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Monday, June 18, 2018

No excuse

Being scared is a valid excuse, of course it has to be addressed and fixed but in the interim it is understandable and acceptable. However when someone proclaims with defiance and arrogance that he is not a Jew with trembling knees, he's proud and strong and not scared of anything, so the question presents itself and there is no longer any excuse: Why didn't you build the holy temple?! Why didn't you reinstitute the study of the holy Torah of Rabbi Nachman into the education system, at least something, his stories, something, some element of holiness?!  Instead, for decades you involved yourself in empty politics, kidnapping children, selling out the holy Land, and all of this you did, not because you were scared but out of proud arrogance?! May we not know from such vain revolting pride ever.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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