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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Technology and magic


Today most people have great faith and pride in science, but the truth is that all of science is considered a maidservant to true knowledge, - cheetzonee - outer, external, superficial. Science is just an evolution of magic. The science of the occult at least dealt with spiritual forces, and now it has evolved to the very physical. But it remains just the study of measuring and channeling, not of actual conception. Knowledge of all the scientific facts will not enhance a persons life in the slightest. It is meaningless and provides no answers, just statistics. The Zohar says that Moses couldn't even be bothered to give any attention to such knowledge, and consequently King Solomon had greater knowledge in such fields. And all that knowledge didn't save him from going off the deep end, R"L. Rabbi Nussun warned strongly against studying these external wisdoms, and composed very strong prayers of condemnation against them and those that study and teach them.

May Hashem Yisburach protect us from these impurities.

Written from my new laptop powered by these very concepts, may they continue to be my slaves.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

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