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Monday, December 31, 2018

הצדיקים אמיתים עושים נסים בלי פרסום ובאים השקרנים ומראים כאילו הנס נעשה על ידי המפרסמים של שקר


בספר חיי מוהר"ן אות תנה. מבואר שהצדיקים אמיתים עושים ישועות גדולות דרך נס בלי שידעו שזה בא מהם, ובאים המפרסמים של שקר ומראים שכאילו הם עשו את הנס והישועה.
ומעניין שאהרן פץ ז"ל סיפר (סרט 1נסיעה ב' לאמריקה 1) איך שהתחילו להפיץ קמיעות נ נח באמריקה, שבאו לביתו של איש אחד שהיה משותק ר"ל, וסבא אמר למאיר ימיני לכתוב עבורו קמיע ושיגידו נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן עד שיקום בריא, וכך עשו, והיו אומרים נ נח ומצוים אותו לקום, וכבר ראו שרגליו התחילו לנדד, והיו בהלם ואמרו זה לזה אם ככה זה עובד וכו', ובא אשתו של המשותק ואמרה, לא, אם הוא יקום בריא זה לא מהפתק זה מהרבי יואל מסטמר, והם אמרו, אם ככה זה, אין לנו עסק פה, ועזבו. ולכאורה לפי דברי רבינו כאן, העיקר שהיה להם לרפאות הבן אדם, יהיה מה שיהיה, אפילו אם העולם יחזיק בשקר.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

אברהם יצחק ישראל משה אהרן דוד שלמה אליהו - תרי"ג


אלו האבות וראשי הצדיקים, ומצינו בתפילה של רבי ישמעאל כהן גדול שהוא מעורר דוקא זכות אלו הצדיקים (ואולי אליהו מלאך הברית הוא בבחינת יוסף): אברהם יצחק ישראל משה אהרן דוד שלמה אליהו, הראשי תיבות עם הסופי תיבות של שמותיהם בגמטריא תר"ז, ועם ו' החיבור אי נמי ו' בחי' התורה הקדושה כי הלוחות בחי' ו' כמובא בלקוטי מוהר"ן, הרי תרי"ג.

(ומה שכתוב שם בתפילה, עשה למען קדושת השם, הסופי תיבות של למען קדושת השם ע"ה בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן).

וחידוש זה כמעט לא כתבתי לעצמי, ורציתי להמשיך, ואז הסתכלתי בשעון: 6:07, והייתי כבר משוכנע. נ נח

Thursday, December 27, 2018

פרשת שמות - רמזים על רבינו הקדוש נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן מתוך הספר לקוטי נ נח



א:יב וכאשר יענו אתו כן ירבה וכן יפרץ, אותיות היסוד (אלו שלפני הסופי תיבות) של יענו אתו כן ירבה וכן, נתכבכ, בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן ע"ה. והאותיות היסוד של המילים שלפניה ולאחריה, דהיינו מהתיבות 'וכאשר' 'יפרץ' הם "שר", לשיר נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן (א"נ גמטריא ראש, א”נ עם האות הבא של 'ויקצו' הרי שרצ, בגמטריא הפתקה).

א:טז אם בן הוא והמתן אתו ואם בת הוא וחיה. והמתן – מתן ע"ה בגמטריא נ נח נחמ מאומן. ואם בת הוא וחיה ע"ה בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן.

א:יז-יח ותיראן המילדת את האלהים וכו'. את האלקים בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן ע"ה. האלקים ולא עשו כאשר דבר אליהן וכו' ס"ת בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן עם התיבות. ותחיין את הילדים, ותחיין עם האותיות והכולל בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. גם הס"ת של ותחיין את הלידים ע"ה בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן, ומה שנשאר מהמילים האלו: 'תחיי – א – הילדי', עם הג' כוללים, בגגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. וגם 'יין-את-הי' בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן עם ארבעה כוללים.
ורש"י כז"ל ותחיין את הילדים, מספקות להם מים ומזון ע"ש. מספקות עם שני כוללים בגמטריא פתק נ נח.

א:יט ותאמרן המילדת אל פרעה כי לא כנשים המצרים העברית כי חיות הנה בטרם תבוא אלהן המילדת וילדו. הסופי תיבות של ותאמרן המילדת אל פרעה כי בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן עם ד' כוללים. וכן הס"ת של המילדת אל פרעה כי לא כנשים עם האותיות בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן ע"ה. וכן הס"ת של 'כי לא כנשים המצרים העברית' בדיוק בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. וכן 'חיות הנה בטרם תבוא אלהן' הס"ת בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן עם ה' כוללים. וכן 'בטרם תבוא אלהן המילדת' הס"ת בדיוק בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן.

ותאמרן צירוף אותיות – ואת מרן – המילדת (כולל שני המילדות א"נ מילדות עם הכולל) בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן! (וזה גם כן הכח של רבינו שבטרם שהמקשה לילד נכנסים עבוריה כבר יש לה ישועה). וזה אל פרעה, בחי' אחוריים – נ נח נחמ נחמן.

ויש פה רמזים חזקים על הפתק. כי נשים מלשון נשתה גבורתם (ירמיה נא – וע' בלקוטי מוהר"ן נו:ד), המצרים, בחי' בין המצרים שמתחלת עם התענית של יז בתמוז, שאז היה נפילתו של סבא ישראל בשנת העברי"ת – התרפ"ב!

בטרם – ר"ת רבי מאיר בעל הנס טבריא – המקום שבו היה נס הפתק.

א:כ וייטב אלהים למילדת וירב העם ויעצמו (מאד) ס"ת עם הכולל בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן.

א:כא ויהי כי יראו המילדת את האלקים (ע' בזה לעיל על פסוק יז) ויעש לה'ם בתים' – 'ויעש ל' בגמטריא רבינו נחמן, 'הם בתים' בגמטריא הנ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן ע”ה. והנה בתים אלו הם בתי כהונה ולויה ומלכות, והיום יש לזכות לבתי נ נח.

ג:ב והסנה איננו אכל. בגמטריא ברסלב.

ג:טז פקד פקדתי אתכם ואת העשוי לכם במצרים. חז"ל גילו שסוד הגאולה היה שמור במילים האלו פקד פקדתי, וידוע למקובלים שפקד, ודפק, הם מתנהלים על פי שם ע"ב באחוריים (יוד, יוד-ה"י, יוד-ה"י-וי"ו...) שהוא בגמטריא 184. והנה הס"ת של, אתכם ואת העשוי לכם בגמטריא ע"ה – נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. וכן "העשוי לכם" עם האותיות והתיבות בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן.

ג:יט ואני ידעתי כי לא יתן אתכם מלך מצרים להלך ולא ביד חזקה. לא יתן – בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. וכן המלים שמסביב "לא יתן", ''כי...אתכם" בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. “מלך מצרים" בגמטריא יז תמוז. ואם תקח את הצ' והי' ממצרים, שביחד הם ק, יוצא הר"ת (מ'צרים להל') של התחלת הפתק הקדוש: מ'אד ה'יה ק' ל'י ל'רדת, ךולא – אליך (כי הו' עם ד' אותיות = י, גם כי קרובים המילים), אבי"ד – ישראל דוב בר אודסר – חזק!

ג:כ ושלחתי את ידי 'והכיתי את מצרים בכל נפלאתי', ס"ת ע"ה בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. וכן בפסוק כא, ונתתי 'את חן העם' ס"ת ע"ה בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. וכן ד:יב ואנכי אהיה עם פיך והוריתיך אשר תדבר, ס"ת בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן, עם ד' כוללים. וכן ד:טו וע'ם פיהו והוריתי אתכם את' אשר תעשון, ס"ת בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן עם ה' כוללים. וכן ד:טז הוא יהיה לך 'לפה ואתה תהיה לו לאלהים' ר"ת בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן עם ה' כוללים. וכן ד:יט ויאמר ה' אל משה במדין לך שב מצרים כי מתו כל האנשים המבקשים את נפשך - “מתו כל" בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן עם ה' כוללים. מבקשים בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן ע"ה. נפש – נ'חמן (בן) פ'יגא וש'מחה, ויש בזה עוד רמזים. וכן ד:כ  ויקח משה "את מטה האל"הים בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. ויק'ח משה' אותיות שמחה, עם הכולל = נ נח נחמ נחמן. וכן ד:כג ואמר אליך שלח את בני ו'תמאן' לשלחו – בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. וכן , ש'לח את בנ'י – בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. וכן ד:כה כמה פעמים. ד:לא – ס"ת תהלים. .... ה:יג והנג'שים אצים' בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. ה:יז נרפים אתם נרפים על כן אתם אומרים נלכה נזבחה לה'. ה:כג ו'מאז באתי אל' פרעה וכו'. בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן ע"ה.

ד:י ידוע שמשה רבינו היה מגמגם, אבל גמגום זה רק בפה לא בכתב. ונ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן נראה בעיני הליצנים כגמגום. אכן בדברי משה רבינו רמז על זה (שמות ד:י) כי כבד פה וכבד לשון אנכי, שלכאו' היה מספיק לומר כבד פה, ולמה צריך להוסיף כבד לשון. אלא זה רמז לנ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן, כאילו משה רבינו אומר וב' (דהיינו טענה שניה, גם בית עם הכ' – כתיב!) כדלשוןאנכי – בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן! שזה השיר של הגאולה השלמה בב"א. וכן כבר הערנו על ריש הפסוק הזה – לא איש דברים אנכי גם מתמול גם משלשם גם מאז דברך, שזה רמז על ריבוע הדיבור, בחי' נ נח נחמ נחמן. וע' מש"כ בפרק 290.

ד:יג ויאמר בא אדנ"י שלח נא ביד תשלח. והנה בפסוק י' משה רבינו אומר לה"י לא איש דברים אנכי גם מתמול וכו' שרבינו גילה בלקוטי מוהר"ן שזה בחי' ריבוע הדיבור. שתיקונו דוקא על ידי רבינו נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. אז זה מה שהשם יתברך מרמז פה, שלח נא ביד – ר"ת נחמן בן שמחה – תשלח! ויש פה עוד רמזים על סבא ישראל ואכ"מ.

ד:יז - - ואת המטה הזה תקח בידך אשר תעשה בו את האתת. המטה הזה תקח ע"ה בגמטריא הפתק.

ד:יט ויאמר בי א-דני שלח נא ביד תשלח. הר"ת בגמטריא התשנ"ה עם הכולל (אי נמי סתם – תשנ"ה, וכן 'ביד תשלח' ע”ה בגמטריא תשנה), השנה שנפטר סבא ישראל, בח"י חשוון, ס"ת של א-דני שלח = ח"י, ואותיות בסירוגין של א-ד-נ-י-ש-ל-ח-נ-א-ב-י, בגמטריא חשוון (עם עיקר השורש חשן בפירוש). והר"ת של ישראל דוב בר אודסר מרומזים בנ'א ביד', ויש בזה עוד הרבה רמזים ואכמ"ל (עוד רמזים בתאריך הילולא של סבא ישראל ע' לעיל אות ק' ולקמן אות תעז).

ד:כב בני בכרי, שמעתי משגיא יוסף, בגמטריא נחמן בן פיגא – אז אגב ארחיה קמ"ל שנחמן בן פיגא בגמטריא ברסלב!

ד:כו - - וירף ממנו אז אמרה חתן דמים למולת. וירף ממנו בגמטריא ברסלב מאומן ע"ה. חתן דמים למולת ס"ת עם הכולל בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. למולת בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן עם האותיות.

ה:יח ועתה לכו עבדו ותבן לא ינתן לכם ותכן לבנים תתנו. 'ותבן לא ינתן" גמטריא "את נחמן נתן" – כנראה פרעה היה כליצנים של היום שאומרים שנ נח זה עבודה זרה. 'לכם ות' גמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן עם ה' כוללים. ס"ת של 'לא ינתן לכם ותכן לבנים תתנו' – נ. מאומן.

ה:כב למה זה שלחתני. שלחתני בגמטריא נחמן (כי ן סופית בגמטריא שבע מאות).

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

Monday, December 24, 2018

Low self esteem vs humility


If there’s only a fine line between genius and insanity, how fine of a line is there between low self esteem and pure authentic humility? True genius of character purports to pristine humility, dysfunctional crazy character is synonymous with low esteem.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

פרשת ויחי - רמזים על רבינו הקדוש נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן והפתק וסבא ישראל - מהספר לקוטי נ נח


מח:ט ויאמר קחם נא אלי ואברכם, חבר הראה לי ש'קחם' בגמטריא נחמן, 'נא אלי' עם האותיות בגמטריא אומן. וי"ל עוד 'ויאמר קחם נא אלי' בגמטריא רבי נחמן מאומן, ו'יאמר קחם נא אלי' בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן.

מט:א-ב ויקרא יעקב אל בניו  ויאמר האספו ואגידה לכם את אשר יקרה אתכם באחרית הימים (ב) הקבצו ושמעו  בני יעקב ושמעו אל ישראל אביכם. האספו, אספו עם הכולל בגמטריא נחמן. ואגידה, מחלפין ו' עם ב', והרי אותיות אבגדהי, סוד שיר פשוט כפול משולש מרובע -אבגד – שהם י' – ה'  - מאומן. 'לכם את' בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. אשר – אותיות ראש, ראש בני ישראל, וכן ראשי תיבות א' ראש שנה. 'באחרית הימים הקבצו ושמעו' סופי תיבות בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן ע"ה. 'יקרה אתכם באחרית' ראשי תיבות ישראל בער אודסר. 'באחרית הימים הקבצו ושמעו בני יעקב ושמעו' סופי תיבות בגמטריא יז תמוז – 'אל ישראל' עם האותיות והכולל בגמטריא פתק, אל איזה ישראל 'אביכם' י'שראל ב'ער א'ודסר. 'הקבצו ושמעו' בגמטריא הכתר, כי הקבוץ בראש השנה עולה על הכל.

מט:ט גור אריה יהודה מטרף בני עלית כרע רבץ כאריה וכלביא מי יקימנו: מטרף' בני' עלית' ס"ת ע"ה בגימטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. בני' עלית' כרע' רבץ' כאריה' וכלביא' מי', ס"ת בגימטריא בהפתק. מטרף, ר"ת פתק טבריא ר' מאיר (בעל הנס). עלית' כרע' ס"ת בגימטריא י"ז תמוז, שהוא הסימן לאמיתת הפתק. ס"ת של הפסוק חוץ ממילת גור, ה'ה'ף'י'ת'ע'ץ'ה'א'י'ו'= תרפב, השנה שקבל הפתק.

והנה בפסוק הזה נרמז סוד גדול במש"כ מטרף בני עלית, דהלוא אחר מכירת יוסף כתוב על יהודה, 'וירד מאחיו', ואיך כותב כאן עלית. מטרף, אותיות טרמף, ע' לקמן בס' כל הדרכים מגיעים לאומן, שיש ארבע אופנים, ומטרף, יש בו א' מכל הד'.

נ:יז כה תאמרו ליוסף אנא שא נא פשע אחיך וכו', שא נא, השני אלפין זה ב', נב"ש – נחמן בן שמחה. 'אנא שא נא פ' עם האותיות בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן ע"ה.
וכיון דאתי לידי נראה לפרש, דהנה מה שגרם להשבטים לאמר את זה ליוסף מבואר ברש"י שם (פסוק טו) ז"ל ויראו אחי יוסף כי מת אביהם, מהו ויראו, הכירו במיתתו אצל יוסף שהיו רגילים לסעוד על שלחנו של יוסף והיה מקרבן בשביל כבוד אביו, ומשמת יעקב לא קרבן ע"ש. והנה על ידי שמכניסין ת"ח לאורחין כאלו הקריב תמידין, וענין התמידין, שתמיד זה גמטריא ד' אלפין (דהיינו אלף = 111, ד' פעמים = 444 כמנין תמד), ואלו הם מה שנזכר בשלמה המלך (מלכים א' ה'): "וידבר שלשת אלפים משל ויהי שירו חמשה ואלף", כמבואר כל זה היטב בלקוטי מוהר"ן תורה כח (והיה לי השגחה על זה, שלמחרת שחידשתי את זה מי שהוא בא אלי לעשות איזה ביקורת ואמר לי בו נראה מה שרבינו אומר ופתח לק"מ לתורה כח) ע"ש שיש מצד הקדושה ויש ח”ו מצד הטומאה מהתלמידי חכמין שדי”ן יהודאין. ולכן פה אחר שהאחים ראו שיוסף כבר לא זוכה להכניס אותם, שהם ת"ח אמיתיים, לאורחים, דאגו איך הוא ירים את הד' אלפין. וזה מה שמופיע פה ד' אלפין שביניהם נ"ש"נ. ומילת שא, להרים אותם. כי הכל בכח רבינו נחמן בן שמחה, באופן שמתחיל בנ' ומסיים בנו"ן. וכן תראה בתורה כח שם שסוד עולת התמיד זה סוד השם אבגית"ץ שכבר הוכחנו (אות טז) איך שהוא ממש סוד השיר פשוט, כפול שלוש, מרובע (א,ב,ג,י) נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן (ת"ץ ע"ה). אנא"ש"א בגמטריא שמחה, וכן אשאנ”א, ועם הכולל גמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן. ושים לב על האותיות האלו שהם שווים משני הצדדים פאנאשאנאפ. ש' באמצע זה של ש'מחה אביו של רבינו, ואז יש הנונים, של נ'חמן, ואז בקצות האותיות יש את הפאים, פ'ייגא האמא של רבינו. והרי באותיות שמבפנים הפאים, יש משני הכוונים בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן. וכאשר מתחילים מהפאים שבקצות האותיות, יש משני הצדדים בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן: פאנאשאנ, וכן אנאשאנאפ, עם האותיות [והכולל] בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן. והנה הגמטריא של כל "המנורה" הנ"ל – פאנאשאנאפ – תקסד, שכידוע הוא פעמים ר"פ (מנצפ"ך בה' ספירות חג"ת נ"י, ומנצפ"ך ביסוד) – עם הד' אותיות. וכן "נחמן בן שמחה" = תקנג, ועם העשר אותיות והכולל = תקסד!

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

Take Off - a parable


There's a short video clip I just saw, may this be the last and worst of my sins, of a little bird frantically trying to fly off the rail it is perched upon, vigorously and ardently flapping its wings,  but alas apparently its legs are frozen to the bar and it can't get free. So someone cupped their hand around the little bird and blew warm air in until its feet were unfrozen from the rail, and then let the bird fly off.
So it is with our service of Hashem, we can be doing powerful good deeds and Torah learning, but if we are frozen to our place we will not be able to take off, to ascend and fly. We need to be cupped by a Hand and blown upon with His warmth, and then we will be free to fly.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

הקבצן הבעל חטוטרת - הויקר - הקדוש - תכלית מיעוט מחזיק את המרובה והגשר למעלה מן המקום


מעשה יא
סיפור מהשבעה קבצנים
הבעטליר החמישי – בעל חטוטרת – הויקר
ע' בתיקונים חדשים של הרמח"ל (תיקון ע', עמ' קסט, דף וחצי לפני הסוף) ז"ל זרקא מקף שופר הולך סגולתא, זרקא ביה (יחזקאל לו:כה) וזרקתי עליכם מים טהורים וכו'. דהא אלין דנפקין מגו חשוכא, חשיכין אינון ודאי ואצטריך לאפרשא מינייהו חשוכא דא. במאי. אלא באלין מיין עלאין דנגדין מחכמה סתימאה. בה וטהרתם מכל טומאותיכם וכו' (שם). כדין מקף שופר הולך, כלהו סחרן לההוא שופר דא משיח בן יוסף ודאי, לסלקא ביה לאתריהון לעילא. על רזא דא ויעבור מלכם לפניהם וה' בראשם (מיכה ב:יג) וביה יסתלקון לאתריהון. מאי אתר. אלא סגולתא, אלין תלת אבהן קדישין דאינון שרשין עלאין דישראל. דכלהו צריכין לאתקשרא בהו למיהוי כלא בתיקונא שלים בחילא דהאי זוהר קדישא ותיקונין אלין קדישין דילך. זכאה חולקהון דישראל בעלמא דין ובעלמא דאתי, עכ"ל (ועיין שם שמיד אחר כך מזכיר אלנא רברבא).
והעירוני חבר אחד (ר.ה.) שאלו דברים מאד מזכירים את הענין של הבעטליר ההויקר. ובאמת יש בזה רמז נפלא, כי השופר צריך להיות כפוף, וזה בחי' ההויקר. ולפי זה יצא שהג' מידות של שרשי האילן, ענוה יראה ואמונה, הם בחי' אברהם (ענוה – ואנכי עפר ואפר), יראה (יצחק – פחד יצחק), ואמונה ליעקב איש תם. והם השרשים לגוף האילן (עיין בזה בספר דרך השם, חלק שני פרק ד', 'אברהם לבדו נבחר במעשיו ונתעלה ונקבע להיות אילן מעולה' וכו' עיין שם) המכונה ישראל, או כנסתם ישראל, בחי' דוד המלך. וכדי להגיע להאילן קודם צריכים להטהר במדות, כמבואר בסיפור, וזה בחי' וזרקתי עליכם מים טהורים, ועל כן דוקא על ידי אחדות זכו לזה, כי באמת זה גוף האילן – ישראל גוי אחד, ואז הבעטליר ההויקר, בחי' שופר, בחי' משיח בן יוסף, יכול להעלות כולם למעלה מן המקום. וזה בחי' סגולתא, כי רבינו גילה שענין סגולה הוא למעלה מהשכל (לקוטי מוהר"ן כא:ט), וכן גילה ז"ל (לקוטי מוהר"ן תנינא פג) ותכלית הידיעה שלא נדע וכו' ותכלית הזה הוא עקר המקום [ויתכן עוד, שבאמת סגולה הוא עוד למעלה מהכל, כי תכלית הידיעה היא עדיין בתוך הבחינה של ידיעה, רק בתכלית הקצה, ואילו סגולה היא לגמרי למעלה יוצאה. וכן הוא הענין של ההויקר שהוא היה בתכלית המיעוט מחזיק את המרובה, ואילו האילן היה לגמרי יוצאה ומלמעלה מהמקום], הינו בחינת מקומו של עולם, שזה התכלית הוא המקיף את כל העולם שנברא בחכמה וכו' עכ"ל, הרי למעלה מכל הידיעות בתכלית הידיעה הוא בחי' מקומו של עולם, וזה בחי' סגולה שלמעלה מהשכל, ולכאורה בו עומדת האילן הזה שעומדת למעלה מן המקום. והשם יתברך יאיר עינינו להבין עוד את כל הענין הזה בתכליתו, אמן.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Breslover Chasidim In Every Generation חסידי ברסלב בכל דור ודור

All my Torah is all introductions - Nanach by Zelig Steiner

חבל על דאבדין ולא משתכחין - בדיחה כואבת

סיפרתי לחבר עכשיו איך שנאבדו ממנו המון חידושי תורה בעוה"ר, ולמשל איך שפעם הפילו אבן גדולה על המחשב שלי והרס אותו לגמרי ומכל הזכרון. אז החבר אמר לי שאתה יכול כבר להגיד שהיה לך ספר הנשרף. אז עניתי לו, יותר נכון: ספר הדפוק.
נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

רבי נתן רבי נתן התלמיד את הלב שלו נתן - שיר של שמואל איל אודס

HH In honor of the hilula - anniversary of the passing - of Rabbi Nussun of Breslov, a brand new song with guitar by Shmuel Ayal Odess. NNNNM!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

שרים רדפוני חנם ומדברך פחד לבי - תהלים קיט:קסא-ב

אני אוהב את רבי נחמן כולנו אוהבים את נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן - זעליג שטיינער

English Breslov Books to Read Online on this blog



The Praises of Rabbi Nachman [& His Voyage to the Holy Land] - Shivchay HuRan

Letters of Saba Yisroel

Blossoms of the Spring - Eebay Hanachal

Fundamental letter of Rabbi Shimon Barski


The Stories of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov and Saba Yisroel - Stories of Ancient Times - Legendary Tales - Parables, and more. - Seepooray Maaseyoas Meeshunim Kadmoaneyoas.

[For sale on Amazon]


The Fires of Israel - Memoirs of Saba Yisroel Dov Odesser translated from Yiddish

                             Part 1
                             Part 2


Sefer Hamidos - The Alef Bet Book - The Book of the Traits - published in English under the title: Character:

[For sale on Amazon]

Additions to The Life of Our Leader Rabbi Nachman (translated I think by N.K.) 1-88

Words of Rabbi Nachman - Sichos HuRan

articles 1-3 - greatness of Hashem, repentance, the apex of knowledge

article 4 - money, lots of money

article 5 - simple faith and fear of Heaven, without philosophy, inventions

articles 6-9 - the emptiness of temptation, cajole, learning laws of calamity

article 9 - don't give a knife as a present

article 10 - remorse and desire to improve bring on hostility 



Outpouring of the Soul

                          Introduction, Forward, and Practices of Rabbi Nachman of Outpouring of the Soul:
                         Main body of the holy book
                          Final Section: Prayer built on Torah

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

Here are the links to read Revival/Restoration of the Soul in English translated from the Breslov Classic - Meshivas Nefesh.

Please note that this translation was NOT done by Simcha Nanach, and Simcha Nanach takes no responsibility whatsoever for anything in this translation, and hopes one day to present something that does meet his approval.

Meshivas Nefesh

Revival/Restoration of the Soul

Volume 1 [Articles 1-44]
Volume 2 part 1: 1-8 part 2: 1-30
Volume 2 part 2: 31-60
Volume 2 part 2: 61-90
Volume 2 part 2: 91-134 (end)

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

The Words of Saba Yisroel
[For sale on Amazon]
The following is a translation of transcripts of Saba - Rabbi Yisroel Dov Odesser o.b.m.. These have been printed and published and are available at Amazon under the title: The Stories of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov and Saba Yisroel.


Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

Live up the Good Points - Torah 282 - Azamruh

                          Judging favorably - Rabbi Nachman's inovation

The Virtue of Saying Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

              Tikunay Zohar 21
              The Petek is the key to easy devotion of HY
              Articles 1-4
              Articles 5-9
              Articles 10-11
       -- Insights and Revelations from Saba Yisroel
               Articles 12-14
               Articles 15-19
               Articles 20-26
               Articles 27-40
               Articles 41-50
               Articles 51-65
               Articles 66-72 (end, at least for the time being)

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov: Who He Was and What He Said - in it's earliest stage presented as the 7 page flier.
[For sale on Amazon]

Kisvay Rabbi Nachman

The Writings of Rabbi Nachman

This is the Kitzur (short/abridged) Likutay Moharan and the pertaining prayers from Likutay Tefilos.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

Pray for Hisbodidus - Collection of Prayer - Prayer 21 - translated from Likutay Tefilos 21


Likutay Tefilos 21

A Collection of Prayers

Prayer 21

“My calling is to Hashem and I scream, my calling is to Hashem and I supplicate (/seek His grace) (Psalms 142:2).” “My call is to Eloah”im[1] and He listens to me (Psalms 77:2).” “From the belly of Sheol (-hell) I cried out, You heard my call (Jonah 2:3).” “And my cry came to You, to Your holy chamber.[2]” “My call You heard, do not hide Your ear from (listening to the prayers for) my relief, from my cry (Lamentation 3:56).” “Hear Hashem my call that I call out, and be gracious with me and answer me (Psalms 27:7).” “Our cries receive, and listen to our screaming, He who know the mysterious/hidden (Prayer of Unuh Bikoach),” Master of the World, He who listens with mercy to the call of the cry of His nation Israel. Have mercy and be gracious with us, and have compassion on us, and be to our succor, and prepare/set our hearts that we should scream and holler to You in truth until You answer us, “we will cry out and You shall say, ‘Here I am’(Isaiah 58:9 – and He shall say…).” And the call of our screaming should ‘go and gain great strength (Exodus 19:19)’, and we shall not give You respite, until You are gracious with us, and listen to our call, and heed our cry, and have mercy on us in Your mercies, and we should merit to reveal, and to illuminate, and to beget holy minds/consciousnesses which are presently hidden from us due to our sins in great hiddenness and great concealment, to the extent that, due to our sins, we don’t have daas (-holy realization of knowledge) now to know/recognize You and to serve You in truth, and we do not merit to come up with real true novelties (-chidushim) in Your holy Torah.

Master of the World, before You is revealed all the mysterious/hidden things, and You know our hearts, that we are so alienated from You now, so very much so that mortification covers our faces, and we are ashamed to ask and request from You this, that You reveal to us the mysteries and the secrets of the Torah, because we don’t know what to ask for first, because we still did not begin to purify and sanctify ourselves whatsoever. However, You know the great preciousness of the holiness of our souls in our roots, because You chose us from all the nations, and called us a holy nation[3], a nation of segoolah (-priceless treasure, even above metaphysics and rational), as it is written (Exodus 19:5), “and You (plural) will be from me a segoolah from all the nations,” and as it is written (Psalms 135:4), “Because Jacob, Y”uh (-G-d) chose him, Israel as his segooluh.” Have mercy and compassion on Your segooluh and Your beloved, on Your nation and Your inheritance, on Your coveted desirable of all the hosts (of nations)[4], whom You called (us) with all expressions of endearment in Your love and in Your compassion, You loved us, and You desired us, and You exalted us from all the nations, and You our king drew us close to Your service. May Your innards moan over us, Your mercies kindle/whelm over our lowliness and our degradation, arise in our help and save us, and put in our hearts to scream to You always, until You have mercy on us and return Your countenance to us, and draw us close. Even though I know, that according to my great alienation from You, with thousands and myriads of alienations, there is no power in my scream to arouse and to beget the hidden moachin (-minds, consciousnesses), and even if I had the power to scream and holler all the callings of all the creations of the world, they would not suffice for me, even for what I need to scream over one of my alienations of one day. And there isn’t any call in the world that has the power to help me according to my great alienation from you, “even though I scream and cry out, He shuts [the windows of heaven before] my prayer (Lamentations 3:8).” All the more so, and all the more so, that I have not even begun to scream as I am capable. However, You have already made known to us, that You are full of mercy for us at all times and at every instant, and in Your abundant mercies You listen and hear all the callings of the world, from the depths of the depths, as it is written (Jonah 2:3), “from the belly of scheol (-hell) I cried out, You heard my call.” Therefore “I base my reliance/precepts[5]” on Your great goodnesses and graciousnesses, because upon You abundant mercies I am confidant, and upon Your kindness I rely, and for Your forgiveness I hope, and for Your salvation I await. And I have come to spread out my palms before You Hashem our G-d and the G-d of our fathers, help me, and be gracious to me, and arouse my heart in truth, that I should merit to truly feel my enormous pain, the pain of my soul (-nefesh, lowest part of the soul, seated in the blood), and my ruach (-spirit - mid level), and my neshama (-soul seated in the intellect), and I should merit to see, and to understand the utter magnitude of my alienation from You, and (You should) merit me to scream to You always with all my strength, and You should be full of mercy on me, and hear my defected call, and listen to my warped cry. And (You should) have mercy on me in Your mercies, and help me to fix my call, and raise me from (having a) defected call to a good call. And (You should) merit me to scream both in Torah and in Prayer, until I merit in Your abundant mercies, to arouse and sire with my call the hidden moachin (-minds, consciousnesses) that disappeared from us due to our sins. And due to our abundant sins we have, so to speak, weakened the supernal strength, to the extent that it is as if the power of the Shechina (-Divine Presence) has been too weakened to beget the moachin, as it is written, “<Tzoor> the Rock/Creator <yiludchuh teshee> has been made too weak to beget (moachin) for you[6] (Deuteronomy 32:18).” “Because the sons (are likened to women whom) have come to the birth-stool but do not have the strength to give birth (Kings II:19:3, Isaiah 37:3).”

Master of the Universe, do for Your sake and not for our sake, do for the sake of Your Shechina (-Divine Presence), and help us to scream to You in truth, in Torah, and in prayer, and our call “should rise, and come, and arrive[7]” to You, and receive the call of our screams in place of the screams of the Shechina, until we merit to arouse and beget our hidden holy moachin (-minds, consciousnesses) which have disappeared from us. Because You alone know the hidden, and before You are revealed the hidden moachin of each and every one of us, where they have disappeared and hidden from us. Help us, and save us and all of Your nation the House of Israel, that each and every on of us merit to arouse, through the call of our screams, the holy moachin which have disappeared from each and every one to the place where they disappeared, until each and every one will merit every time to sire, and to reveal, and to attain new moachin which belong/conform to him, according to the root of his nefesh (-lower soul), his ruach (-spirit, mid soul), and his neshama (-third soul seated in the intellect). And we should merit to truly know/recognize/be familiar with You, and to know You every time with (overly) more understanding, and we should merit to reveal Your divinity in the world.

And in this vein, may it be the will before You <Yihee rutzoan meelifunechuh> Hashem our G-d and the G-d of our fathers, full of mercy, that You have mercy on us, and (that You) help us, and save us quickly that we should begin from now to sanctify the seven (candle like) flames which illuminate opposite the countenance of the holy menorah, (the seven-) which are the (two) eyes, and the (two) ears, and the mouth, and the nose (-two nostrils). And (You should) merit me to sanctify my mouth so that no word of falsehood leaves my mouth ever, and neither any word which defects the mouth Heaven forbid, just, all my words should be words of truth always in holiness and in purity, and I should merit to sanctify my mouth with Torah, and prayer, and with all types of words which sanctify the mouth. And (You should) merit me to sanctify my eyes, and merit me to shut my eyes from seeing evil, and be to my succor so that I don’t have any glimpse of anything of this world whatsoever, and especially help me, and save me, and rescue me, so that I do not look Heaven forbid at anything which brings to (improper) thoughts Heaven forbid, have mercy and be gracious with me, and have compassion on me, and save me, rescue my soul from now (on) from defection of sight, and I shall not prospect after (the desires of) my heart and after (the desires of) my eyes, “withdraw/shift my eyes from beholding vanity, in Your ways gives me life (Psalms 119:37).” And merit me to sanctify my ears, and I should merit to always hear the words of true sages and to believe in them, and I should have consummate emoonas chachumim (-faith in the sages), and (You should) be to my succor that I incline my ears always to hear the words of the true sages and that their words should enter in my ears and truly arouse my heart to return to You and to do Your will always. And (You should) guard me, and save me so that I never hear and that they never enter into my ears any defected speech, and I should not hear and I shall not accept any word of lushoan hura (-evil tongue) or richeeloos (– tale-bearing), and I should not hear words of profanity ever, and neither any defected speech, just, I should merit to hear always holy words from the mouths of true tzadikim and kosher people, words that sanctify the ears of the listener. And merit me that I should have true fear of Heaven, and through this I will merit to sanctify my nose, and there will be fulfilled in me the verse which states (Isaiah 11:3), “and he will have the sense of smell by (virtue of his) fear of Hashem.”

And all that I have defected until now in these seven (candle-like) flames through my abundant sins and defects, that I transgressed, erred, and sinned before You, and I defected (with) my mouth, and my eyes, and my ears, and my nose from my youth until today, unintentionally (bishoagaig) and intentionally (bimaizeed)  coerced/ensnared (bi-oaness) and willfully (birutzoan), on all of them (You should) pardon and forgive me Merciful [One Who is] “gracious and prolific to forgive,[8]” and rectify in Your mercies all these defects, because we abounded to sin and defect with them, because who can fathom, or calculate, or count the sins and the defects with the words of our mouths, from the day we were on the earth until today, and how much falsehood went out from my mouth almost every single day, and similarly the other sins and great defects which I defected with the words of my mouth, with words of lushoan hura (-evil tongue), and richeeloos (-tale-bearing), and laytzanoos (-mockery), and idle chatter without measure, and calculation, and counting, and especially the numerous and enormous, vast and great defects that I defected with my eyes, who can fathom them or count/relate them, who can enumerate them verbally, and I am unable even to make confession on them, all the more so (I am unable to) to make copious rectifications according to these abundant defects to rectify them, because there has yet to transpire over me one day of my life which I didn’t defect on it with my eyes, unintentionally (bishoagaig) and intentionally (bimaizeed)  coerced/ensnared (bi-oaness) and willfully (birutzoan), and You alone know to where the defect of the eyes reaches, for all the whole entire Torah is contingent upon them, oy (-woe) to me, veye (-woe) to me, what can I say what can I speak? If I (set out to) relate like an infinitesimal fringe of the defect of the eye which I defected on every single day, the time would run out and they would not be exhausted, “if I were to count them they would be more numerous than the sand (Psalms 139:18).” So if You Yourself (-in person) do not act for Your sake Heaven forbid, and rectify all these enormous defects in Your mercies, it is not in our hands to rectify even one defect of them, all the more so all of them. “If Y”uh (-Gd) retains sins, Adoan”ai (-Gd) who can stand (-endure)? For with You is forgiveness, so that You You be feared (Psalms 130:3-4).” Have mercy and compassion on us, have mercy and compassion on us, because we don’t have the intellect and daas (-holy realization of knowledge) how to lenify and appease You over all these huge and terrible defects that we defected until now in/with these seven holy (candle-like) flames which are drawn form the holy mind. And from the utter enormous multitude of these defects that we defected in/with these seven flames, through this our daas (-holy realization of knowledge) has been defected, and our intellect has rotted, and our minds and our daas have been confused, and because of this I am visited with questionings, and confusions, and perversions of the heart, and my daas and my heart are being severely confused and perverted, to the extent that I cannot draw close to any matter of holiness properly, and there is a desire to alienate us completely Heaven forbid from Your service in truth.

Master of the Universe, You know the bitterness of my heart, You know the bitter perversions of my heart. You know who they are exactly (-“who and who”) who rise against us all the times and at every instant, “Hashem how plentiful are my adversaries, many rise up against me (Psalms 3:2).” And (as if) it’s not enough with our souls’ abundant hardships tat we have through all bad desires, that we transgressed, and erred, and sinned very copiously before You, through that which we went after the bad dictates/wanton[9] of our hearts, and we defected in Your great Name, and many worlds were destroyed through our abundant sins, as You alone know how many defects we caused through our abundant sins. And as if all of this was not enough for us, in addition they have risen thickly braided upon our throats[10], and extremely confuse our daas (-holy realization of knowledge), and pervert our hearts profusely with many foolish questions on Hashem Yisburach and on true tzadikim, and desire to distance us from the (central) point of the truth Heaven forbid. Master of the World, have mercy and compassion on us, and do not judge us according to our deeds, and do not deal with us in congruence with our transgressions. And have mercy on us and berate those who pursue (to attack) us, and distance and banish from us and from all Your nation the House of Israel all types of bad thoughts, and contemplations/fantasies, and perversions of the heart, and twisted questioning and foolish (philosophical) enquiries that desire to rise on the heart to confuse (people) Heaven forbid (away) from Your true service. And fix with Your mercies so that there should not rise anymore in our hearts any nuance of (improper) musing and thought whatsoever of this kind, of the type of these quandaries and confusions, “Because I am brutish less than a man, and I do not have man’s understanding (Proverbs 30:2).” “And I am brutish and without cognizance, I was like an animal with You (Psalms 73:22).”

Master of the Universe, have mercy and compassion on us, and merit us to true perfect faith, that we should merit to believe in You and in Your true tzadikim truthfully and wholeheartedly. And we should not incline our hearts to any dilemma or any quandary in the world whatsoever, and they should not rise and they should not enter in our hearts and minds whatsoever, just, we should cast away our warped and confused intellect, and rely just on faith alone. Because we are flesh and blood, a lump of earth, hewed from clay[11], heated with sin, filthy with transgression, and how is it possible for one born from a woman, a putrid drop, to attain conception and to understand a matter of Your ways and practices/managements? And we should merit not to use our intellect, except for Your service, and for Your Torah, and for awe of You in truth, and we should not begin to ponder in our minds any quandary of this world whatsoever, and we shall know and believe truly and with consummate faith that You are righteous and upright/straight (yushur), as it is written (Deuteronomy 32:4), “The Rock/Creator his performance is wholesome (tumim), for all His ways are (with) justice, a faithful Gd and without iniquity, righteous (tzadik) and upright/straight (yushur) is He.” And it says (Psalms 92:16), “To declare that Hashem is upright, my Rock/Creator, and there is no injustice by Him.” And guard us with Your abundant mercies, and save us and our children, and all of Your nation the House of Israel, that we should not learn, and not glance at all in the books of the naturalists (/scientists/philosophers), neither in the books of research of the pagans, nor in the books of research of Israel (-the Jews), and we should/shall not be favorably inclined and not heed them[12] whatsoever, and we should/shall not go in their ways, and not step in their paths, and not give attention to their words, and their derailed words and queries, and their questions and (their) quandaries should/shall not enter into our ears and into our minds whatsoever. Because You know the many great evils, and the many destructions which the naturalists caused us through their queries and their fallaciousness, because they desire to distance us Heaven forbid from Your true service. Have mercy and compassion on Your great and holy glory, and do for the sake of Israel Your nation, and for the sake of their forefathers, Avruhum, Yitzchuk, and Yaakoav, and for the sake of Moshe and Aharoan, Dovid and Shloamoa, and for the sake of the twelve tribes of Y”uh, and for the sake of the holy elders, and the true prophets, the first ones and the later ones, and for the sake of all the Tana-im (-sages of the Mishna) and Amoaru-im (-sages of the Talmud), and for the sake of all the tzadikim, and truly kosher people that were in every single generation. And have mercy on the remnants of Your nation Israel in this time of trouble, the likes of which never were, that they desire Heaven forbid, now, at the heel (-imminent arrival) of the Messiah, for the outspread Heaven forbid of philosophy in the world, and they desire to ensnare the souls of Israel in their ways and reasonings, and no one takes to heart to feel the this great plight in their heart, the likes of which never were in history, this being the main birth-pangs of Messiah, and regarding this great calamity all our prophets and true sages prophesized in advance, as it is written (Daniel 12:1), “And it will be a time of trouble [for Yaakov (-this Hebrew word is not found in this verse, but in a similar verse in Jeremiah 30:7)] which [the likes of (-this Hebrew word in not found in this verse, but is used in the verse in Jeremiah 30:7)] never was.” And like Daniel prophesized with his ruach hakoadesh (-Divine spirit), as it is written (Daniel 12:10), “(The) Many will be culled and cleaned and refined, but the wicked will be wicked, and all the wicked will not understand, but the maskeeleem (-intelligentsia) will understand.” Master of the entire world[13], You alone know the great magnitude of this plight of which there is nothing similar, “fatiguing distress and ostracizing darkness (Isaiah 8:22),” and there is no one to stand up for us, because the true tzadikim passed away due to our sins. Have mercy and compassion on us, may Your mercies be aroused on Your sons, and protects us, and guard us, and save us, and rescue our souls, and save us in Your mercies, us and all of our society, and all of Your nation the House of Israel, from all the evil and alien opinions and reasonings of all the naturalists and the philosophers, from both, the pagan naturalists, and (from) the naturalists of Israel (-Jews) who were also caught in this evil net and trap of queries (of naturalism) and philosophy. And don Your vengeance and gird Your might, and uproot, and break, and quash, and nullify their evil thoughts from the world, and all the heretics, and all who are intent on/committed to sinning, and all the apostates, and all the apeekorsim[14] should perish in an instant, and there should not be left a remembrance or recollection of any reasoning of their reasonings, nor any opinion of their opinions. Have mercy and compassion on us, have mercy and be gracious with us, and save and rescue us and our children and all of Your nation the House of Israel, from all their books, and from all their opinions, and from all their reasonings, because not in these is the portion of Jacob (cf. Jeremiah 10:16), not in these is our portion, not in these is our lot, because we are the children of Avruhum, Yitzchuk, and Yisroel Your servants, believers sons of believers (maameenim binay maameenim), and we believe in You Hashem our G-d, and in Your true tzadikim, with true complete faith, without any queries whatsoever, because You are righteous and upright, and You rule the entire world with the attribute of kindness and mercy, as it is written (Psalms 145:9), “Hashem is good to all, and His mercies are on all His works.”

Please Adon”ai (-Hashem), may Your innards moan over us, “hear my call when I call (out to) You (Psalms 141:1),” and be to our succor, that we should merit to beget always the hidden moachin (-minds, consciousnesses) through the call of our screaming. And have mercy on us, and save us, and merit us to truly sanctify and purify the seven (candle-like) flames which go out from the mind in our heads, which are: the mouth, and two eyes, and two ears, and two nostrils. And through this we should merit to draw to ourselves the light of the countenance which is shefa Eloahee (-Divine Bestowal/flux), which is the attainment of the holy makeefeem (-peripheral surrounding spiritual presence) of the intellect, and bestow on us Your ruach hakoadesh (-the holy spirit i.e. the Divine spirit), and we should merit in Your mercies to understand and to attain every time new makeefeem of holiness, and we should merit to understand, and to have astute insight in the depth of Your secrets. And (You should) help us that we merit each time to (overly) more holiness, in order that we merit each time to attain new makeefeem, to insert them inside into our intellect, to understand and to attain conception each time of new understanding and conceptions of holiness, what we previously did not know to understand and conceive. And we should merit to know (-be familiar, acquaintance) You also in this world, and to attain conception of Your greatness and loftiness, everything that is possible to attain conception of in this world, because for this we were created, to know and to attain conception of You. And You by-and-by are going to take an accounting and reckoning from us over this, on whoever did not strive to truly sanctify himself in this world until he attained conception of Your divinity, and knowledge of Your loftiness blessed and exalted is Your name forever. Have mercy and compassion on us, and help us in Your mercies to attain higher conceptions each time in holiness and in purity, in truth and with perfect faith. The truth I know, Master of the Entire World, that I am now so far from this to the extent that I cannot even request, and supplicate, and implore You for this now, but what can I do for (-as) my Father in Heaven has decreed (me to). Because You Yourself decreed upon us in Your Torah through Your true tzadikim, that we endeavor and try with all our might always to know (-be familiar, acquaintance), and to attain conception, and to know You in truth and wholeheartedly. Have mercy and be gracious with me with gratuitous gifting, that we merit to truly sanctify ourselves with exceeding holiness, and bestow in our hearts strengthening and emboldment, that we should be strong in our convictions to supplicate and implore You over this. Because You are our Father, and You desire to do good/favors with us, with Your true goodness, with all types of true good things, and You anticipate always to reveal to us, and to make known to us Your hidden cache of goodness and Your high conceptions (hasagoas), and there is no restriction just from our side. Rise to our help, and save us to scream to You always in truth and with a whole heart, and to purify and sanctify ourselves with all types of purity and holinesses, and to abound in prayer, and entreaty, and words of conciliation and appeasement before You always, until we merit each time to attain conception and to insert new makeefeem (-peripheral surrounding spiritual presence) of holiness into our minds and intellects. And merit us to the future world (Oalum Habuh), to the world which is entirely good, and there You will merit us in Your mercies to be included in You, and to attain all the holy makeefeem of the intellect which were not possible in any way to attain in this world. And we will merit in Your mercies to eternal life, to good and long life from now until forever, forever and ever, and for all eternity. And (You should) merit us to have complete holy daas (-realization of knowledge), and we should merit to know that all is for our benefit, and all the good bounties will be drawn to us without lacking anything.

And (You should) have mercy on us in Your abundant mercies, and merit us and all of Your nation the House of Israel, that there should remain from us a remnant on Earth, in this world, after our passing from the world after (a life of) lengthy days and years, that we should merit that our children, and children’s children endure forever, and for generations until the end of all the generations. And our names and memory should endure forever through our progeny that will remain after us. And (You should) merit us with many sons and with daughters, in holiness and in purity, and we should merit to see sons to our sons, and there should not be among us or our progeny sterile (men) or barren (women). And have mercy on them, and bestow upon them life, and longevity of days and years, so that all our descendants (“of our loins) will have longevity of days and years, and they will all be engaged in Your Torah lishmuh (-for its own sake, for the sake of the Shechina) and fulfill Your mitzvoas (-commandments), and they will all be holy and pure from all sin and transgression, and they will do Your will, and engage in Your service in truth all their days, forever, in such a way that our sons after us will draw the intellect of the countenance into the world after our passing, and they will reveal and publicize Your Divinity and Sovereignty in the world, and our memory will be left for all the generations forever.

Merciful [One], “Who devises schemes so that there shall not be[15] rejected from You (-in the verse: Him) a reject (cf. Samuel 2:14:14),” may Your mercies well up over us, and rise up and bring us salvation, and save us, and our children, and all the children of Your nation the House of Israel, so that Your entire nation of Israel should not need to come to the necessity of chaleetzuh[16] nor to the necessity of yeeboom. And there should be a fulfillment with us of the verse which writes (Psalms 128:6), “And see sons to your sons, peace upon Israel.[17]” Because You alone know the utter magnitude of pity there is on the soul of the deceased without living progeny Heaven forbid, that the soul goes naked and does not have the ability to rise to its original place, and it cannot return to the house of her (-soul is feminine) father, and she (-the soul being feminine) goes vagabond and beleaguered/crazed, and she has no rest for the sole of her foot[18]. Master of the World, have mercy on us in Your abundant mercies and Your enormous kindnesses, and save us, and our children, and all Your nation the House of Israel, so that not one of them goes from the world without living progeny, just, all of them should leave after themselves sons and daughters live and well (-enduring), engaged in the (study of the) Torah and (doing the) mitzoas), and all of them should make many children (“fruit”), their saplings should go (-grow) forth (cf. Hosea 14:7), their branches should grow long (cf. Ezekiel 31:5), “They will still be fruitful in old age, succulent and fresh they will be (Psalms 92:15).” And the border of holiness will multiply through the children of Israel who will multiply exceedingly in the world. And there will remain from each and every one of Israel, generations, and many generations until the end of all the generations, and remember/grant all the childless with viable children, for Your service and to fear You. And all those souls from Your nation Israel who already went to their worlds (-passed away), and did not leave after themselves living children, have mercy on them in Your abundant mercies, and rectify them in Your enormous kindnesses. And help all Your nation the House of Israel, everywhere they are, that they should merit to fulfill the mitzva of yeeboom and chaleetzuh with the true and proper completeness, with great holiness and purity, and they should merit to perform with integrity the rectification that is necessary for the soul of the deceased, in such a way that his soul will rise to the light of the countenance, and will return to his place and his resting, “to go before G-d in the light of (the) life (Psalms 56:14).” And from now (on) have mercy on us, and on our children, and on all Your nation the House of Israel, so that no one of Israel needs to come to the necessity of chaleetzuh nor to the necessity of yeeboom.

And be full of mercy on all the broken hearted that have the pain of raising children Heaven save us, and help them from now (on) that they merit to raise their sons and daughters for Torah, and for chuppah (-wedding canopy), and for good deeds, for lengthy days and years {and specifically….(so and so)….}. Master of the World, Merciful [One], You know their bitter and agitated[19] hearts, their broken and crushed hearts, which the strength to endure has failed, see their infliction and duress, see their tears and hear their groans, and don’t hide Your ears from their screams, because who can bear the sound of their crying, and screaming, and groaning, from the greatness of the calamities which already transpired over them. Master of the entire world, “Who heals the broken hearted and bandages their wounds/sorrows (Psalms 147:3),” heal their brokenness, and give joy to their souls, and say to their hardships, “enough!” And have mercy on them from now (on) and say to the angel/messenger (of punishment), “let up (with) your hands (cf Samuel 2:24:16 and Chronicles).” And arouse Your enormous mercies on them, and send good life and length of days and years to the sons born to them already, that they should merit to raise them for Torah, and for chuppah (-wedding canopy), and for good deeds, and they should have length of days and years in this world, and they should merit to see from them sons and grandsons, and there should go forth from them many generations, and they should merit to beget many more sons and daughters, live and well, and from all them there should go forth many generations, (and generations of generations) until the end of all the generations, they should multiply, and enlarge, and grow until the coming of the redeemer, until the end of all the generations, and all of them should be true doers of Your will, and there should be fulfilled in them and in their children (Isaiah 60:22), “The smallest will become a thousand, and the least (will become) an enormous nation, I am Hashem, in its (due) time I will bring it quickly.” Master of the World, do for Your (own) sake, do for the sake of the merit of their holy forefathers, and have compassion on them from now (on), that their children should persist to live for length of days and years, bring them to happiness like the days You afflicted them (cf. Psalms 90:15), console them from misery, and set (-mount and prepare) their hearts[20], and help them from now (on), that they should merit to be happy always with sons, which have already been born to them, and which they are yet to additionally beget in the future, all of them should have length of days and years in Torah and greatness, “until the coming of Sheeloa (-King Messiah, Genesis 49:10).”


And merit me in Your great mercies and in Your abundant kindnesses, to fulfill the mitzva of Succah properly, with all its particulars, and details, and intentions, and 613 mitzvoas which are contingent/embedded in it, with happiness and good heart, and with consummate kavana (-intention, concentration) as is proper. And we should merit that there should be drawn upon us through the mitzva of Succah sitting/dwelling, all the seven Clouds of Glory that surrounded Israel in the dessert, “and spread upon us the Succah of Your peace.[21]” And we should merit to attain conception of the holy makeefeem (-peripheral surrounding spiritual presence), attainment of conception of ruach hakoadesh (-the holy spirit i.e. Divine spirit), through the (fulfillment of the) mitzva of Succah properly, with holiness, and with purity, and with happiness, and through this protect over us and for us, and save us from all foes, and ambushers, and from all (the) sorts of enemies that we have physically and spiritually, and remove Satan (/adversary, impediment, temptation) from before us and from behind us, and in the shadow of Your wings hide us.[22]

Master of the World, have mercy and be gracious with us, and listen to the call of our prayer with mercy, and bestow upon us shefa Eloahee (-Divine bestowal/flux), the shefa (-bestowal/flux) of the true intellect, the shefa of the holy makeefeem (-peripheral surrounding spiritual presence), the shefa of ruach hakoadesh (-the holy spirit i.e. Divine Spirit). And there should be opened for us the light of the intellect, and the motions of our intellect should speed to attain with great speed the attainment of conception of the holy makeefeem, and we should merit to attain the intellect which is called keddem (-before) which is the light of the countenance, so that we will not need to use any introduction. And through this speed of the motion of the intellect, we shall merit that the flame of our hearts will always rise of itself. And (You should) help us always that our hearts should be fiery with great flaming (-passion) in truth, for Your service, and to fear You, with flaming coals (/darting tongues of fire) of Y”uh (-Gd), and through this holy fieriness of the heart, we should merit to rectify all the defects which we defected through the passion of the heart of the sitra achra (-other realm, i.e. realm of evil). And we should merit to rectify quickly all the defect of the heat and the passion that we had for physical things, for bad desires and bad character traits, which brought us to the hands of great transgressions and sins, through the passion of the heart for desires of this world. Therefore I have come to seek the good will of (/greet with homage[23]) Your countenance, our Lord our G-d, may Your mercies be kindled/whelm over us, and endeavor in saving us, and put strong effort in rectifying our souls, and save us from now (on) that we should not have any more passion in our hearts for any desire in the world, even for permissible things, all the more so, and all the more so that there should not arise in our hearts any excitement Heaven forbid for anything that is prohibited from us. And (You should) help us, and be gracious with us, and bestow upon us in Your compassion, that we should merit to have holy fervor of the heart, to be fired up with flames of love for Your Name and for Your true service, to pray and to entreat, to learn and to teach, and to fulfill all Your commandments with great passion, with holiness and with purity, as is Your true good will. And through this we will merit to rectify the defect of the passion of the sitra achra (-evil realm) that was in our hearts from our youth till today, in such a way that we will merit to truly purify our hearts. And through this we will to express our words (-what is on our minds) before You always, and we will merit to conciliate and appease You, and to entreat before You each time with true new words, which will be pleasant satisfaction (nachas) and desirable before Your Throne of Glory. And we will merit to draw close to You with great closeness, in truth and with a whole heart, as is befitting of Your precious (-segooluh) nation. “A pure heart create for me Gd, and a correct spirit renew inside of me. Do not cast me away from Your countenance, and Your holy spirit do not take from me (Psalms 51:12-13).” And help me that I should merit to come up with new insights (cheedooshim) in the Torah, true novelties, with holiness and with purity, and I should merit to always draw novelties of the Torah, that I should have permission from the Heavens to reveal them to Your nation the House of Israel, to the precious (-segooluh) nation, and the merit should be brought about through me, and I should merit to do goodness, from the goodness that You graciously grant me, to all Your nation the House of Israel, to reveal the treasure (-segooluh) to the treasured (-segooluh) nation, to reveal to them what You merit me to attain conception in my intellect, true novelties of the (-cheedooshay) Torah, with holiness and with purity, in such a way that they will return in complete repentance through my words, and I should not foul with the words of my mouth, and I should not say anything that isn’t according to Your will. He Who erects the poor from the earth, from the dunghills He elevates the destitute (cf. Psalms 113:7), have mercy and be gracious with me, and fulfill my wishes/requests with mercy, and do for Your sake and not for our sakes, do for Your sake and save us, “and from before You our King do not answer us (leaving us) empty-handed, be gracious with us, and answer us, and listen to the call of our prayer, because You listen to prayer (Shemoaneh Esray),” and hear our call from the depth, which the House of Israel screams to You from a distant land (cf. Jeremiah 8:19), “the sighing and the groaning (Ezekiel 9:4).” “You cannot hide (-make as You don’t see, Rashi on Deuteronomy 22:3,” “from Your brother the destitute (Deuteronomy 15:7),” “You must certainly help (Exodus 23:5),” and, “You must certainly raise up (Deuteronomy 22:4).” “[He Who] Rides the heavens is to our succor, and in His haughtiness [He rides the fifth heaven which is called] Shechukim (cf. Deuteronomy 33:26).”

(Here one should say Psalm 29:
1. Mizmor liDovid <A Psalm of David>, huvoo <give> lAdoan”oy <to Hashem> binay <children/members of> aileem <the mighty/angels>, huvoo lAdoan”oy <give to Hashem> kuvoad <honor> vi-oaz <and might>.
2. Huvoo <give> lAdoan”oy <to Hashem> kivoad shimoa <the honor befitting His Name> heeshtachavoo <prostrate yourselves> lAdoan”oy <to Hashem> bihadras koadesh <in/with the splendor of holiness>.
3. Koal <the call of> Adoan”oy <Hashem> al <is on> hamoyim <the waters>, Ai”l hakuvoad <the glorious Almighty> heereym <thunders>, Adoan”oy <Hashem> al <is on> ma-yeem rabbeem <many waters>.
4. Koal <the call of> Adoan”oy <Hashem> bakoa-ach <is powerful>, koal Adoan”oy <the call of Hashem> be’hudur <is splendid>.
5. Koal <the call of> Adoan”oy <Hashem> shoavair <breaks> aruzeem <cedars>, va-yishabair Adoan”oy <and Hashem broke> es <the> arzay <cedars of> haLivunoan <Lebanon>.
6. Va-yarkeedaim <and He jounced (made them dance) them> kimoa <like> aigel <a calf of> Livunoan <Lebanon (name of a mountain – Rashi)> viSeer-yoan <and (the mountain) Sirion (which pranced by the giving of the Torah, Rashi)> kimoa <like the> ben ri-aimeem <son of unicorns>.
7. Koal <the call of> Adoan”oy <Hashem> choatzaiv <carves out> lahavoas aish <flames of fire>.
8. Koal <the call of> Adoan”oy <Hashem> yucheel midbar <makes the dessert tremble>, yucheel Adoan”oy Midbar Kudaish <Hashem makes the Dessert Kudaish tremble>.
9. Koal <the call of> Adoan”oy <Hashem> yichoalail a-yu-loas <makes hinds tremble/give birth> va-yechsoaf <and it clears away> yi-u-roas <forests> oovihaichuloa <and in His chamber/Sanctuary> kooloa oamair <it all says/all say> kuvoad < (His) honor/glory>.
10. Adoan”oy lamabool yushuv <Hashem sat (-reigned) during the flood> va-yaishev Adoan”oy <and Hashem will sit (-reign)> melech <king> li-oalum <forever>.
11. Adoan”oy oaz li-amoa yeetain <Hashem will give might to His nation>, Adoan”oy yivuraich <Hashem will bless> es amoa <His nation> vashaloam <with peace>.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

[1] This is the name of G-d used in the verse, however in this prayer the regular name of Hashem was used.
[2] Jonah 2:8 – And it came to You my prayer, to Your holy chamber.
[3] Deuteronomy 7:6, 14:2, 14:21, 28:9 – am kadosh, also similar is 19:6 – goy kadosh.
[4] Jeremiah 3:19.
[5] Slichos for the second Monday.
[6] The simple translation is very close: the Rock/Creator who has sired You has been (so to speak) weakened.
[7] Yaaleh vi-yuvoah, prayer of Rosh Chodesh and holidays.
[8] Sixth blessing of the Shmoaneh Esray.
[9] Deuteronomy 29:18, the root of the word <shreeroos> is view, what the heart sees it desires.
[10] Cf. Lamentations 1:14.
[11] Cf. Job 33:6.
[12] Cf. Deuteronomy 13:9.
[13] Muruh di’almu kooluh, these words are Aramaic.
[14] Those who doubt or don’t believe in all the fundamental tenets of Judaism.
[15] Here it is written “libal” in the verse it is written: “libiltee.”
[16] When a man dies without leaving any progeny, one of his paternal brothers must either marry her – this is called yeeboom, or release her in a ceremonial process called chaleetzuh.
[17] Because when there are no sons there arises the potential for all types of feuds and schisms over the inheritance, and the need for yeeboom or chaleetzuh, and so forth (Kesuvos 50a).
[18] Cf. Deuteronomy 28:65.
[19] Elsewhere this word <nimhar> is usually translated as impetuous, but in this context agitated seems more suitable. The word nimhar seems to play on two words, mar – bitter, meaning extremely bitter, and mahair – fast, insinuating suffering from the quickness, thus the definition is contingent on its context.
[20] This expression <huchain livuvum> is found in Chronicles 1:29:18 and incorporated in the daily prayer of “Oovuh litzion,” the masters of ethics point out that it is referring to the joy that was described in the previous verse.
[21] Prayer of Hashkeevainoo, of the Shema at Maariv – the night prayer, and before going to sleep.
[22] Cf. Psalms 17:8. Much of these requests are found in the previously cited prayer of Hashkeevainoo.
[23] Cf. Proverbs 17:5.