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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Gain perspective


In Proverbs it says “In all your ways know Him,” Ruvuh said (Brachos) this refers even to endeavors of sin. Many commentaries have elaborated on this. Here I will present one practical approach. Even when a person is convinced that he needs to do something wrong he should approach it with the intent to do good. For example, a person might feel that he needs to watch a movie or television, even though he knows that this is the epitome of the sitra-achra (-evil realm), for Rabbainu has revealed that today the main affair of the sitra-achra is imagination and fantasy. The actual world we live in, our holy sages have already made clear that it is all a façade, and they tried to share with us how to live the true reality of the Torah. However television and movies further enshrouds the world in layers of void and emptiness that subject a person to live in wishy-washy paradigms of delusion. All of this a person knows, and yet he might still need his fix, he might not be able to just break out cold turkey. So the aitzuh (-recourse, advice) is that before he sits down in capitulation, he should make a little disclaimer, and say a few words to his Creator. Let him turn to HY and express his intent, that even though he knows that he shouldn’t be watching this, even still in order to give himself a well needed break from the stresses of the day and all the responsibilities weighing upon him, he feels that this is what he needs, and by watching this he will be able to unwind and regain his breath and strength to get back in their etc..” With this little rejoinder a person will gain eternally, for just the fact that he spoke honest heartfelt words to HY is precious beyond measure, and also now he has steered himself to actually strive to accomplish good objectives, and maybe even he will come to conclude that to reach this clear objective he is better off watching a different show, something more educational and softer on the soul, and in the future he will definitely slowly aim to achieve his stated objective in a better, holier fashion. He will avoid watching shows that are just frivolous and licentious, and he will avoid shows that have vulgar language which completely destroys all holy boundaries and brings death and destruction, may the holy Merciful One save us. He will start to only watch shows that he can find in them some justification and purpose. Eventually he may merit to wean himself off the tube completely B”H.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

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