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Saturday, June 30, 2018

תורת אזמרה - תורה רפ"ב - מבואר בפירוש על פי הרמח"ל!


אחד מהתורות הכי יסודי של רבינו הקדוש, למצוא נקודה טובה בכל יהודי ולהתיחס אליו רק דרך אותו נקודה טובה ועל ידי זה הכל יתהפך לטובה. וכן מבואר שם ובהנוגע לתורה זו שרבינו אמר שלא יתכן אפילו בהרשע הכי גדול, כל זמן ששם ישראל נקרא עליו, שלא ימצא בו איזה נקודה טובה.
ונשאר קצת להבין את זה, איך באמת יכולים להפוך הכל לטובה רק על ידי נקודה טובה קטנטנה? ועוד הרי הרשע שאין לו אלא איזה נקודה טובה, אפילו אם נתחזק מאד אותה נקודה טובה, אין לו עוד כלום טוב לעמוד בעדו, אז כמה זה יכול לעזור לו באמת?

אז הרמח"ל מסביר שבעצם נשמת ישראל הוא ממש טוב כחלק ממחויב המציאות הטוב (ע' לקוטי מוהר"ן תורה נב), אלא שהם מנותקים משורשם, וכל מיני רע נספח עליהם ומונע אותם ומבדיל אותם משרשם, וכל אחד יש לו הנקודות טובות שהן הם שרשו בטוב, רק שצריכים לקשר את הטוב ההוא לשרשו, ואז הכל מתוקן. נמצא שלא צריכים רק לקשר אותו, הנקודות טובות שלו לשרשן בקדושה, אז ממילא הוא כבר מתוקן לגמרי, כי הרע כבר בטל לגמרי, כי לא היה יכול רק לעכב אותו, והוא כבר מקושר בטח. כך הבנתי דבריו לעת עתה. וזה כמו חולה שסובל כל מיני מחלות, וצריכים רק לקשר אותו לשים בדם שלו מה שהוא צריך, וממילא חיו יחיה, ויבריא, ויתחזק, וכל המחלות יפלו ויתעלמו.

והנה אביא כאן כל דברי הרמח"ל בשלימותם.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Virtue of Saying Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman 66-72 (end at least for the time being)


The Torah of Rabbainu, this is Messiah, and more and more and more, “A novelty such as I has never yet been in the world (The Life of Our Leader Rabbi Nachman 247).” We merited to hear the likes of this.

[Visitor: Rabbi Yisroel, What is the name of Messiah? What is the name of Messiah?] Ah? I don’t have strength to speak, let me be. [Visitor: Rabbi Yisroel, the name of Messiah is “Nachman”, or “Na Nach Nachma Nachman”?] “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman.” [Visitor: This is the name of Messiah?] Yes, this is the name of Rabbainu, and all the tzadikim (-including the Messiah) are included in this name, all the Torah, and all the tzadikim, and all… and everything [Visitor: of all the generations?] all the generations.
(Tape 62a)

“Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” this (it) includes the creation of the whole world, and all the Torah and all the tzadikim, yes, in this is included all the Torah and all the tzadikim, and all the wonders, and all the wondrous lights, yes, this is already, Baruch Hashem, he is in this world, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman.”
(Tape 29b)

“Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman.” When they accompany/bring the groom and the bride from the chupa (-wedding canopy), they should sing this melody. [Visitor: Yes?] Yes! It will be so beautiful!
(Sichos Saba 25)

It will be everywhere, and in all the streets, everywhere they will sing, “Na Nach,” yes. A new song.
(Sichos Saba 25)

This is the melody that is new, this is (of/) Rabbainu’s on Rosh Hashana, “Hashem is King/reigns, Hashem reigned, Hashem will reign forever and ever (morning prayers and elsewhere),” this, this is it, this melody. So he informs: “Hashem is King/reigns, Hashem reigned, Hashem will reign forever and ever,” this is the melody. (Saba laughs).
(Sichos Saba 25)

[Visitor: Is this good for the nation of Israel to say or to sing this name, “Na Nach”?] Yes! Yes! Yes! [Visitor: This hastens the redemption, that they say or sing his name?]
Yes! Yes! Just that his name should be publicized in the whole world, and this is his name – “Na Nach,” this is the essence, this (it) includes in it the entire redemption, and all the salvations are included in this name. Because the fundamental is contingent on Rabbainu, yes, the main redemption, the essential coming of the Messiah is contingent on the drawing close to the tzadikim (-Sefer Hamidos – published as “Character” entry of Tzadik 151), that the world should know that there are such tzadikim, Rabbainu and his disciples, Rabbainu Hakadoash and his men, this (is) the main redemption is contingent upon, this is permissible to make known and to publicize to the entire nation of Israel, yes.

Until now it was not possible to speak of this, because the world did not want to draw close, but now, even now the way that we are, if we draw close to Rabbainu, Rabbi Nachman, then there will be… Messiah will come and there will be the redemption, and there will be such miracles and wonders that were never in history! Yes, more wonders/wondrous from the exodus from Egypt, and for all the miracles that are in the Torah[1]!

There will be a time that the whole world will sing “Na Nach,” yes, in all the market places, everywhere, wherever one goes, with melody, with “Na Nach,” because all the melodies go well with “Na Nach,” all the melodies (that are) in the world. (Saba laughs).
(Tape 77b)

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

[1] See Brachos 12b-13, Zohar Shemos pg. 9, and Likutay Halachos, Yoreh Daya 2, Laws of a Firstborn of a Kosher Animal 4:25.



עקד, זה קשור, העקידה הוא זכות ענקית במה שאברהם אבינו עקד את יצחק בנו, ועקד את השם יתברך לעם ישראל, קודשא בריך הוא לכנסת ישראל.

עקד בגמטריא הוי"ה נחמן. עקידה - י-ה, הוי"ה נחמן.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

The Virtue of Saying Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman 51-65


This is a universal Melody, a universal Melody, "Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman," this is, "It is a big mitzvah (-good deed) to be happy always," so the whole world sings this, the entire world, even the Gentiles sing this. (Saba laughs) He gives life, and renews, and rectifies all of Israel, when Messiah comes there will be a new world, not the world that is now, there will be a new world!
(Tape 23b)

All the soldiers, those who go to war and into a dangerous place, and there is danger, they should say just, "Na Nach."
(Sichos Saba 22:4)

The whole world loves Rabbi Nachman, and they praised and say: "Such a sage has never yet been in the world, such radiance of wisdom has never yet been revealed in the world." Now it will be revealed, there will be a new world.

This is a Torah (-holy teaching) of Rabbainu Hakadosh, he revealed that he is "Nachman," this is the explanation: "Nachman" is "Na Nach Nachma Nachman" - the apex of perfection.

[Visitor: Who is "Na Nach" Saba?] "Na Nach Nachman," Rabbainu Hakadosh revealed that he is (this) "Nachman," what is "Nachman"?

He revealed this, there was never yet any revelation of this in the world, now he himself revealed who he is, (he) is "Na Nach Nachma Nachman," that's him/it.

This is - no tzadik revealed this, no (excerpt from the) Talmud, just Rabbainu Hakadoash himself, he revealed this, that he is “Nachman,” “Na Nach Nachma Nachman.”
(Tape 68b)

By him there are all the cures for us, and all the salvations that we need, instantly, just (with) faith, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman” is replete with all the Torah, and the healings, and all the salvations!
(Tape 28b)

It is necessary that the whole world will be filled with “Na Nach,” every door. There’s a door? “Na Nach!” [Visitor: Good, and every car as well?] Ah, every car? [visitor: also?] yes.
(Tape 37b)

“Na Nach” – a song, a melody, such a melody, that it can turn the whole world around to Hashem Yisburach.
(Tape 104a)

[Visitor: But Saul says that they read the Petek, and they ask, “What is this? What is this?”] This, every/any one can answer this: This is Rabbainu revealing that he is this song, that will turn the whole world around to Hashem Yisburach, to the Torah. “Na Nach” – single (pashoot), double (cafool), triple (mishoolush), quadruple (miroovuh). “Na” with a patach (-a Hebrew vowel in the form of a horizontal line under the consonant) – “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman.” And also “MayUman (from Uman),” this isn’t regular: The world knows “Breslov,” “Rabbi Nachman of Breslov,” but in the Petek it is written “MayUman (-from Uman)” – “From Uman,” this is the explanation, that it was written and signed in Uman.

[Visitor: Does this have more intentions, Rabbi Yisroel?] Ah? [“And the redeemer will come to Zion (-Zion is also a reference to the marking of a holy tomb, most notably that of Rabbainu’s)(Isaiah 59:20 and in the daily services)”] “And a redeemer will come to Zion…” to the tzion (-marking of a holy tomb) of Rabbainu in Uman, the redeemer will also come! [Visitor: Because of this, this is “From Uman”] “MayUman (-from Uman),” yes, from the place where he is, yes, “from Uman.”
(Sichos Saba 22:2)

[Saba sings “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman”] He will give cures to all the severely sick, that are beyond help, then they will be healed immediately.
(Tape 82a)

Just the melody “Na Nach,” this, the whole world comes for a rectification, already the whole world is in a complete rectification.

The entire way I prayed for you and I sang the tune “Na Nach.”
(Tape 23)

In the time of the redemption there will be completely new (events/phenomena/news), and Rabbi Nachman is everything, all the Torah, all the wisdom, whoever learns some matter of Rabbi Nachman, he will be completely abnegated. “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” this is the whole world, this is the whole Torah and all the wisdoms.
(Tape 73b)

I was already in the hand of the Angel of Death, he doesn’t (-didn’t) want to release me, but I sang “Na Nach,” so this killed him, he fled, he fled. (Saba laughs). I was close to death not (just) once, and I had not hope of living, and Baruch (-Blessed, Thank) Hashem, Rabbainu Hakadoash resuscitated me, and extricated me from everything, yes.
(Tape 23b)

Noo (a Yiddish prompt), do you feel better? [Visitor: Yes, I already feel better] Yes? [visitor: yes] “Na Nach,” then everything is good!
(Tape 23b)

[Saba and the friends sing] “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman.” (Saba laughs) What? What do you (plural) think? It is over?! It is still not finished! (Saba sings) “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman”… [Visitor: This is a song without bounds, a song that renews each time! It renews all the time this song!] Yes! Every day and every night! [Visitor: This is a new song! Every day new!] Yes. (Saba laughs).
(Sichos Saba 28b)

“Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman” he will drive the whole world crazy.
(Tape 10b)

Sleep?! It is forbidden to sleep! Because they need to sing “Na Nach.” He doesn’t let sleep! (Saba laughs).
(Sichos Saba 38)

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

פרשת בלק

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

סבא והזבוב

אליהו חביב ראה סבא כאשר היה זקן מאד, והיו שם  הרבה חברים, ואליהו הסתכל מרחוק. וראה שזבוב ירד על מצחו, וסבא הושיט ידו ולקח את הזבוב בין אצבעותיו ושם אותו על הרצפה, והזבוב נשאר שם מת.
נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

The Virtue of Saying Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman 41-50


Rabbainu Hakadosh reveals to us here that he is the main thing, he reveals this to the whole world, (also) to the Jews and also to gentiles and also to the whole world: “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman.” And someone who says this, he grasps, he enters the root of the creation, this is the root of the Torah, of the entire creation. “Na Nach,” this is single (pashoot), double (cafool), triple (mishoolush), quadruple (miroovuh), “Na Nach,” and also it has in it ten letters, this is the ten types of melody which he revealed for rectifying the defection of the bris (-circumcision, covenant), ten letters is (-are) ten types of melody and the song which is single (pashoot), double (cafool), triple (mishoolush), quadruple (miroovuh) together, yes.
(Sichos Saba 12:6)

Just to mention the name of Rabbainu, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman” – this is sufficient! All the cures are here, this is everything. The gentiles will worry, they have what to worry about, but we, we don’t have to worry. “What? Broken? I can fix (him/it) immediately, to make (him/it) new!” (Saba laughs).
(Tape 28b)

And now we have already Rabbainu Hakadosh, it has already been revealed in the world that there is Rabbainu Hakadosh, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” this Rabbainu revealed, he is greater and higher than everything, there has never yet been such a novelty, wonders such as these have never yet been in the world, just now in the time of redemption Rabbainu began to be revealed in the world.
(Tape 44a)

[Visitor: If I say, “Na Nach” for him, it is beneficial?] Yes. Just to mention Rabbainu o.b.m.’s name, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” this is a mitigation, and this (it) heals, and strengthens, and renews the whole world, this is just with one word (/statement)!
(Tape 701a)

He should say, “Na Nach,” this is a cure, and atonement, and everything, this is the entire Torah, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” this is the whole entire Torah, included in this are all the tzadikim and the whole Torah.
(Tape 44a)

[Visitor: How many times a day is it necessary to say, “Na Nach”?] Constantly, without end and without bounds, without limit, without end. [All the time?] Yes, “Na Nach” is, it has power, it opens all the gates, all the gates of mercy, all the gates of prayer, all the gates of repentance, all the Torah!
(Tape 75b)

And also if there is difficulty giving birth, and there is no choice, then the doctors tell the woman giving birth,  they say (to her) that she should say, “Na Nach,” he repeats this, he teaches them how to say (it). (Saba laughs).
(Sichos Saba 28a)

There was a miracle, a gentile woman, a woman went into labor, to give birth, so the child didn’t want to come out, yes, so there was a Jewish woman there, she told her (the woman in labor): “Say ‘Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman’,” and she said it, and immediately the child was born.
(Tape 65b)

“Na Nach,” then everything is good, just “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” this is everything, all the Torah, and all of Israel, and everything, all the cures and all the salvations, everything in one word (/statement).
(Tape 77b)

[Visitor: But today a Jew on the street who wants to draw close to Rabbainu but doesn’t know a book of the Torah and doesn’t know anything] noo (-Yiddish prompt – so, get to the point) [Is this for him, to draw close to Rabbainu through the mentioning of his name, what is written in the Petek, will this open (things) for him, help him to draw close to the tzadik?]
Yes, yes, yes, (that) he should mention in all times of distress, and at all times, and at every hour: “Na Nach,” (that) he should sing this, and (that) he should be happy! Yes. This is an easy thing, and this is the fundamental of everything, because the main thing is Rabbainu, Rabbi Nachman. “Na Nach Nachma Nachman,” this is “single (pashoot), double (cafool), triple (mishoolush), quadruple (miroovuh),” and this (set of) ten letters is (the embodiment) of the ten types of melodies which he revealed, everything is contingent on this, the entire redemption. Just to say in the morning, “Na Nach,” verbally, “Na Nach,” to sing happily, yes, “Na Nach.” And through this everyone will be drawn to Rabbainu, and this is the main redemption, the main redemption is Rabbainu. This name: “Na Nach,” this is the main redemption, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” on this is contingent all… the main redemption. And this is propitious (-a segula) for everyone, in general and in particular, everyone should pray and say verbally: “In the merit of, the merit of Rabbainu Hakadosh should protect (over) us and (over) all of Israel, the merit of: ‘Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman’.” Yes.
(Sichos Saba 27)

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

יש נאה דורש ואף על פי כן אינו מכוון אל האמת! שיר של נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

כל ישראל יש להם חלק לעולם על ידי נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן


במשנה ראש פרק חלק (מסכת סנהדרין פרק י', וכן מובא לפני כל פרק בפרקי אבות): כל ישראל יש להם חלק לעולם הבא שנאמר (ישעיה ס)  ועמך כלם צדיקים לעולם ירשו ארץ נצר מטעי מעשה ידי להתפאר, ע"כ.

מעשה - "ידי להתפאר" עם האותיות בגמטריא רבנו נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן - מעשה של רבינו!

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

הצלה מהיצר הרע על ידי מלאכים?


בתהלים פרק צא, יושב בסתר עליון...

(יא) כִּ֣י מַ֭לְאָכָיו יְצַוֶּה-לָּ֑ךְ לִ֝שְׁמָרְךָ֗ בְּכָל-דְּרָכֶֽיךָ: אֲרוּם מַלְאֲכוֹי יְפַקֵד עֲלָךְ לְמִטְרִינָךְ בְּכָל אוֹרְחָתֵךְ : (יב) עַל-כַּפַּ֥יִם יִשָּׂא֑וּנְךָ פֶּן-תִּגֹּ֖ף בָּאֶ֣בֶן רַגְלֶֽךָ: עַל תּוּקְפֵיהוֹן יִטְלוּנָךְ דִלְמָא תַתְקֵל בְּיִצְרָא בִישָׁא דִמְתִיל לְאַבְנֵי רִגְלָךְ :
היינו שהתרגום מפרש שהמלאכים נפקדים לשמור אותו (את שלמה, ראה שם לעיל) בכל אורחותיו, ועל תוקף שלהם הוא יהיה נוטל שמא יהיה נתקל ביצר הרע הנמשל לאבני רגל - מוקשים.

וצריך עיון איזה שמירה המלאכים יתנו נגד היצר הרע, כי הרי הבחירה חפשית, וזה עבודתו של היצר הרע להסית ולפתות בני אדם לחטוא, אז איך יכנסו מלאכים לתמונה להגן בעדו.

אכן באמת על ידי תפילה בודאי יכולים לדחות את היצר הרע, וכן מצות מגינים נגד היצר הרע, וכל שכן תורה, אז יתכן שהדרך שעל ידי התורה, או מצות, או תפילה שהאדם ניצל מהיצר הרע, אינו דוקא שהשם יתברך מרחיק או מחליש את היצר הרע, אלא ששולח מלאכים לעזרתו, והרי היצר הרע יעמוד בתקפו, אבל האדם יהיה לו יותר תקיפות נגדו.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

The Virtue of Saying Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman 27-40


And here in the Petek, Rabbainu reveals explicitly, with total clarity to the entire world: “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman – that I am this song, come to me and be made into a man, exit from animal to man!” This is the root of the entire creation, of the Torah, of everything! This is the root of everything, the root of the Torah, and the root of the entire creation, and the root of our souls, and the root of everything. The root of all the tzadikim and all of the Torah. Just in this word, “Na Nach,” in this is included… “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” and this isn’t known….

… So we entering, bonding to the root of the entire creation, yes, and wondrous things result, and this is propitious (-a segula) to… if a rectification is done in a person, if a person rectifies himself, then different matters are done with the (desire for) money and the (bodily) desires, one exits from the (bodily) desires and from the sins, and enters… this is the root of the entire creation, and if one says just this name, in this is included the entire Torah, and the entire creation, and all humanity, in just this: “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman.”

This I didn’t know, sixty years I didn’t know about this, and after sixty years Hashem Yisburach brought about, and illuminated to me: “What?! You don’t know?! ‘Na Nach’, Do you know what ‘Na Nach’ is? – This is single (pashoot), double (cufool)….”

And it will turn around, supernaturally, the entire world will be turned around and there will be made from everyone… people from all the animals.[1]
(Sichos Saba 12:6)

[Visitor: And the “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” this is for the whole world, for the gentiles as well? To say this, this helps?] Yes, yes. This is a segula (-propitious), this is a segula for all the salvations. Just he speaks… we see that there are in the world incantations that are whispered on a wound, on a burn, and this is a matter of[2]…. This is something easy to say, “Na Nach,” and this helps in every time of distress and at all times. And it is necessary… it is good to mention this name, when doing so one enters into the root of the creation, to Hashem Yisburach. Rabbainu Hakadosh, his main occupation is to bring us into Hashem Yisburach, to the Torah, that is his main avoaduh (-occupation, devotion).
(Sichos Saba 12:6)

Just to mention the name “Nachman MayUman (Nachman from Uman),” and this mitigates all the hardships, and all the sins, and all the heresy in the world, for it is such a power, a new power that never was ever!
(Tape 27a)

When one believes and mentions this holy name, this sweetens all… everything, all the sins, and all the heresy, and all the fallings, yes, he renews, renews! New! He makes us completely new!

Just to say, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” this is sufficient for us, to heal us, to give us vitality, to renew us.
(Tape 27a)

To say just, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” this is sufficient to destroy the entire sitra achruh (-other side, i.e. the evil realm), all the darkness. And this is a completely new construct that Rabbainu Hakados merited (to this), in this name is alluded everything that transpires over each and every one of Israel, and he turns everything around to good!
(Tape 27a)

If there is Heaven forbid some sort of ailment, something not good, then immediately you should say this holy name, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” shoyn (-it’s already (enough, taken care of))! It redeems, he reverses everything, everything, all the heresies, and all the sins, and all… he reverses.
(Tape 27a)

It doesn’t cost money, it doesn’t cost, it is like prepared, ready and prepared, yes. Just to mention this name, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman” – it is sufficient! He turns everything around, all the sins, and all the (intentional) transgressions, and all the evil, he turns everything around to the good! It there is by you Heaven forbid, on a person, something not good, it will be turned around to the good! “Na Nach,” immediately, immediately he should say, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman  MayUman!” Shoyn (-it’s already (sufficient))! He, he already turns everything around!
(Tape 27a)

This is in an automatic way, just mentioning the name, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” this works automatically, he turns everything around for the good, all the evil, and all the sins, and all the heresies, and everything, he turns everything around.

Do not forget this, this should always be on your conscious, in your heart, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” he turns everything around! Turns around, turns around!
(Tape 27a)

Just to mention, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” that’s it, with this there is everything, everything good (“kul toov”), all… it sweetens everything! It turns (everything) around, turns around, and turns (everything) around!
(Tape 27a)

We are fortunate that we are Jews and we mention the name, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” it turns everything around, everything, it turns everything around, just for the good! It renews everything and turns everything around.

If one is suffering/burdened, immediately: “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” yes, this (it) turns everything around!
(Tape 27a)

“Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” this (it) makes everything new! It is new, and it makes everything new!

Truth like this is not in the world! Light such as this is not in the world! This is above everything, above the entire Torah, above all, above everything! Yes. In any event you have with what to strengthen yourself and to renew yourself completely… New! New! (Saba laughs) And he makes us, we are very broken, and he makes everything complete, new! He makes anew!
(Tape 27a)

He will rectify the whole world with his name: “Na Nach,” this is sufficient for the entire world.
(Tape 12a)

This name is all the Torah, and all the wisdom, and all the fear (of Heaven), and all… everything. [Visitor: And this makes a mitigation, this mitigates the judgments?] Certainly, every word (it) splits/pierces firmaments, it makes rectifications the likes of which never were ever, from the day of the creation of the world there was not a thing like this!
(Tape 51a)

Many people see awesome wonders, sick people who have not any hope, and they were cured through this Petek – they said, “Na Nach.”
(Sichos Saba 39 – made into a song on the Youtube: The Kamaya is a Major Thing:

[1] See Likutay Moharan volume 2 Torah 7 that as long as people don’t have da’as (-holy realization of knowledge) and don’t know and feel His Divinity blessed He, and His dominion, they are not at all in the classification of people, since they don’t have da’as (-holy realization of knowledge) to know Hashem which is the main parameter of man, and therefore the world is considered to be in a state of void and oblivion etc..
[2] Strictly forbidden, see the Mishna in Sanhedrin 10:1.

The Kumaya Is A Major Thing

Monday, June 25, 2018

The Virtues of Saying Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman 20-26


And Rabbi Nachman he is our root and (the root) of the entire world, in him and in his name, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman,” this is the root of the entire creation, of the entire Torah, of everything, and this is propitious (-a segula) for everything, to return in repentance….[1]
(Tape 10b)

The main thing is Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman. This is something easy to say, and when one says, “Na Nach,” then he is grasping (/upholding) onto the root of the entire creation, and of the entire Torah, and off all the tzadikim, yes, one enters a different world! Just when mentioning the name of Rabbainu, Rabbi Nachman, and like this, like it is signed in the signature of this Petek: “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” yes.
(Sichos Saba 12:6)

I and my friends saw many miracles from this holy name: Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman.
(Sichos Saba 13:10)

Just this, to say verbally this name, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” this sweetens all the hardships, and all the judgments, and all the transgressions, and all the heresy, and all… everything! It turns everything around![2]
(Tape 27a)

Rabbainu Hakadosh revealed that his name is “Nachman.” “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” this turns around all the sins, and all the heresy, and all the (intentional) transgressions, and everything not good, it turns around to be good!

This never ever was, this is completely new, what Rabbainu Hakadosh attained/conceived (this), and his name, “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman,” This mitigates, and nullifies, and pulverizes all the evil, all the sins, all the sins and the (intentional) transgressions, it turns everything around for the good!
(Tape 27a)

It is necessary to go with musical instruments, and to sing/play for everyone so that they know: “Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman.” “What? Why are you (plural) sleeping?” (Saba laughs). [visitor: Saba, but they will say that we are crazy] It is necessary to give them oil/ointment… oil for the eyes, they will all ask: “We want to sleep, what is this?!” (Saba laughs) No sleeping!
(Tape 17a)

It is a melody that is propitious (-a segula) to heal all maladies. This melody, do you (plural) know what the melody is? “Na Nach.” (Saba laughs). That’s it! They will be amazed: “What is this?” They see with their (very own) eyes, this is such an illness that has no healing, this is cancer, such a cancer that… (Saba laughs), and Rabbainu Hakadosh says that it should depart – so it starts to go! And afterwards they say: “What is this? Who? What? What happened? Where did it go?” – I ask as well about my evil inclination (yetzer hura): “Where did it go?” It died, it is no (longer)! Where is my evil inclination? I was born, this world is with the evil inclination, so where is my evil inclination? – It disappeared! Completely disappeared!” Yes, we, the more we know of Rabbainu, likewise the evil inclination leaves, and distances, and disappears. (Saba laughs) He (Na Nach) kill him (-the evil inclination) with all of his soldiers! This is a wonder! And they will ask: “What is he telling the world (-everyone)? That there is ‘Na Nach’ here?” “There is Na Nach here.” So they (will be like): “We are afraid of all the goyim (-gentiles, nations) and from the whole world, from all the goyim.” And I (will be like): “No, no… there is nothing to be afraid of them.” (Saba laughs).
(Sichos Saba 34:2)

[1] See Likutay Halachos, Choshen Mishpat, Laws of Testimony 2:3 that the root of creation is the aspect of the Name of Hashem which is where the root of souls of Israel is etc.. And also see there in the Laws of Tefillin 7:1 that the main thing is the true tzadik who is the aspect of “the tzadik is the foundation of the world (Proverbs 10:25),” who is the aspect of the splendor, and the charm, and the beauty of the entire universe etc. and he is the aspect of the Name of Hashem because His name is partnered in our name etc. and from there are drawn the four minds from the four letters of the Name etc. etc.. see there.
[2] See Likutay Halachos, Orach Chaim, Laws of Succah 7:3 – the true tzadik who is the aspect of the Holy of Holies, the aspect of the general aggregate supernal intellect, who is the root of everything where everything is sweetened, he knows all the ways and all the paths that are in the depth of the darkness, because “he knows what is in the darkness (Daniel 2; Zohar, Mishpatim 101a and elsewhere),” because there in its root, the evil is turned around into good, and intentional sins are turned around to be merits etc..