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Sunday, July 25, 2021

Na Nach the antithesis of Covid 19


Covid is the product of scientists who do their utmost to dream up theories to replace God RL.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman is the brain child of Rabbainu who negated and ignored all theories, even holy ones, to embrace true absolute faith in HY.

Covid originated in China where they deny G-d, and they subjugate everyone to whims of the few.

Nanach originated by Rabbainu, the factory of Judaism, who revealed the corrupt nature of all the contemporary leaders, especially the spiritual ones, and demanded that the people free themselves from patronizing them even by the slightest means.

Covid primarily targets the old and obese.

Rabbainu Na Nach primarily targets the young (-those who are still working on changing) and the thin (-hungry for truth and connection to HY).

Covid paralyzed millions with fear and selfishness (-while they claim the reverse....).

Rabbainu Na Nach infuses millions with joy and selflessness.

Covid is a tool of the few to oppress the masses even as they elevate and gain from the misfortune.

Rabbainu Nanach eases the lives of the masses and shows the elite that they are meaningless.

Covid convinced millions to put a useless cloth to hide their mouths like mourners and lepers.

Rabbainu Na Nach revealed the highest Legendary Tales which give people renewed joyous countenance. 

Covid shows that the majority of the world can't think for themselves and are willing to be slaves to the government and anyone who comes along to lead them.

Rabbainu Na Nach demands that every person take full responsibility for themselves by themselves without anyone meddling in whatsoever.

Last year tents of thousands could not make it to Uman for Rosha Hashana because of the evil persecuted in the name of covid. Evil only has very limited bounds. May we merit to see it vanquished and may we merit to see vengeance upon all the conformers to its whims. Rabbainu made it clear that the main responsibility for the evil perpetrated by the fraudulent leaders is accountable to those who empower them and follow them. They are not to be treated as victims, but as the main perpetrators.  

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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