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Wednesday, January 25, 2023


I've said it a lot already that the way from "teiku" (unresolved questions about anything, including our personal lives) to "tikkun" (true correction) lies through finding the missing "nun", which is the only difference between these two words in Hebrew. Over time, I've realized that there can be several such "nuns'; the more of them we find, the easier it will be to get out tikkun.

One of these "nuns" is connected to the numerical value of this letter, which is fifty, and means getting advice from the fiftieth gate of wisdom through hisbodedus and saying Tehillim.

Yet, while we're still waiting to reach that very high place, it's important to remember another "nun" - the first letter of the word "nekudah" (point). This term "nekudah" has a very prominent place in Rabbeinu's teachings, so it, too, holds the key to our tikkun and healing. 

To begin with, there are three nekudos discussed in Torah 34 that have to be present in the life of a Breslover every day. One of them is "the point of the tzaddik" - studying Rabbeinu's Torah while feeling strongly connected to him. Another one is "the point of a friend" - discussing that Torah and avodas Hashem in general with our friends. Then, last but certainly not least, there is "one's own point", which can mean talking to Hashem in hibodedus or, as I've written in a previous post, developing our unique abilities and finding ways to share them with others.

We should also remember the famous idea of "nekudos tovos" (good points) developed by Rabbeinu in Torah 282 ("Azamra"). Simply put, when thinking about ourselves or other people, we should try to concentrate on the good and not the bad. This takes us away from despair and resentments; what's more, it even brings us and those we think about closer to doing teshuvah!

This missing "nun" from the word "nekudah" can feel very down-to-earth, at least compared to reaching the fiftieth gate of wisdom. Yet, as a Breslover, I strongly believe that, if we really try to bring it into our lives on a daily basis, this will go a long way towards taking us form "teiku" to "tikkun", from feeling stuck in unresolved problems to true soul correction.

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