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Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Virtue of Saying Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman! 1-4


Through mentioning the name of the tzadik we draw upon ourselves his holiness and his merit. And through this we also will merit to holiness, and purity, and to return to Him blessed He.
(Likutay Halachos, Orach Chaim 2, Things that are practiced at a meal 4:6).

Through mentioning the names of the tzadikim, through this one arouses their “risheemoo” (-lasting impression and mark).
(Likutay Halachos, Orach Chaim 2, Washing Hands for a Meal 4:6).

Through mentioning the names of the tzadikim it is possible to bring a change in Maaseh Biraishis (-the Work of Creation/(Beginning)), that is, to change (the laws of) nature.
(Sefer Hamidos (-published as “Character”), entry of Tzadik 20)

Because the main remembrance that is left of all the tzadikim is their holy names, that leave their remembrance in the world for blessing. Therefore, through the mentioning of their holy names, which His name blessed He is partnered in their names, through this the imagination is clarified, because their holy names (which) are an aspect of memory, which is (in) the aspect of the imagination, therefore the imagination is clarified through the mention of the holy names of the tzadikim, for all their avoaduh (-work in the duty, devotion, and worship of Hashem) was to clarify the imagination etc. as explained above. Therefore the mention of their names is extremely mesuegal (-propitious) for this, because their very names are the aspect of the clarification of the imagination, because their names are the aspect of the rectification of the memory which is the rectification of the imagination which is where the memory is, as explained above.
(Likutay Halachos, Orach Chaim 2, Washing Hands for a Meal 4:6)

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

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