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Thursday, July 1, 2021

Chag Hapetek

HH this Shabbos is 23 Tamuz, the day Saba received the holy Petek from Rabbainu signed Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN.

As Saba said, this is greatest miracle of all times.

This little piece of paper is saving the world.

Take a look at the utter falsehood reigning over even the "free" world right now. Recent polls I think said 27% believe the American media. The judges, politicians, big commerce, and so forth, most of them are corrupt to the core. There is so much fraud and corruption, it is beyond words. And that falsehood empowered other falsehoods like the plandemic etc.. These are just examples of some of the malignant falsehood which has come to surface, and there is much more lurking underneath, may HY save us. That is with regard to simple straightforward logical decision making on how to conduct every day affairs. Imagine the falsehood in the tricky arena of people's hearts etc..

Even in Breslov, the last stronghold of truth, not only have fraudulent rabbis risen claiming to be Breslov (two of the forerunners of this new phenomenon of madness were taken out, one on the eve of the Petek and one on the actual day), but even the faithful of Breslov started to lose the true focus, e.g. some of them began focusing much more on the erudition more than the devotion....

The only real thing that is keeping up the real truth is the Petek. Even with the Petek there are those who chose to use it for their own contrivances of falsehood, but that is the role the tzadik has to play, allowing such things, as explained in Likutay Moharan.

This is an amazing awesome day. Mind blowing. One little piece of paper.....

Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN

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