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Thursday, May 3, 2018

Tribute to my younger sister


Today my younger sister S.A.G. is marrying off her oldest daughter. So this is a little tribute to her, something I never shared, I don’t think.
When we were children, maybe I was ten or younger, and she is two years younger than I, and that was at an age when two years makes a world of difference, my mother asked me to try to move the washing machine for her, and I had no interest at all in exerting myself, and I just shrugged it off telling her that it was much to heavy for me. So my mother then asked my younger sister, or maybe it was on sister’s own accord, she jumped into action, and attacked the machine wrestling with it, until she actually wriggled it here and there, I don’t remember if it was enough, what was needed, but it was a big indelible life lesson for me, seeing my younger sister not only rise to the task and outperform me, but actually successfully do what was expected to be kind of above her ability.

So like it or not she definitely has some share in all the Nanach I merited to spread, and may HY and Rabbainu have mercy on her and her family and merit them to follow the holy ways of Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman.

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