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Monday, July 8, 2024

Visa for Israel


Israel has enacted a new law that they will not accept tourists, even Jewish tourist who do not have visas, everyone must first procure a visa before coming. Why now? It occurred to me a very simple reason. For many years Israel desired for its citizens to visit America without the need for a visa. Finally this year they were granted this status, but it came with a terrible price. America would only grant Israel this privilege if Israel opened its borders for the pals - the people that threaten the security of the entire world and who cause the need for security checks and the hours of waiting and hassle - those people had to be given unhindered entry into Israel, and of course if Israel said no, that would make them racist. So Israel accepted the terms, and they waited just a bit, and then smacked down this new regulation, that everyone needs a visa. So if my theory is right, this no regulation which is a new expense and horrible burden on the millions of visitors to Israel, is all to pacify the woke American standards so as to allow Israelis entry to America without a visa.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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