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Monday, August 28, 2017

Parables of this world


When you need to bring a big piece of furniture into a house or room it won't fit in through the doorway, and it is necessary to first dismantle the item and then rebuild it inside. Same thing with holiness, when one approaches the gates of holiness, there is no way he can simply enter with vessels he has prepared, he must first totally abnegate himself, only then can he slip inside and begin to rebuild in the new holy atmosphere.

This world is like a big mountain climb, and the leader of the group helps each and every one make the trek and ascend to the top. The climb is hard enough as it is, and having to shoulder all the gear and whatnot compounds the complexity and makes things extremely more difficult. So the group leader will step in and carry that cumbersome weight for them. That is part of what the tzadik does for us.

Intellectual property

Every Jew has their own face of the Torah – everything he learns is his own unique take, therefore no Jew encroaches upon another's potion of the Torah. However, a gentile who learns the Torah is stealing or even worse, for he doesn't have a portion of the Torah, and his learning is invasive and he is squatting on property that is not his.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

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