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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

9th of Elul - hilula of Dan son of Israel and R' Tzadok Hakohen


It has been said that there is only a fine line between genius and insanity, and perhaps on the same vein we can say that at the zenith of complexity of devotion there is only a fine line of separation to the complete simplicity and wholeheartedness of Breslov. Ishbitz chasidus, started by the May Hasheeloach, is probably the most deep, sophisticated, and profound, and thus we find that R' Tzadok Hakohen, author of Tzidkas Hatzadik and many other holy books, came to favor Rabbainu - at a time when almost all other chasidim were strongly opposed or at the very best ignored - R' Tzadok devoted his efforts to providing correlating sources to the dictums of Rabbainu in his holy book Character - The Aleph Bet Book of the Traits

May his memory be a blessing.

It is interesting to note that in his book Tzidkas Hatzadik, he makes a small prophecy that before the proper time the Jews would once again rally to conquer Israel - even though this is was the sin of the "maapeelim" in the time of Moses, who were all killed out instantly - as the Torah says, and even though there are severe oaths that forbid the Jews from doing this, even still R' Tzadok asserts that the Jews will do it successfully, explaining that at that time there will already be a case for the success of chutzpa! See there, this is beyond amazing, because the entire Satmar movement and those even more radical and zealous are in denial of this phenomenon.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

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