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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Holy Yearning Soul Factory


There is a Breslov tradition that one of the ways we can bring the final redemption is by utilizing a devotion Rabbainu promoted and of which Rabbainu revealed awesome secrets. This is the devotion of expressing yearning and longing for Hashem Yisburach and everything holy. Rabbainu revealed (Likutay Moharan, Torah-teaching 31[1]) that when one yearns for something he creates a soul bikoach (-potential, dormant) and by expressing the yearning verbally that soul is brought into the world bifoa'el (-actual, working). The soul created is in the form of the yearning that created it, if the yearning was holy, then a holy soul will now be set out into the world and attach itself to someone and motivate that person to holiness, and if G"f the yearning was for something not holy, likewise, a soul will go out etc.. The most ruthless evil criminal may be impervious and impregnable to any treatment or conditioning, but can be breached and overtaken by a soul created by a simple expression of holy yearning.

Unfortunately, too many people are expressing their desires for the pleasures of the flesh, sending out terrible persuasions to remain enslaved to the emptiness of this physical world, whereas with regard to good deeds and holiness, even when people do some amazing kindnesses or reach and accomplish new heights in purity of mind and spirit, they do not moan, rave, and extol excitingly about it, and the feat remains a nice plateau without being given the ability to spread its wings and bring the whole world around to its attainment, or to motivate others to reach even greater heights.

Thus we find in the Story of Ancient Times of A Lost Princess, the princess alluding to the Shechina – the Divine Presence, tells the second to the king, "It is impossible for you to take me out, unless you choose for yourself a place and remain there for a full year, and all that year you must long for me that you should take me out, and whenever you have free time, you must only long, desire, and hope to take me out."

Take two minutes every day, devoted solely to speaking out your love, yearning, longing, need, and desire for Hashem Yisburach and everything holy. Set an alarm clock so that you don't pass it up, give yourself an extra minute to first say:

Lishaim (for the sake of) Yeechued (unifying) Koodshu Breech Hoo (Hashem Yisburach) OoShicheentay (with His Divine Presence), bidicheeloo (with fear/awe) ooricheemoo (and with love), ooricheemoo (and with love) oodicheeloo (and with fear/awe), li-yachaid (to unify) shaim (the name) Yud Kay (Y"H) bi (with) Vuv Kay (V"H), bishaim (in the name of) kul (all of) Yisroel (Israel); Hereby, I bind myself to all the true tzadikim of our generation, and to all the true tzadikim dwellers of the dust, holy ones who are in the earth, and specifically to Rabbainu Hakadoash (our holy Rebbe), tzadik foundation of the world, N'achal (stream) N'oavaya (gushing) M'ikor (source) Ch'uchmu (wisdom) [acronym Nachman], Rabbainu Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman in my desires, yearning, longing, thought, speech, and actions, so that they be desirous and meritorious before Hashem Yisburach, and so that the expressed yearning create souls bikoach and bifoaal which go out and arouse holy yearning in others. With love for all my fellow Jews as we are commanded to love one another as ourselves.
"Veehee (and may) noa'am (the pleasantness of) Adoan"ai (Hashem) Eloahainoo (our Gd) ulainoo (be upon us), oomaasay yudainoo (and the work of our hands) koaninuh ulainoo (be established for us), oomaasay yudainoo (and the work of our hands) koaninaihoo (be established) [Psalms 90:17]."

And now/then let loose, and start pumping holy souls into the world.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

[1] A synopsis of this is teaching is brought down in Outpouring of the Soul, article 56, with more material on the matter.

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