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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Approaching Rosh Hashana

As we get closer to Rosh Hashana thousands are preparing to journey to Uman to be in the holy gathering, the kibutz, of Rabbi Nachman.
One fellow in my congregation who subsists on a very paltry kolel stipend wants to bring his son this year for his bar mitzvah, in order to raise the money he has resorted to collecting discarded bottles to claim the few cents on their return for recycling.
Every thought and effort towards going to the true tzadik creates very holy angels. Every step taken towards Rabbainu creates such an awesome angel that even holy tzadikim cannot glance at its visage.
The angels are amassing. The holy desires and yearning are rising. The world is being purified immensely.
Rabbainu said when you purify water, first all the impurities come to the surface. So undoubtedly we'll be seeing plenty of that, may HY have mercy on us, but ultimately we will beging seeing and experiencing more and more, subliminally and even ephemerally, a sweeter ambience, more holy hope and anticipation and proliferation of goodness. That's just to say a drop of what is actually happening, which would take more than I can offer to set down here.

Be happy, be joyful, pray, sing, and dance Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN 

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