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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Clean out the vulgar language

It used to be in former good times, society did not accept the open use of foul language, and children would be disciplined by having their mouth washed out with soap. Our Sages o.b.m. warned of the terrible tragedy improper speech brings to the world, including the deaths of the youth may the Merciful One save us.
Today unfortunately even people who should be role models, the upper echelons of society like congressman and what used to be respectable sources of news and media, use vulgar language openly and virulently.
Recently in particular the entire media was rampant with vulgar language. And perhaps that is why they are now sharing the terrible news of the latest fad amongst children to swallow detergent, almost as if they are trying to atonement for the atrocities of foul language.

The paragon of pure refined language to rectify everything is Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman!

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