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Thursday, August 24, 2017



Before I knew about Nanach I was very anti zionist, I was very anti a lot of things [interestingly enough when someone asked R' Shlomo Carlbach what would have happened if had remained in the Yeshiva system, he replied that he would probably have become a big Rosh Yeshiva in Bnay Brak, authoring many books on the Talmud, and very anti, anti this, anti that, anti the other etc.. That's exactly where I was heading, except that I had already left the falsehood of the system, so I was like a lone wolf very lost], but particularly anti tzioanee. Even still HY had mercy on me and I has the good sense of living in Israel. So for years I lived in Israel not acknowledging the government an iota. Even after the holy Petek saved me, and all the anti got swallowed into one humongous PRO Nanach, I felt better off, and still do, not dealing with them whatsoever. Even still, this year for the first time I finally succumbed to the pressure and I actually obtained a real official visa to be in Israel, fancy that. Now here I really have to hand it to them, prominently on the visa - which is in my passport - there is a declaration:


Wow that is impressive - they got that right!!!! B"H may we merit to be completely abnegated to the tzadik Na Nach Nachma Nachamn MeUman who is the aspect of Shabos when no work is permitted!

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

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