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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Greatest Wisdom of All - NNNNM


There was once a big convention of the greatest minds of times, nobel prize winners and the most renown scientists, researchers, and inventors, each one lecturing and sharing their wisdom. The convention took place on a luxury yacht. There was a simple little Jew running from group to group trying to get their attention, but for the most part he went unheeded. He claimed that despite the great wisdom of those present, he possessed knowledge far more superior, but his cries were dismissed and ignored completely, what could this poor fellow know that could contend at all with the great wisdom being discussed. There was one humble fellow who was curious what in fact could this guy know that he felt was superior to everything else?! So the little Jew told him, “There’s a big hole in the bottom of the boat, and it is going to capsize….”

Rabbi Nussun in Likutay Halachos, Laws of Slaughtering (5), elaborates beautifully in his inimitable style on this concept, how the greatest wisdom of all is the realization and consciousness of the impending end and tachlis. This is a wisdom that our holy Sages excelled in acquiring and disseminating.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

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