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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Fight Back


People are getting clobbered by their evil inclination, many have even given up, and many are angry. The Talmud already revealed that if HY doesn't help, a person alone cannot surmount his evil inclination. Drawing on this dictum are programs like the 13 steps which demand that a person acknowledge his own inadequacy and his need for help from on high and from others. Beautiful. The glaring omission which screams out is why doesn't a person at least strike back at this terrible foe who is constantly trying to undermine and trample him?! True, the Talmud warns that one mustn't taunt the Satan, however if one is suffering from the onslaught of the evil inclination certainly it is his right and call to hit back. Thus we find that King David lavished hideous curses upon the evil realms (perhaps the strongest case is Psalm 109). Rabbi Nachman even summoned Satan before a Heavenly Tribunal (no one knows what transpired). There is a prayer from Rabbi Yishmuel the High Priest which bitingly addresses all the evil forces that prey on man - the prayer is available here:

So if you have had enough of being pulverized by the evil, it might be a good idea for you to dedicate a few minutes every day and call it out directly and return the favor. Instead of being frustrated and angry, mete out all that passion to where it is deserving.

Amazingly two years ago to the day I wrote on this same vein:

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

1 comment:

Eligalit said...

May we merit to NaNach it!!!