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Thursday, June 7, 2018

The Kitoaress and Drugs


Many times I've heard people getting excited about what the Torah says by the Kitoaress-incense offering: קח לך סמים - take for yourself drugs, which were offered on the alter as incense. What they do not take into account is that the Kitoaress was never allowed to be brought by an individual, only by all of Israel, and it was never allowed to be brought on the outer alter, only on the inner-golden-alter which was located inside the Sanctuary (Minuchos 50). Which means that even if we were to draw some correlation from the Kitoaress to drug use, it would be extremely restricted and only to be used in the most lofty and holy setting under the guidance of all of Israel.

(And even if there are special people who try to use it in an even more holy fashion - bringing the Kitoaress into the Holy of Holies - then it is a very serious often with capital punishment l"u, as the Torah recounts with Nuduv and Aveyhoo).

Kach lichu samim - take for yourself drugs, thank G-d for Nanach, because "kach" has the numerical value- gematria - of: Na Nach! The one kosher way of getting high....

Na Nach Nachman Nachman MayUman!

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