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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Stop counting and start dancing NaNaCh

HH the Torah warns not to count the people, counting them brings on plague RL, and so it was with King David, he counted the people and they were smitten. In fact Jews were also stringent never to count any groups of people, even when they gather for a minyan (quorum of ten) they don't count directly but use a verse of ten words.
Scientists will resent this, they can't accept it, they will fight it, especially since science is just about counting and measuring (the very things that are against blessings which come when things are kept private). So the scientists got busy to count what they can with corona, and the more they count the higher the fatalities, may HY save us.
In addition, the longer this madness of regulations and lockdown mentality continues the more crushed people feel, and that is the antithesis to healing. Joy brings healing. So the more the politicians and scientists crush the people, the more prone and susceptible they are, may HY save us, to illness.
Maybe  the courageous NaNaCh can go out there, into the protests, to dance and celebrate NaNaCh and shlep the others into the dancing, to bring the gloom to happiness and rejoicing, this would be a great salvation.
Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MayUMaN

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