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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Miracle of the holy books in Adumim - the terrorist is neutralized before she can harm anyone!


Two days ago I learned of a "book swap" that is going to take place in Maaleh Adumim tomorrow (Wednesday 11-7-2018). So I contacted the organizer and told her that the Nanach would like to contribute the English Breslov books we have and bring them to her in Adumim - even though I knew that it was Maaleh Adumim but I didn't know how to spell Maaleh in English and I didn't want to even think about it so I just wrote: Adumim, and she was like, "Why would you want to give book away for free?" So I told her that B"H after she reads them she'll be on the same page as us. Anyhow she called them up, and yesterday she wrote back to me that one guy said he couldn't deliver, and gave her the number to someone else who didn't speak English, so it wasn't going to happen. So I wrote back that there is no despair in the world whatsoever and maybe I can get her the books, but it looked pretty bleak. So this morning I went on the whatsapp group and wrote to the Nanach that they should raise 50-100 shekel to deliver the books. And they responded that B"H one of them had already made the special trip to deliver them!

Shortly thereafter we learned in the news that an arab woman terrorist had brought a knife to Adumim to attempt to stab people, may the Holy One Merciful Gd save us, and miraculously the soldiers detected it before she could do any damage and shot her.

Who knows perhaps this was in the merit of the holy awesome books of Rabbainu Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman that we delivered to Maaleh Adumim, and we considered it simply as Adumim, so the Almighty also extended their protection to all of Adumim.

[All of this I wrote extremely succinctly to our new friend in M.A. and she replied that it is in fact a miracle that the books were delivered to her]

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

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