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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Women's role on Rosh Hashana

Rosh Hashana is a day of judgment, and one should not have marital relations, especially since it is the day that Adam was created and Eve was detached - separated - from him. On Rosh Hashana, Adam and Eve had relations prematurely, they were supposed to wait just a few more hours till nightfall - Shabbos night, and because they didn't that led to the snake tempting Eve until she ate the forbidden fruit and fed them to Adam, that was the first family meal, bringing death to the world. The holy women of Breslov bring tremendous atonement for these deadly sins of Rosh Hashana, by sending their husbands to Uman for Rosh Hashana. Measure for measure, directly rectifying the primordial sins. Many people don't realize the importance and significance this self sacrifice has in restoring and rectifying the world. They mechanicaly repeat their talking points about the importance of family and so on, which are senseless of merit, because every family would want their men to take a few days to obtain for them a healthy and prosperous year, but in the bigger picture, these opposers are actively seeking to entrench the world in the curse and death wrought by the fateful actions on the first Rosh Hashana. If they themselves lack the strength and courage to do the right thing, at least they shouldn't impede those that do.
Also note that the Torah commanded all males to go up to the Temple three times a year, women were not obligated to make that arduous journey (today it's easy, but back then it wasn't at all), and most probably just remained home alone. 
Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN 

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