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Monday, August 12, 2024

For Tisha Bi-Av

Special for Tisha Bi-Av 

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov's Legendary Tales of Ancient Times:

Tale 13

of the

Seven Beggars

(Started on the night of the holy Sabbath of the Torah Portion of Shmeenee, 25 Adar II, 5570)

What do you know how to rejoice out of depression?

I will tell you how people once were happy.

A tale. Once there was a king who had an only son. The king wanted to transfer the kingdom to his son during his lifetime, so he threw a grand party (which is called a 'ball'). Now, when the king throws a ball, there is certainly great merriment, so especially now that he had transferred the kingdom to his son during his lifetime, there was certainly a very grand celebration. And there at the ball, were all the royal officers, and all the dukes, and gentry. And it was very merry at the ball. And the country also had enjoyment from this, that the king is transferring the kingdom to his son in his lifetime, since it a great honor for the king. So a very great celebration took place there, and there were all types of festivities there: music bands ('kappelliess'), and comedies, and so forth, as well as anything that is used just for merriment, it was all there at the ball.

And when they had already become very merry, the king got up and said to his son, "Being that I am a stargazer, I see that you will at some time descend from the kingship, therefore see to it that you have no sadness (i.e. no grief) when you descend from your reign, instead you should be happy; and if you will be happy, I will also be happy. Even if you will have sadness, I will still be happy that you are not king, since you are not fit to be king if you cannot keep yourself happy (in other words, if you are the kind of man that you cannot keep yourself happy even when you fall from your reign, then you aren't fit to be any sort of king); but when you will be happy, then I will be extraordinarily happy.

That is how the story begins.
Understand it 
The tragedy is enormous, but keep in mind that the tragedy is only because of what and who we are, because if we wouldn't be who we are, it wouldn't be a tragedy....

And keep in mind that the best is yet ahead, because the King is definitely most happy ....

Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN 

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