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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Israel Independence Day

HH Israel Independence Day, some people are rejoicing and celebrating others are mourning.... So here by the holy tomb of Rabbi Akiva (who was tortured to death on Yom Kippur) we decided to read from the Torah the reading of Yom Kippur which on the one hand is a very serious day of fasting and atonement and on the other was one of the most joyous days of the year (talmud taanis 31). The idea caught on, and now all the synagogues read today the Torah reading of Yom Kippur!
Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman


NaaNaach said...

גם ביום כיפור כתוב בעצם היום הזה, ובחז"ל מדברים על עיצומו של יום כיפור, בחי' עצמאות. נ נח

MC said...

Not "all" the synagogues - in Chu"l we're still in Tazria-Metzora!


Leshana Habo'oh Bi'Yerushalayim

NaaNaach said...

HH after I posted this it occurred to me that in chul they would be be behind, but I figured I was still good... BH, at least someone was paying attention...