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Monday, August 5, 2024

22 days from Rosh Hashana to Simchas Torah correspond to the three weeks

Going slightly viral, it says in holy books that the 22 days from Rosh Hashana to Simchas Torah- Shmini Atzeres, correspond to the three weeks of mourning we are now in - 22 days from the fast of the 17th of Tamuz, the fast which Saba broke - corresponds to the Rosh Hashana of Rabbainu, recieving the holy Petek on the 23rd corresponding to Shabbos Shuva, till the 9th of Av - a week from now - corresponding to Simchas Torah - when the massacre of October 7 happened.
Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN 

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