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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The smallest Nanach outperforms the greatest greats

In honor of the hilula of the holy saint Rabbi Naftoli author of Smichas Chachumim, master kabalist, composer etc. etc. buried in Istanbul and visited by Rabbainu Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman, and the hilula of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liodi o.b.m..

On Facebook I have a friend who is connected to chabad, and he quoted from some of their greatest heros testimony that one can never fully abolish his self awareness and ego.

Rabbainu on the other hand professes that even the most simple Jew can experience moments of absolute abnegation where is completely nullified in the Ain Sof BH.

And thus we establish that the most lowly Nanach is infinitely ahead.

One who attaches himself to a speeding car easily and dramatically surpasses even the most talented and competent Olympic sprinter.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman

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