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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Entertainment Industry of the Tzadik NNNNM


A few days ago I spoke to a teenage girl in Uman, and she told me that it felt like she was in Disneyland - because of all the restaurants, souvenir shops, visitors, the whole hubbub, and the "elevated" spirit she experienced there by Rabbainu.
In Likutay Nanach I explain that just like there is fallen fear (yeeruh nifooluh) – when the fear of G-d is fallen GF and cloaks itself in articles and constructs of this world like animals or villians, and there is fallen love (ahava or chesed nifooluh) – when the love of Hashem is fallen GF and cloaks itself in mundane and even repulsive hosts which become alluring, attractive, and desirous, so too there is fallen delight – which is the aspect of yesod-foundation- the aspect of the tzadik, when the exquisite delight and pleasure rooted in Hashem is fallen GF thus opening up the breeding ground for the trillion dollar industry of entertainment. BH in recent years we are seeing how Rabbainu is re-erecting the yesod-foundation, and repossessing his industry. By the holy tzion I observed how people would hold up a coin, insert it into the slot of a charity box, and begin swaying back and forth while reciting the ten psalms of Tikun Haklali, and then when they finished, they would repeat the process – what an upgrade from arcade games! On the streets the Nanach vans are infusing joy and hope, and inspiring the world with stickers, graffiti and all types of creative expression. In Likutay Halachos, Rabbi Nussun writes at great length how it is the job of the tzadik to bring joy to the world and even to be royal jesters to G-d Almighty (as the Zohar says of King David, and Rabbainu said that the Bal Shem Tov once said a vortel that brought amusement even to the Divine paradigm).
May we merit to be a part of this holy joy.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

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