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Monday, December 11, 2017

Trump, Jerusalem, Rabbainu Nachman


It is interesting to note how the media is so fascinated by the beverages consumed by President Donald Trump (yesterday CNN aired how he drinks 12 diet cokes daily - making this more newsworthy than the arab suicide bomber who blew himself up in the New York subway).

In the Book of Nehemiah we find that Nehemiah was the "saar hamashkeh (cupbearer?)" to the king of Persia. Nehemiah, while attending to the King's beverages, gained the King's permission, backing and support, and confidence to rebuild Jerusalem. Nehemiah then proceeded to do just that. Nehemiah is a name very similar to Nachman, and we find (Nehemiah 2:15) that he was empowered by the esoteric aspect of "Nachal (stream)" which is the aspect of Rabbi Nachman. Rabbi Nachman  is also the master of the unique inimitable unparalleled "Hungarian Wine" (as Hungary is grappling whether or not to fully recognize Jerusalem).
(According to the latest conspiracy theories, Catcher in the Rye- the rye is not referring to grass but to whisky!!!)

Recently as the movement to bring the holy tomb of Rabbi Nachman to Jerusalem gained momentum, and received wide coverage in the media, shortly thereafter President Trump went through with full recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This is a harbinger B"H to the actual bringing of the holy tomb to Jerusalem, which will initiate a true rebuilding of Jerusalem so desperately needed like in the time of Nehemiah!

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

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