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Thursday, July 30, 2015

רחמנות באמת

ב"ה רחמנות באמת

יש משנה במסכת ידים (ד:ג) יהודים בארץ עמון ומואב איזה מעשרות הם נותנים בשנת שמיטה, רבי טרפון אומר מעשר עני ורבי אלעזר בן עזריה אומר מעשר שני (שאדם לוקח לאכול בירושלים). ויש וויכוח וראיות לשני הצדדים, ואז רבי טרפון טוען שכיון שהם קרובים לארץ ישראל נעשים מעשר עני שיהיו עניי ישראל נסמכים עליהם בשביעית, אז רבי אלעזר בן עזריה משיב הרי אתה כמהנן ממון ואין אתה אלא כמפסיד נפשות, קובע אתה את השמים מלהוריד טל ומטר שנאמר (מלאכי ג) היקבע אדם אלהים כי אתם קבעים אתי ואמרתם במה קבענוך המעשר והתרומה, עד כאן לענינינו. ומבואר הדבר שרבי טרפון הראה בחוש איך שיכולים לעזור לכל העניים ליתן להם שפע פרנסה בשנת השמיטה, שהמזונות בקושי, אז ורבי אלעזר בן עזריה ענה לו שזה ממש להיפוך, אתה חושב שאתה מתחסד ועושה טובה לעולם ואתה נדבן ובעל חסד ועוזר, אבל האמת שאם אתה לא נוהג כראוי שיהיה מעשר שני כמו שצריך, אז ח"ו מביאי קללה גדולה לכל העולם, אז אל תהיה חכם ורחמן יותר מהשם יתברך, כי היא לא תצלח, ואדרבה רחמי רשעים אכזריות גדולה.

ועוד אציין למה שהעירו כל בעלי מוסר שהפסוק היחיד שמוסר לנו שהשם יתברך יחונן אותנו במדת הרחמים נמצא אחר הציווי להכרית את עיר נדחת, להרוג כולם, ואז כתוב (דברים יג:יח) ונתן לך רחמים ורחמך, ועיין שם באור החיים, שהיה חשש שעל ידי ריבוי הרציחה ח"ו יולד אכזריות בלבם, לזה הבטיחם כי לא ירע לבבם כי הוא ירבה וימלא החסרון בתוספת מרובה. הרי בזה שמקיימים ציווי התורה, אפילו שזה נראה אכזריות, זה מביא לרחמנות בתוספת מרובה.

יש עוד הרבה לציין, ורבינו תמה על מי שהוא, שהוא חושב שהוא יותר רחמים מרבינו, וכאילו הוא יודע יותר טוב מה שצריכים לעשות.... אכן אסתפק בהנ"ל לעת עתה.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

King over the beautiful woman and her land

מעשה יב מבעל תפלה
על הבת מלכה: 'וקבלו אותה למלך עליהם וכו' והנה נמצא שבא בעלה של המלכה וכו' ועתה יש להמדינה מלך ע"ש. ואינה מוכרחת לגמרי, אבל מבואר הדבר שאף על פי שהעיקר היתה היפת תואר שמביאה אותם להתכלית, עם כל זה בראש המדינה יעמוד המלך.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

In the Story of Ancient Times of a Prayer Leader, the Queen's Daughter is taken as "King" over the country that was of the opinion that the main goal of world was procreation, and thus chose the most beautiful woman to be their head. However it seems from Rabbainu that even still the real head of the country would be the King, and at first they took her as "King," but upon the arrival of her husband, the warrior, he became King, and she remained as queen. Even though the entire basis of the kingship was her beauty, her husband took the dominating role of King.

hard luck for all the feminists out there, however beautiful you are....

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!


סיפורי מעשיות משנים קדמוניות

מעשה יב מבעל תפלה

'ומצאו שהיה הולך ערל אחד בכתנת בזוי כדרכו, ונשא פלעשיל יין שרף, והלכו אחריו כמה ערלים'
יש להעיר א' מה שרק בכת זה רבינו מגלה שהיה הראש שלהם ערל ובזוי, ונראה שזה מראה עד כמה שרבינו מראה לנו איך ששיכרות לא שייך כלל ליהודים.

ועוד יש להעיר שחוץ מהכת שבחרו כבוד, שעל כרחך לענין הכת הזה צריך לבחור במי שכבר יש לו מעריצים, אז חוץ מהם, רק השיכור הזה כבר הולכים אחריו כמה ערלים. ויש להתבונן טובא על זה, ואולי כלול בזה גם כן כמה ירוד ושפל השיכרות, ששם הוא ממש התחתית ששם מתקבץ כל הטינוף.

ועל אף שמפורש שהכת הכי אבוד זה הכת של עשירות, אכן יש בענין השכרות גריעותא בזה שמאבדים את הדעת לגמרי, על אף שיותר קל לתקן את השיכור שלא יעשה את זה, כל הזמן של השיכרות הוא ממש בלי דעת. ואכן הוא אינו פוגע כל כך באמונות כזביות בעת השכרות, אבל הוא ממש כבהמה בזה שאין לו דעת אפילו לפגוע. והנה כל היכא שלוקחים מנהיג ונותנים שליטה לאחד על השני, הרי שדעת האחד שולט על דעת השני, וכל מי שיכנס תחת השלטון של זה צריך להכניע דעתו אליו. אבל בשכרות, אין שום דעת, אז כולם כבר נכנעים, וכולם כבר כמו עבדים ממש.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

"Chuchmos" -- wisdoms, as in wise guy


Just learned a new word: paralogism (it isn't the word spell check dictionary), it means an unintentionally invalid argument, its hypernyms are fallacy and false belief.
This is what I'm going with BH for the translation of "chuchmos" of the faction that erroneously chose wisdom as the ultimate purpose, Rabbainu derides their chuchmos.
Previously we translated it as sophistries, however according to one dictionary, sophistry is a deliberately invalid argument etc., and even the other dictionaries say that it leans towards deliberate, and in this case, the faction were mistaken and don't think this can be branded as deliberate, so I feel compelled to use this remote new word.
The kerens translation just keeps it at wisdom without conveying the derision and fallacy.
Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman

למנצח בנגינות נ נח


תהלים סז, למנצח בצורת מנורה, שהפסוק הראשון מחולקת בכיתות של שלוש תיבות לכל סניף של המנורה, ובאמצע אות אחד.

למנ צחב = נחמן עב, נגי = סבא, נ, של נ נח, תמז – תמוז. מור – זה הריח טוב של השיר פכש"מ. שיר.
הראשי תיבות לצננתמש ע"ה בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן יז תמוז.

מעניין, שכבר מזמן עשו את הפתק בצורת מנורה, כמו מזמור זה.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן!

שריון נ נח


שיחות הר"ן קעב, הזהר מאד לכבד הטלית הזה, כי כמו מספר שערות שיש בהטלית כל כך דמעות שפכתי עד שידעתי מהו טלית, ע"כ. יש בזה רמז גם להשגת נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן, כי מספר שערות, זה בחי' של מספר הגמטריא, מספר הבחינות שבונים ומקימים איזה דבר. וטלית הוא בחי' כסות, וכמו שכתוב בתורה כי היא כסותה, ומובא בשם הגר"א ש'כסותה', הכסות של הנשמה, זה הסוד של תיקון הברית, והרי כסותה בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. וכן רבי נתן בלקוטי הלכות מרבה להראות איך שהציצית יש להם הכח של השיר פשוט כפול משולש מרובע.

Monday, July 27, 2015

חוזרים לנ נח

תורה רו – תעיתי כשה אבד בקש עבדך וכו' (תהלים קיט)

'ודע, שאלו הדרכים המקלקלים והתועים, כשאדם תועה בהם, חס ושלום, הרבה מאד, אפשר לפעמים שיתעה מאד וילך באלו הדרכים הנבוכים, ואזי דיקא מרב תעותו בהם, יתהפך וישוב עד שיהיה סמוך למקומו הראשון, ולא יהיה רק הרחק מעט בינו לבין מקומו הראשון, ובקל על ידי נסיון קל, ישוב עוד למקומו' ע"ש.

ונראה לע"ד שרבינו מרמז פה לענין התשובה המפורשת בזוהר הקדוש, ומובא כמה פעמים בתורת רבינו (תורה ד,ותורה לה), זרקא, דאזדריקת לאתר דאתנטילת מתמן. כי זרקא הוא מטעמי התורה מסומן כך: ֘
הרי שרואים בו את הסיבוך והנבוך שהולך מעוקם ומסתובב, עד שבסוף כבר מכוון מול איפה שהתחיל.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

Shame on You!


Everyone knows that we don't live forever, and after we pass away we are assessed to see where is most appropriate for us to continue. Obviously this is very intense, to have our lives presented for inspection, and so we think that how shameful can it be, after all we are human and the truth of G-d is very hidden, and we had our own struggles day in and day out, so maybe we could have done a little better, or even a lot better, but that's life.

Wrong. In the future world, the truth of G-d is going to be so crystal clear, it is in fact the utter reality, nothing else, and we are going to see how the Torah was literally staring at us in our face and heart, and was never distant from us, not even the breadth of hair. The solution that we needed was not complicated at all, it was right there in front of us. What were we thinking?! The shame is going to be overwhelming G"F.

Rabbainu laughed at all the big scientists and philosophers, he said, let's see their reaction if one dead person would be allowed to come down between them, and they'd see how he would pray and pray….

Great blessings of Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

Touching Home Base


A simple meditation before the Shmone Esray

The Shmone Esray is in the world of Atzilus, so upon saying the introductory verse before the Amida, Adonoy Sifusay Tiftach…. one should try to emulate this progression. Really all of the prayer leading to the Amida was to enact and raise the prayer to this world, however before the Amida it is highly conducive to briefly run through the stages so as to fully kick in to the Divine consciousness before him.

The first step is to acknowledge the nefesh – asiya, which is the body and the blood pumping in the veins and arteries. These are many, principally 248 limbs and 365 blood vessel. A person is a microcosm of the whole world, so included here is all of creation.

The second step is to pay attention to the ruach – yetzira, which is the spirit of speech, which emanates from all the body parts but already achieves a unity of expression.

The third step is to empower your thought over and throughout the nefesh and ruach. Your thought is focused and one, and now represents all of you, and all of creation for that matter, in unity.

The fourth step is to bind and conjugate the Divine Ein Sof to your thought. With a little work and practice, this should be enough to really blow your mind B"H.

To fully understand this one must read the Ramchal's instructions as to the proper tachlis of the kavanos of the prayer.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman

מה היה בשנת נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן?!


כל הגאולה תלוי בשיר של רבינו נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן, אז עיינתי מה קרה באותה שנה של נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן, דהיינו שנת התצא. וראיתי שזה השנה שהרמח"ל כתב את הספר הקדוש והנורא אדיר במרום. וחוץ מרבינו הקדוש, איני יודע אם היה שום פעם ספר כזה בעולם, מה שהוא מגלה שם, אין מילים. באנגלית הרחבתי קצת יותר.

אדיר במרום י', ראשי תיבות ישראל בער אודסר, שזה שקיבל את הפתק של נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן!

ועוד גילה האריז"ל על הפסוק מקולות מים רבים אדירים משברי יום אדיר במרום י'. שהראשי תיבות של אדירים משברי ים - אמי, אדיר במרום י' - אבי. וידוע מה שסבא אמר, שרבינו זה האבא, רבינו זה האמא!

והרי לנו עוד אות ומופת איך שהרמח"ל ממש מכוון ומכוון לענין של רבינו הקדוש נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן!

What happened in the year Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman?!

What happened in the year Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman?!

Everyone should know by now that the entire redemption is contingent on the the holy song, which is Rabbainu's name: Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman. So I got to thinking what happened in the year of NNNNM, that is, NNNNM has the gematria (numerical value) of 491, so what happened in the year (5)491?

So here's the amazing information. In the year 5491 the Ramchal wrote his most amazing holy awesome book, Adir Bamurom. Short of the holy works of Rabbainu, I can't think of any book ever published that makes such awesome revelations. For in this work the Ramchal reveals how all the kavanos of the Arizal are really only preliminary to the main essential kavanos and meditations. The truth is that the Ramchal starts the book by explaining how everything is contingent on guarding the bris, and from there he explains the supremacy of the Zohar, and from there he reveals the way to enter Gan Eden. There are no words. The Vilna Gaon put on his Shabbos clothes to go out to great the messenger who came with a manuscript of this book, and the he said that one should read this book 1000 times. The Vilna Gaon also knew that the secret of tikun habris is 491 as I bring in Likutay Nanach.

Take a look at the title: Adir BaMurom [Y-Hashem] acronym Yisroel Ber Odesser – the person who received the Nanach Petek.

Also the Arizal revealed that the acronym that comes out from this verse
Meekolos mayim rabbim a'dirim m'ishberai y'um, a'dri b'amurom y'hashem, spell Eemee Uvee – my mother, my father. Saba said, Rabbainu is father, Rabbainu is mother!!!

The Ramchal put into place many internal tikkunim setting the ground for the Baal Shem Tov and Rabbainu Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

חיזוק לתשעה באב

ב"ה רבי נתן גילה שצריכים להיות שמח וצוחק כדי שתבכה בזמנה. אז קבלתי הרבה חיזוק בלילה מכל הנאנחים בספר איכה. וב בקר התחלתי להתפלל מקינות נוסח בני מרוקו, ושם ביהי רצון שלאחר ברכות השחר, ביהי רצון להתנצל מכל הפגעים רעים, שמ פרטים י"א כידוע, אז הם מפרטים להנצל מאשה רעה (אולי זה מיוחד לט' באב?)! וקבלתי מה שהייתי צריך...
נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

Friday, July 24, 2015

The Golden Petek


Saba is recorded saying (more or less -  this roughly from my memory): maybe you think we need to make the Petek from gold? No, there is no such need, the Petek itself is gold!

Saba also is recorded having said that the Petek has all the colors.

So now look at how Rabbainu describes the hair of child born to the geebor and the queen's daughter in the Story of Ancient Times of a Prayer Leader:

"his hair was golden and had all the colors..."

Also consider how Saba refered to his holy awesome masterpiece: Blossoms of the Spring, as a son born to him...

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

Who marries whom


In Rabbi Nachman's Story of Ancient Times, of a Prayer Leader he recounts:

Once, there was a king and a queen, and they had an only daughter. And it came near the time to marry her off, so they seated advisors to give counsel as to whom she ought to be married. And I too was there among the advisors (i.e. the Prayer Leader, who is still relating this in front of them) because the king liked me, and my advice was that they should give her the geebor, because the geebor had wrought us many benefits, for he had conquered many countries; therefore he ought to be given the queen's daughter for a wife. My advice was very well received, and they all agreed upon it, and there was a big celebration there for having found a groom for the queen's daughter. And they wed the queen's daughter with the geebor, and the queen's daughter had a child.

Notice how originally the princess is to given to the groom, but when the Prayer Leader gives his suggestion he says the reverse, that the geebor should be given the princess (perhaps this was just in defference to the majesty?), and finally Rabbainu says that they were wed together in a neutral fashion.


Another fascinating particular is how Rabbainu refers to the princess as the queen's daughter (over the king).

May HY grant us the knowledge and understanding of these holy awesome stories!

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

Rabbainu's humor

Working on the story of the Prayer Leader, Rabbainu tells how the Prayer Leader explains to the elders of the country of wealth all about the Hand, which is a map of this world and all the worlds, what was, is, and will be, including all the different ways to go to Heaven, the way of Elija, the way of Moses, etc.. Just the proposal of such a concept is mind boggling, and without missing a beat, the elders tell him, Where's the King, maybe he can show us how to find money?

Mamash had me laughing out loud, gevald.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Last chance

The Talmud in tractate Chulin 92.: says that of the 30 commandments (there's much discussion as to the nature and origin of 30, because it is known that there are only 7 laws of Bnei Noah) the gentiles have, they only keep 3 (10%).
1. Even though they have designated homose*ual partners and relationships they are not so frivolous and brazen to make marriage contracts for these.
2. They do not have a market to sell human flesh.
3. They have respect for the Torah.

Today the world has already, by and large, done away with #1. As for #2 there is a huge market for human body parts. That leaves the world with only #3. This is also very week as we see the world grappling now with this, e.g. the ruling to remove the monument of the Ten Commandments. However the main Torah is the direct teachings of the tzadik of the generation who is in the aspect of Moshe Rabbainu, namely Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman, and BH in general we are seeing in the world not just acceptance and curiosity, but even an attraction and inclination towards the holy messages of Rabbainu. So basically the worlds last chance is Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Nanach Fellowship

Rabbi Nachman's Stories of Ancient Times

Of The Prayer Leader

"So the Prayer Leader with his people dwelled outside of civilization, and were involved only with prayer, songs,and praises to Hashem Yisburach, and confessions, fasts, afflictions, and penances."

Rabbainu is the Prayer Leader, his men are the Nanach. Although it is not the custom of the Nanach to deliberately self afflict themselves etc. the fact of the matter is that they are no strangers to punishment, to say the least, every Nanach I know can write at least one volume of accounts of his trials and tribulations, some can write many volumes. Rabbi Nussun said, that even though the Rebbe revealed many Torahs about fasting, the tradition in Breslov is not to fast (R. Yisroel Karduner asked Rabbainu, and Rabbainu showed him a small piece of bread, meaning, don't fast but suffice with the very bare minimum), but when we have to fast for one of the fast days accepted by all of Israel, this is a great opportunity to take advantage of, to merit all these things Rabbainu divulged. So it is with the Nanach, although they do not invite the hardships, when they are in fact visited by them, the Nanach should accept them with love and see them as an opportunity to gain atonement, purity, and adhesion to HY.


Sunday, July 19, 2015


When HY took the Jews out of Egypt, He could have brought them directly into the Holy Land which neighbors Egypt, directly North - on top of Egypt. Instead He led them on a very circuitous route.

The Torah talks about this and explains, that there was a concern that if the Jews would directly confront and battle the Plishtim who resided in southern Israel, they would retreat to Egypt. That is what is understood from the verse, however a literal reading of the verse gives a different reason, which because it is not readily understood, it is disregarded and explained as above. The verse says that HY did not take them by way of Plishtim BECAUSE it is close - i.e. the verse is not saying that the proximity is a reason for it to have been chosen, but on the contrary, the proximity is the reason that it was rejected as the entry route.

So how is the close proximity the reason to forgo it?!

Every nation has a unique characteristic, the Nations surrounding the Holy Land have very strongly overt evil ones. Whether it is promiscuity, idolatry, lust of food, etc.. These are all very dangerous, but they are also BH far and distant from the Jewish consciousness. The Plishtim however represent a morbid dominance of the empirical even as it is construed by the imagination and deviations of fantasy and conjecture. In Likutay Nanach chapter 370 I bring many cases where we find that the submission of the Plishtim, and escaping their rule, was always brought about only through great mocking and wild antics and shenanigans, and this was the only way to escape the clutches of the dominion of powerful delusions of reality that the Plishtim had.

Today this klipa has taken hold of most of the western wall who are not just enthralled with the sciences and cinema, they are completely enslaved to this venue.

This is the klipa that is so close to us, it is so hard to see past what our physical eyes seem to be seeing - as we are told and led to believe by the scientists and the cinema. The world has such empathy and compassion for this worthy cause of keeping life to the confines of the depressed sentiments of their sensual desires.

Even as the soldiers fight valiantly against the Plishtim, they sing of Samson who took revenge on having been blinded by the Plishtim, and these soldiers lunge forward even more blinded. Samson was blinded by the desire of his eyes, as our Sages revealed that this was his undoing, he went after his eyes, thus falling straight into the hands of the Plishtim. Today all the excited right activists, whether they are fighting in arms or in the media, as they fight outwardly, on the inside, they have already lost and capitulated to the Palestinians. It is almost comical, if it wouldn't be so sad and pathetic.

There's a great more to be said, but if only you would properly contemplate this...

The answer of course is. Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman!

Friday, July 17, 2015

ב"ה ראש חודש אב הילולא של ר' אהרן ברסלבר

ב"ה א' אב, זה בחינת פשוט כפול, נ נח. ואהרן, לשון רינה ושירה, נפטר בן 123, בחי' פשוט כפול משולש, על הר ההר, הר עם הכולל בגמטריא נ נח נחמ. בשנת הארבעים בחינת מרובע, לצאת בני ישראל מארץ מצרים, בחי' מאומן.
וכתיב(מסעי לג:לח) וימת שם בשנת, שם זה השם בשנ - ראשי תיבות נחמן בן שמחה.
נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

כל כבודה בת מלך פנימה

ב"ה ידוע שכבר מזמן האריז"ל עיקר עבודת השם נהיתפילה, מה שפעם היה תורה, כי היו מקושרים לגבוה בקדושה ובטהרה והיו מוכנים לקבל דברו, והיינו ללמוד התורה, שוב היו צריכים לעשות עיקר העבודה בתפלה להיות מוכנים ומקושרים כראוי לשמוע וללמוד תורה. ובאחרונה בא רבינו וקבע שבכלל תפלה היא העיקר והתכלית של עולם הזה ומרוממת אפילו מלימוד תורה.
והנה ידוע שתפלה היא במלכות בחי' נוקבא, ובאשר שהיא עבודת היום, לעומתה נשפעים כחות יתירות לבחינת המלכות לאפשר שיהיו תפילות כראוי. אמנם ההשפעות האלו צדיקים ילכו בם ורשעים יכשלו בם, ואם לא משתמשים בם לקדושה, כמו שרואים היום שבעוונותינו הרבים מעט הננחים שאוחזים בדברי רבינו, מעט הברסלבים הנאמנים לה פתק הקדוש ועוסקים בתפלה כמו שהורה רבינו הקדוש. ולכן רוב ההשפעה שנמצאת בעולם עבור זה יונקים ממנה הפימיניסטים ומיניהם להקדים הפריצות והניאוף באלפי דרכים אי אפשר לספור, וכבר שינו כל דרכי החיים וה סטנדרד והנימוס של העולם, השם ירחם.
ואין לנו על מי לסמוך, רק כל תפלה ותפילה, חוץ מענין המבוקש התפלה בעצמה לוקחת את הכח הזה ומהפכתה לטובה.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Good news

The eyes and heart lust after things that wither away, in the most 50 years those images will have lost all their allure, and after 120 years they will be 6 feet under eaten by worms.
The good news is that all those who struggled not to be drawn after these false attractions, eventually when they will be freed of their evil inclination, and even as they become older and lose the intensity of the lust, they will be rewarded quite naturally by the tremendous relief they will feel, the new freedom, that aside front he great reward they will get.
But those who play to the empty temptations of this world, which are in fact just holographic images fueled by passions of blood and gore, these people who wish to consider these things appealing and desirable, will forever be trapped in this emptiness GF, even after there bodies weaken and desires fade their hearts will continue to covet and ache for the empty meaningless shapes and designs that have no real meaning or worth. It won't end for them, they will be trapped GF.

"Disturbing" indeed!

Rabbainu even gave a parable about this, once a coachman was taking some people on a long journey in the freezing Ukraine, and he stopped somewhere and he said there used to be a cavern here where we used to stop and drink....

Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman

שפע נ נח

ב"ה סבא סיפר איך שהיו נותנים לו שני לירא לחודש במקום שכל האברכים היו מקבלים פי כמה. ועוד סיפר שאפילו כאשר החכם באשא אלפנדרי שהיה מקובל כזקן וגדול הדור, והוא הכיר קצת מגדלותו של סבא אז הוא בקש וטען מהנהלת הכולל שיתנו לסבא ישראל כראוי, והם ענו שאפילו השני לירא לא מגיע לו כי הוא לא בן תורה, כי הוא עוסק בתהלים והתבודדות וכו' רק מצד רחמנות הם נותנים לו משהו, ואז הוסיפו לו עוד חצי לירא.
אכן האמת הוא ממש הפוך, שסבא היה מפרנס את כולם, כמו שאיתא בגמרא כל העולם נידון בזכות חנינא בני, וחנינא בני די לו בקב חרובין. וכן ממש כאן סבא הסתפק בשני לירא כי הוא בחר בשפע הרוחני כמבואר בלקוטי מוהרן תורה סג ותורה עא, והיה צינור למה שהשאיר כל השפע הגשמי להכולל.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Translating accurately in truth

Last night I had to decide how to translate 'in emess' my top options were: in truth, but indeed really fit in better, and it is also in truth, but the word truth seemed to be important. So I opened up Ebay Hanachal for inspiration and right there I see in two lines Saba writes emess three times, so I stuck to truth.


Monday, July 13, 2015

כלי המנגן סיפורי מעשיות

ב"ה בסיפורי מעשיות יא מבן מלך ובן שפחה שנתחלפו, הכלי ששמים על איזה בהמה ומתחיל לנגן, רבים חושבים שהבהמה מתחיל לנגן, ובפרט כי זה הניגון של כל חיות היער בלילה, אז חושבים שגם פה הבהמה היא שמנגנת, אכן יותר נראה שזה הכלי ולא הבהמה, כי לא כתוב שהבהמה תתחיל לעשות קולות שיהיו ניגון, ועוד הרי ביידיש כתוב שאז מתחיל שפילן , ושפילן זה כמדומני שייך יותר להכלי מלבהמה, וכי היה הולך על הבהמה היה צריך להמשיך לכתוב לנגן (אף על פי שמיד אחר כך ביידיש בסוגריים כתוב אותו ניגון שהחיות של היער גשפילט, זה הלשון נגרר מה כלי).
ועוד נפלאות הניגון היה לכאורה מחמת שכל החיות הצטרפו, ואיך זה יהיה על ידי בהמה אחת.
ועוד בסוף הספר בתיקון הכסא אז כולם התחילו לנגן משמע שזה לא רק הבהמות שעל הכסא אלא שהכסא היה כמו הכלי וכל הכסא היה מוציא את הניגון.
והנה בסוף הסיפור כתוב זה לשונו כשהניחו הארון על הפרות התחילו לשורר והבן עכ"ל. והרי מפורש שזה לא הכלי אלא הבהמות ששרו. ואולי יש לחלק.
נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

לכבוש את כל העולם עם פתק קטן נ נח

The music is playing but who can hear it?!

HH in the story from ancient times, of a king's son and a maid's son who were exchanged, only after the man of the forest revealed to them that the day laughs at the night etc. only afterwards they discerned that the beasts roaring and screaming at night were in actuality producing a melody of such ecstasy that all the pleasures of the world are null against it! First you have to hear the day laughing at the night, and only then can you merit....
Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The stupidity of the Olympics and similar competition

HH the absolute stupidity of sports, running around for nothing, and all the passion for nothing, doesn't need too much mention, anyone aiming for the truth will be abhorred by it. What sometimes can be misleading are the physical achievements that athletes can achieve or once in a while we hear can be pulled off through meditation. Here it is important not to fall for how pathetic this all is. If a person could empower himself with the smallest of angels he would literally be able to skip and fly around the world and lift the largest building, all the more so a person's soul which far greater. So here people are caught up with puny accomplishments of their body, while they are sitting on the awesome power of their soul. Like showing off picture of toy cars instead of drag racing in the most advanced model cars.
Yes, there might be something to keep the body a little fit, but anything more than little bit is and will be the source of eternal shame of the sheer stupidity. In days to come the body will altogether be secondary to the soul, and will be like a guest, just as now the soul seems secondary and like a guest in the body, there are a few stages to this, until eventually the body will just be completely swallowed by the soul, all the 5 main stages are delineated in Daas Tevunos of the Ramchal.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman

The Righteous Suffer

The Ramchal in Daas Tevunos explains that there are 2 ways HY runs the world. 1 is by virtue of reward and punishment. 2 is according to the grand master plan to reveal His Perfect Unity. In order that His unity is revealed completely, evil is given full opportunity to do what it can, and then HY shows how therefore in reality even the evil is for the good.
The Ramchal says that if HY would run the world solely with #2, all the righteous would be suffering and the wicked would be thriving. To the extent that o e would pick the suffering to merit the infinite macro reward. But since there is also #1, so no one could ever know why a given person is suffering or thriving.
The Ramchal also says that as the coming of the Messiah approaches HY more and more is running the world with #2.
That means that the chances are that if a person is righteous he will be suffering HY.
This brings to mind what Rabbainu said that nowadays we don't find kosher people with exaggerated wealth, to come to such wealth one has to fall deep in the tuma RL. Writing with my thumbs here without a computer it is too difficult for me to develop this.


Chag Hapetek

HH this past Friday 23 Tamuz we celebrated the day that Saba received the holy Petek, he received it at the beginning of the day - the night before. It is amazing to note that Saba originally was a karlin chusid, karlin professes that one of their admurs was the aspect of Mashgiach ben Yosef, and thus he was killed - on the 22nd of Tamuz. Immediately after this day passed Saba received the Petek of Redemption!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Extinct Species

This really deserves a second reading and analyzation, but I'll lay it down first for what it is.
One of the most important books in the history of the world, is Daas Tevunos (-Realization of knowledge of Understanding) by the Ramchal. A few months ago I posted a short summation of what my mind remembered to be the main brunt of this awesome holy book. It had been about 20 years since I had read it, and then one good deed brought another and I have just about finished rereading it.
BTW it is interesting to note that he talks about the Tikun Haklali, a term almost exclusive to Rabbi Nachman of Breslov - NNNNM, the Ramchal also uses it in other books like his Kavanot.
Getting back on target, the Ramchal in Daas Tevunos explains the purpose and function of creation, and he says that as the purpose and function reaches achievement, those parts will be annulled and disappear. It's way to hard for me to explain this here with my thumbs, but it strongly suggests that we should expect to be seeing a lot of things going extinct and disappearing, and this is a very good thing which symbolises that those things have already ran their course, and we are that much closer to redemption.
(So just like the Freemasons are behind the scare of global warming etc. So too it is not from a good place that people are coming to save extinction)

Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Chag HaPetek and the Ramak

HH today 23 Tamuz is the day that Saba received the holy Petek from Rabbainu. It is also the hilula of the Ramak. The Ramak was the chief Kabalist before the Arizal, and until his passing the Arizal was strictly behind the scenes. Hence with his passing the Arizals enormous revelations began to come out. Apparently today is mesugal for awesome revelations.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

קבלת הפתק בפרשת פנחס

ב"ה חג הפתק, קבלת הפתק הקדוש בכג תמוז, חל בפרשת פנחס, שפנחס על ידי מעשיו שקנא קנאת ה' זכה לכהונת עולם. וכן הוא מעשה הפתק. לכן קנאת י' עם התיבות וה כולל בגמטריא פתק.
נ נח

Difference between 49 levels of tuma and 50

HH our Sages revealed that in Egypt the Jews sunk to 49th level of impurity and had they been there just a bit longer they would have hit 50 and it would have been over. But now that we have been given the Torah we have the ability to survive even the 50th and that in fact is where we are.

Possibly the 49 is what the Egyptians were completely living the occult of black magic and demons and the like. This created an atmosphere of complete evil. Even still, that itself could be determined - that it was their own invention and creation. The 50th is when the evil is not based on demons and the like but science and philosophy which explain everything in the universe establishing heresy as the defining power of the universe. The Egyptians couldn't do this, their evil little souls didn't have the breadth to build that system, but they set the stage for the Jews to develop it. So HY had to hasten the redemption before the Jews would bring the occult of the 49 to the utter heresy of the 50th.
Since the Torah is the blueprint of the world, no science or philosophy can successfuly dominate in its presence, the sciences are slaves to the blueprint.
Even still it is very challenging. Science and philosophy has crept into our thinking, the way we think about things and how we associate our knowledge and understanding of what goes on around us. Someone completely enveloped in the Torah would be protected but for a few hundred years already almost no one had the the strength and ability to do that.
Rabbainu's teaching are the utter antedote. Because Rabbainu shows the roots of the Torah, and he shows where the heresy of the scientists and philosophers are rooted, where they are leeching from, whether it is from the Vacated Space or the Fallen Broken Letters, and so forth.
Even still, as we fell even deeper, and became completely enveloped in the 50th - the Vacated Space which G-d Himself chose not to be seen or realized, even the holy powerful teachings of Rabbainu are insufficient and can not dissipate the forces of heresy, the Vacated Space is powered by G-d Almighty, no system of holiness can be supported. There is only one thing that can overcome the VS, and that Rabbainu started to reveal in Likutay Moharan, is the song of the true tzaddik. The song is known to the Jewish soul, that is why all the children of Abraham are called Ivrim, because they can leap over the VS, but this is only the soul - subconscious level. The tzaddiks song actually peerces through the VS and rescues the souls caught there, injecting them with the Emuna - faith the antithesis of the VS. This is in LKM, but it is also only on a soul- subconscious level, only in the holy Petek did Rabbainu come straight out and reveal the holy song of the tzaddik. Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Who switched the babies (Tale 11)?! מי החליף הבנים

According to the Yiddish, it was the bubbe - granny or grandmother, according to Rabbi Nussun's Hebrew translation it was the midwife!


Saturday, July 4, 2015

Mistake in translation

HH in correcting the translations, usually it's just little things, but occasionally there's something of import and occasionally even critical. This I consider important:
Tale 10 the Burgher and the Pauper.
Keren: He concluded that wild beasts must have eaten her.
Nanach friends: and probably vicious animals ate her up (much worse mistake,however it is self realized in the continuation, therefore making it only a typo).

Proper translations: and probably wild animals devoured him.

Just now I spotted some serious glaring omissions in the keren's, like not mentioning that the empress smashed her head against the wall!


יז בתמוז

ב"ה ידוע שמאן מלכי? רבנן! והאחרון הנאמן שנסמך מרבינו בפתק בקדוש הוא סבא ישראל, ביידיש סבא זה זיידא. יז זה ראשי תיבות זיידא ישראל, תמז ראשי תיבות מתי תמלוך זיידא?! נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

יז בתמוז

ב"ה ידוע שמאן מלכי? רבנן! והאחרון הנאמן שנסמך מרבינו בפתק בקדוש הוא סבא ישראל, ביידיש סבא זה זיידא. יז זה ראשי תיבות זיידא ישראל, תמז ראשי תיבות מתי תמלוך זיידא?! נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

Friday, July 3, 2015

הרגשתי כבוד! RESPECT!

HH a girl needed to speak to me so she addressed me: "Nachman..." I can't tell you, for a second I felt WOW! Here the biggest tzaddikim in the future world only know a tiny bit of who Rabbainu is, and here I'm being called in his name!

ב"ה ילדה היתה צריכה אותי, אז היא אמרה לי "נחמן..." ואותו רגע הרגשתי וואאאוו!  הרי צדיקים גדולים בעולם הבא אינם זוכים לדעת רק טיפה מן הים מי זה רבינו, והרי היא קוראת לי על שמו. נ נח!

What a bargain

HH imagine a guy smuggling a briefcase with $10,000,000 of diamonds. At the border he is stopped and the guards begin searching his stuff. They find that he has taken an extra 3 cartons of cigarettes, but they do not spot the diamonds. He is fined $50 and is given clear passage to pass through. This is one happy man!

If we would have any idea of what we are accomplishing in this world simply by sitting here believing in G-d and in His tzadik Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman we would be completely be blown away from joy and ecstasy, all are problems, aches, pains, worries, and whatnot would be seen for what they in relative proportion to what we had coming GF.


פרשת בלק רמזים

ב"ה פרשת בלק כד:יז 
שבט מישראל ומחץ פאתי מואב וקרקר כל בני שת.
הסופי תיבות בגמטריא התשע"ו הבא עלינו לטובה.
פאתי שמו חץ את מואב, בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן.
פאתי מואב וקרקר כל בני - הראשי תיבות בגמטריא נחמן. פאתי מואב וקרקר סופי תיבות רבי.
פאתי מואב וקרקר כל בני - אותיות היסוד, אלו שלפני הסופי תיבות, בגמטריא פתקא.
ב-ני שת- בגמטריא התשנ"ה - השנה שנפטר סבא ישראל.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

פרשת בלק עוד רמזים

ב"ה פרשת בלק כג:יח
קום בלק ושמע האזינה עדי בנו צפר.
האזינה עדי בנו - הראשי וסופי תיבות הם י-ה-ו-ה ע"ב, עב זה המילוי הכי חשוב של שם ה' והוא עוד מרמז על שם השם באחוריים: י,י"ה...
 בגמטריא ע"ב. ואותיות היסוד של האזינ'ה עד'י בנ'ו צפ'ר - פקד, גמטריא שם ע"ב באחוריים: יוד, יוד-ה'י....
בנו ציפור, הבן של ציפור, ביידיש ציפור זה פייגא - אימא של רבינו, בן ציפור. והמשך הכתובים בפסוק יט: לא איש אל וכזב ובן - הסופי תיבות בגמטריא לשמחה. ובן אדם ויתנחם ההוא - הסופי תיבות עם כל התיבה ההוא וה כולל בגמטריא נחמן.
ושמע האזינה עדי בנו, אותיות היסוד: נדמן - עם הד' אותיות = נחמן.
צפר. בגמטריא של התיבה המלאה ציפור עם הד' אותיות הכתובות = פשוט. עדי בנו בגמטריא וכפול. עם הכולל בגמטריא ומאומן.

נ נח

פרשת בלק עוד רמזים על הפתק הקדוש

ב"ה ויהפך ה' את הקללה לברכה...
פרשת בלק כב:לח ויאמר בלעם אל בלק הנה באתי אליך עתה היכל אוכל דבר מאומה הדבר אשר ישים אלהים בפי אתו אדבר.
הנה באתי בגמטריא יז בתמוז
אליך 'עתה הי'כל עתההי עם הכולל בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן, ועם הה' אותיות בגמטריא תלמידי עם הכולל. דהיינו באתי אליך תלמידי. הי'כל אוכל דבר' עם הג' תיבות בגמטריא היקר. מאומה הד- עם הכולל בגמטריא להגיד לך.
היכל אוכל דבר מאומה הדבר אשר ישים, ראשי תיבות 'מאד היה' (עם עוד א). הסופי תיבות של ויאמר בלעם אל בלק הנה באתי אליך עתה בגמטריא קשה.
הי-'כל' = נ, אוכל עם הכולל = נח. דבר = נ נח נחמ. מאומה - מאומן (כי ה כפול י - כולם בחכמה עשית = ן).
דבר מאומה בגמטריא דברסלב.
ישים בגמטריא רבי נחמן.
הדב-ר אשר ישים אלהי- בגמטריא ראש בני ישראל עם הגיע' תיבות.
אשר ישים אלהים בפי אתו אדבר סופי תיבות בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן עם ה' תיבות.
אותיות היסוד של אלהי'ם בפ'י את'ו אדב'ר בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן עם הכולל.
ישים אלהים בפי ראשי תיבות אבי - ישראל בער או דבר.

כל זה ממש בהשקפה קלה, טעימה...
דרוש עוד וקבל נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן



The Talmud in tractate Sanhedrin 26a tells of the statesman Shevna who would teach Torah to masses 130,000 people. The righteous king of the time Chizkeyahu who is the Talmud credits bringing the highest education in history to the entire nation, would have an attendance of only 110,000. When Sancherev came to conquer Israel, Shevna wanted to just hand over the country. Chizkeyahu feared that Shevna had the merit and power of the majority. Heavens told Chizkeyahu fear not, the bonding of the wicked isn't considered a bond whatsoever. The Talmud also reveals that Shevna was a pursuer of desires possibly even including homose*uality. These people can make whatever type of relations they like, even based around the Torah, but they will remain alone, they can not make a real bond. And on the other side, we find the simple present of Jewish souls together in the same place forms a powerful bond and builds spiritual houses, in an exponential fashion, so that a real majority is not necessary even a small group creates a colossal figure.
It is also interesting to note that Shevna is the same letters as HaBaShaN - the Giant Oag, who Moses feared because of his having being circumcised by Father Abraham. Hashem Yisburach had to reassure Moshe that since Oag did not guard the purity of his covenant there was nothing to fear. Oag was not even (at least not completely) a homose*ual, as we know he coveted Mother Sarah.
BaShaN is also acronym for Nachman Ben Simcha, who is the ultimate teacher and rectifier of all of Israel, and the while world. About time.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman!

פרשת בלק

ב"ה פרשת בלק כב:כד ומעמד מלאך - ה' במשעול' הכרמים' גדר' מזה' וגדר' מזה' הסופי תיבות עם הכוללים בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן ע"ה.

Division of State and Religion

It would seem that the concept of division of government from religion may be tenable if there is in fact both sides, religion and government. However when there is no religion, the government laws become peoples morality and religion. So the idea kills itself, as the government not only can not separate itself from religion, it is the religion.
The ludicrous refuge of permitting everything between two consenting adults obviously needs some limitations, there needs to be some way of determining where to draw the line. Assuming there was strong religion, religion could liaison with government on that, without either breaking its role. Just as the government prints on the currency In G-d We Trust, each side could trust and be supported by the other, and yet be independent. Freedom of religion isn't like a permit to make a bonfire or build a house, it provides for a viable entity that will critically impact the nature of the government. However today's religion, even where it exists, is mostly based on the peoples feelings at it is formed by their liberty of state. The people tell the religion what type of religion they want based on their rights by the government. Thus the government is mainly playing both sides.

This is already fully manifested in today's society where e.g. children make celebrations when they come of legal age to smoke, drink or whatever. Communism is also based on consent, and it became the national religion, and as per the above example, national holidays which were of the triumph of their national consent, were celebrated religiously.
Everyone believes in something. Those that choose GF to believe that there is no G-d, are faced with no alternative but to create their own golden calf, a code of morality based on their own desires and needs, here there is no differentiation between government and religion, it all the same.
Those who believe in G-d will find that there is actually an active place for a fully effective government, even a secular government, as we find the rule that the laws of the government are binding.
Freedom is not determined by the amount of liberties one is given to do whatever he wants. These liberties are usually the opposite, they shackle a hold a person back. Most people agree that children should not be exposed to certain things and that they should not have the liberty to smoke and dried drink. Most would agree that adults shouldn't either be smoking and drinking, but here the decision is given to the adult to make. The adult has in him both departments, state and religion. These will determine how he chooses to act.

Maybe more later

The main thing is that thank G-d we are not in this mess, because thank G-d we have the holy teachings of Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The embarrassment of se*ual desire

Rabbainu revealed that the main and biggest embarrassment is se*ual desire. During a garbage strike someone wanting to get rid of some very messy bile put it in a box and wrapped the box in fancy gift paper with ribbons and left the box outside his home. It wasn't very long before it was stolen. So too women put on designer clothing to accentuate and beautify the place that sits on the toilet bowl excreting feces, urine, and menstrual blood - nauseating. People hurry to steal these forbidden pleasures. What an embarrassment.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman

When in doubt ... say Na Nach!

This happened shortly after I heard about the holy Petek. The guy that told me about it introduced me to his friends and invited me to a Shabbos meal. Ehile we were all sitting by the table, I heard his wife ask him what to do has she had forgotten whether or not  she had already made a blessing and she did not know how to proceed, to make the blessing or not. My friend told her that she should say Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman and not worry about a thing, everything would be fine. Hearing this got my blood boiling! There are laws to follow, specifically addressing what is to be done in such situations, how can he ignore them and say the remedy is to say Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman?!

As I grew older I began to greatly appreciate this casual advice from my friend. For it is known that Amalek - the arch enemy of holiness has the gematria of "sufaik" - doubt, as does the acronym NNNNM! Amalaik is the first of nations (this weeks parsha - Buluk) and so it is represented in NNNNM, but its end is utter decimation (ibid). Nanach kills the doubt and the sheker! What can a person do when he has a doubt and doesn't know what to do. This is Amalaiks preying grounds, he has this person GF already in his jaws. Comes along Rabbainu and says, my dear little precious Jew, get a grip on yourself see where you heading! Get out fast! Get very happy and excited very quickly! There is a concept (a concept gematria NNNNM) that reverses even the worst to the ultimate best: Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman! Use it, because You's it. Sing and dance - chant Nanach and be merry. Rosh Hashana be by the Rebbe!

So when in doubt and always for that matter shout: Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman!