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Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Virtue of Saying Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman - and the great level Rabbi Nachman attained


(This article is not so relevant to the subject matter)

I heard in his (Rabbi Nachman’s) name that he said, that he attained “yecheeduh[1]” (-the 5th and highest level of the soul) in its utmost supernal level[2]. Because it is known that the “nefesh[3]” (lowest level of the soul) of the “neshumuh[4]” (3rd level) is higher than the “yecheeduh” of the “ruach[5]” (-the second level of the soul), and similarly with all of them[6]; and he attained “yecheeduh” in its utmost supernal level (-yecheeduh of yecheeduh)[7]. And he said: “It comes out, that I know ‘a little’, and I stand on a lofty level, nevertheless I still want more, because who knows, perhaps there is yet ‘higher above higher (Ecclesiastes 5:7)’ until no end (-infinitely) etc. etc..
(The Life of Our Leader Rabbi Nachman 267)

Once, he lifted his hands until his shoulders and he lowered them from his shoulders downwards, and he said, “All the tzadikim are by me from here to here,” that is, from his shoulders down[8], and afterwards he lifted his hand(s) above his head and lowered them from there close to his head until his shoulders, and he, “and I am from here till (here),” that is, from the head until the shoulders, and the matter is primal/esoteric. And look in the writings of the Arizal, and comprehend (this), if you have the mental faculty (“eyes) to understand from there[9] the greatness of man when he merits to do the will of his Creator until he completes the tzelem Elokeem (-image of Gd) perfectly.
(The Life of Our Leader Rabbi Nachman 266).

He (Rabbi Nachman) said: I will sing a song of the future which will be the Oalum Habuh (-future world, reward) of all the tzadikim and chasidim (-pious).

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

[1] “Yecheeduh” literally means single, sole, solitary, because this part of the soul is completely one with the One G-d.
[2] Every soul has five general levels, and each level as well has these five levels on its own scale.
[3] The “nefesh” resides in the liver and blood, as it is the life force of the body.
[4] “Neshumuh” resides in brain and intellect, and it is the highest level of the regular levels of the soul, because the two above it are “makeefeem” - peripheries. Neshumuh has the same root as breath, for it is like a breath directly from the mouth of G-d so to speak.
[5] “Ruach” means spirit, and it resides in the heart, and fluctuates between the lower nefesh and the higher neshumuh, hence the name – ruach-spirit.
[6] Every level of the 5 levels of the soul, also has five levels, and the highest level of each level is still lower than the lowest level of the level above it.
[7] This is a very enigmatic revelation, because according to the Arizal, even the Messiah will only attain such a level after the complete redemption, and according to the Zohar, were such a high level of the soul to be in the world, it would dramatically change the entire world. Therefore great Kabbalists admitted they didn’t understand what Rabbi Nachman meant, and we take his words on faith until we merit to understand them.
[8] See Samuel 1:9:2, and see Tractate Niddah end of 24b.
[9] The difference between the head and the rest of the body is enormous, for all thought and intelligence is almost exclusively in the head, as well as all of the senses other than touch.

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