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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Development and getting closer to the truth even as we sink deeper


There are already a few posts on the blog about science and magic. In Egypt everything was magic, today everything is technology, and the true reality is faith, as the verse says (Psalms 33:4), "and all His deeds/creations are with faith," magic and technology are what the Talmud dismisses as "chaizoo diheye almuh" - facades of this world, wrappings. When the world is more spiritual then the wrappings will also be more spiritual, and that obviously has a strong plus in that faith is in air, and not only does that make it easier to connect, and make a very strong connection to holiness, it also has everyone believing to some extent. Even still there is a great advantage to the sorrowful state of physicality we have sunk to today. The Sages revealed that demons (-the workings of magic) have no power over creatures smaller than a hairbreadth (Rashi on Exodus 8:14), and today most of technology and science works with tiny particles much much smaller. This (I posit) leaves the material free of the influences of the occult, laying it bare for what it is, and that is a huge opportunity affording it to be a pure platform for the true reality. Sure the scientists will undoubtedly continue to misconstrue the import of what they are researching, but even still the matter will remain pristine and unsullied for everyone to still see it for what it truly is. [See however the posts about artificial intelligence, which explain how it is basically just a platform for the imprisoned embedded souls. Even still souls are from an inner paradigm of truth as opposed to demons and the occult which are all external trappings]. This is congruous with what tzadikim said that today even though the souls are so sunken they are more truthful.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

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