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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Martial Arts and Self Defense


Yesterday when I was in the mikva, a thought suddenly came to mind, that someone with the genius and mental acumen of the Vilna Gaon could invent entire systems of martial arts in a split second. Also we know that he had a very physical composition. Even still we know that on one occasion he allowed himself to be beaten rather than exonerate himself and divulge the true culprit. So it is quite obvious that not he, nor almost any of the great Torah Sages throughout the ages, were interested in taking such a course. Not even to spend one second pursuing such a play.

There is some evidence from certain teachings and stories of Rabbainu that nowadays times have changed.

This is a very big topic which I don't care to elaborate on at the moment.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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