וכדומה, ואיש הישר בעיניו עושה חפשי, והיה נראה מזה, וכן כמה כבר באו למסקנה - שתוך האוירא כזו העיקר הוא מדת האהבת השם יתברך, שבעיקר זה מה שימשך את האדם לעבודתו יתברך, ולאט לאט בעזה"י הוא ירכיש את היראה. וי"ל שכיון שרבינו קבע שהעיקר הוא היראה, אז כן הוא באמת, וצריכים לשלוח את כל החכמות והדעות שלנו, אפילו מה שאנו רואים בחוש כנ"ל, ולקבל שבאמת זה מה שקובע היראת העונש, אפילו אם מהחוץ נראה כל כך יפה מדת האהבה בפעולה, צריכים להבין שזה הכל חיצוני, ומה שבאמת קובע הוא שיש בפנים עוד יותר גרין וטיפה של יראה וזה מה שבאמת פועל. ועיין גם בלקוטי מוהר"ן תורה ה', שהעיקר הוא היראה, ושע"י בא האהבה, כי דרכו של איש וכו' ע"ש.

ונראה לעניות דעתי, שכמה דיבורים של רבינו וכן הוא בכל התפילות של רבי נתן, שקוראים להשם יתברך "רבונו של עולם" הרי זה בנוי על יסוד דברי רבינו כאן שהעיקר הוא היראה. ולכן כל פעם קוראים להשם יתברך בשמו הזה שהוא רבונו של עולם שצריכים ליראה מלפניו. ואע"פ שבעולם החסידי כבר מאד התחילו לקרוא להשם יתברך בשם "הילגע רחמים (רחום קדוש)” - כדי שכל פעם יעוררו את רחמי השם יתברך ולא מדת הדין, עם כל זה בברסלב לא נטו אחריהם, והחזיקו בעיקר ב"ריבונו של עולם".

אכן יתכן מאד, שכל זה לפי הדרך של התורה שרבינו הנחיל לנו ומסר לנו דרך רבי נתן, אבל לא כן היה דרכו עם המשכילים שהיה משחק איתם, הרי לכאורה כאן על כרחך זה היה הכל בבחי' ימין מקרב, בחי' חסדים גדולים ורחמים. ולפי מה שכתבנו שבקבלת הפתק הקדוש סבא ישראל קיבל מרבינו את הדרך הזה איך שרבינו היה מנהל ומתנהג עם המשכילים, שהיום בעוה"ר ומחמת עונות הדור ומה שהולך בכל העולם כולנו כמעט נתפס בבחינה זו השם ירחם, אז יתכן שהעיקר בדרך זו הוא מדת האהבה (-וכן אם כן יראת הרוממות יותר מתאים, כמובא בספרים הקדושים שיראת הרוממות הוא בבחי' אהבה).

ולפי זה, גם עיקר השם, מה שקוראים להשם יתברך בתפלה, יש לבחור שם של מדת רחמים, ובאמת הרבה פעמים בשיחות של סבא הוא קורא להשם יתברך "אבא" וקורא "אבא רחם עלי" – מה שלא מצאתי כזה בכל הלקוטי תפילות שהיה שגור מאד בפי סבא כל חייו. ובודאי מזה אל נניח ידינו חס ושלום מלקרוא ולצעוק את כל הלקוטי תפילות ימים ולילות בלי הרף, אבל כבר יש לנו גם כן דרך בהתבודדות שלנו ובשיחות שלנו לקרוא להשם יתברך בשמות של רחמים.

כן נראה לעניות דעתי, והשם יתברך יכפר בעדי אם שגיתי, וכל ערום יעשה בדעת, בביטול דעתו לרבינו הקדוש שכל התפילות הוא מעלה ובונה מהם את בית המקדש אתר השכינה הקדושה.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

נחמנים בני נחמנים

אחד מהסימנים של אומה היהודי (יבמות עט.) שהם ביישנין - בישן זה ראשי תיבות נחמן בן שמחה ישראל בער.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

נתנו רשעים פח לי ומפקדיך לא תעיתי

בתהלים (קיט:קי) נתנו רשעים פח לי ומפקדיך לא תעיתי. אות נ' של התמני אנפי, והשבירה והנפילה באות נ' כידוע. ודרכו זוכים לאור העינים כמבואר בתורה א' של לקוטי מוהר"ן ובבחי' הכתוב פה, נר לרגלי דבריך ואור לנתיבתי.
הר"ת של נתנו רשעים פח, פרן.... וע' ברש"י (בבא מציעא, דף כג:ב ד"ה שלא שבעתן) שכז"ל אנפוריא נוטריקון אין פה ראיה, עכ"ל (וידוע שהא' יכול ליפול מהתיבה כמש"כ רש"י עה"ת בכמה מקומות. וע' בפירוש רבינו עבדיא מברטנורה שם - משנה ראשנו של ב"מ על זה שאמר רבי שמעון בן אלעזר שלא צריכים להכריז אבידה של כלי אנפוריא ז"ל כלים חדשים שלא שבעתן העין ואין לבעלים בהם טביעת עין... ואכמ"ל)!!! וזה ממש היפוך הבחינה של עפרן החיתי - ע' פרן, בגמטריא עי"ן ר"ע!
והתיקון נראה בגמטריא של פר"ן = ש"ל, בחינת (שמות ג:ה) של נעלך מעל רגליך, וזה היה כאשר משה רבינו היה 'סר לראות', העצה הוא של נעלך שמבואר בספרים הקדושים הוא התפשטות הגשמיות. [ויש לומר בזה ענין של פלטי בן לי"ש, שאף שלא נגע במיכל נהנה בעיניו, והיה צריך להתגלגל בר' מתיה בן חרש שסימא את עיניו לא לראות את האשה יפה שהשטן הציעה לפניו, כי הוא פלטי נפלט אבל עדיין היה בחי' יש, וצריכים ש"ל, לשלול את הגוף לגמרי ולהעלות את האהבה כדלקמן).
ויוסף שקיים את זה, כמש"כ וינח בגדו, שמבואר בספרים הקדושים שהוא פשט את גופו, אצל אשת פוטי פר"ע - ע' פרן (כי 'ן' הוא תוספת להקטין כידוע). זכה לבחינת בן פר"ת יוסף בן פר"ת עלי עין בנות צעדה עלי שור.

והנה לא מספיק בהתפשטות הגשמיות אלא שצריכים להעלות את האהבה נפולה למקומה ולעסוק בתיקון השדה ליחד קב"ה ושכינתיה. וזה מש"כ ומפקדיך לא תעיתי, כי ענין פקודים, מלשון פקידה, שהזכר פוקד את הנקבה. כי יוסף הצדיק נפל והפילו לפח בהיותו תעה בשדה (וישב לז:טו – וע”ש וימצאהו איש, ופרש”י זה גבריאל, וע' בשבחי הר”ן יח, ובחיי מוהר”ן תרד, שרק מי שאין לו שום הרהורים על אישה לא יפחד ממלאך), שביקש לתקן את השדה, ולא יצא נקי עד שהביא את מנשה ואפרי"ם לעולם ויעקב אבינו שכל את ידיו לברך את אפרי"ם בימינו. והנה בריש פרשת אלה פקודי המשכן משכן העדות, איתא בזוהר ז"ל תא חזי בשעתא דאמר ליה קב"ה למשה עביד משכנא, הוה קאים משה תוהא, דלא ידע מה למעבד, עד דאחזי ליה קב"ה בעינא כמה דכתיב (שמות כה:מ) וראה ועשה בתבניתם אשר אתה מראה בהר. והיה ממש צריך לראות, וזה בחי' עדות ביהוסף כדאיתא שם, שצריכים שבטי י"ה עדות בעינים, והעינים של הצדיק מתקנים דם נדה (תורה כט), אשר פקד משה, בחי' יחוד קב"ה ושכינתיה.