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Sunday, January 31, 2021

All or Nothing and This Very Moment

HH new song trending: Best rapper ever - amazingly has no profanity that I detected, and I imagine it has special appeal for people that are bipolar, and szchiphrenic or similar ailments.
It brings up a point I once saw discussed by the Baal Hasulam that people often feel they need to be the very best even of all time. There are NaNaCh out there that encourage themselves with Rabbainu's assertion that he can bring a person to be like him mamash, and I'm thinking to myself, when I encounter this, if only we can merit to the level of the rishonim, amoarahim, tanaaim, prophets - but they need to know they can get to Rabbainu mamash! The best rapper ever.
Also Rabbi Nussun was a tremendous young prodigy, even Rabbainu bragged of Rabbi Nussun's genius and mental prowess. Rabbi Nussun got so caught up in the pressure of maximizing his advancement, that he choked himself up and found it difficult to even learn a bare minimum and despaired of even attaining marginal accomplishments. Until he met Rabbainu, and Rabbainu told him a little is also good. From then on Rabbi Nussun would learn something and be blown away that he merited to know and pick up on that moment and piece of knowledge. Which led him to achieve super diligence and productivity, and he guarded every single second to use to the max.
One of the amazing qualities of NaNaCh is that empowers a person to take advantage of the moment, to put aside all his past evil doings and wasteful existence, and to grab some absolute truth and goodness of Torah and good deeds.
Even to say one time
Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN

1 comment:

Ämichai J. Schneller said...

I've learned A valuable lesson. Thanks man. I must Never try to shed light on another mans errors, but when I look to my own errors and seeing how far back I go, I have only pity and regret that I could not find my guides sooner. I'm no better than anyone else. I must repent for awhile, and seek meaning once again. The mundane world tries to seep in. Here in the states even the most pious Jew, will be bombarded by images and concepts of false values and what to think. And that is part of a major problem, children in the united states aren't taught "HOW" to think. they are taught "WHAT" to think. And this is problematic and dangerous. This mentality breeds another Holocaust. I have always lived apart from Jews, in different communities. I wish my upbringing had been different. I make steps to change this. NNNNM
I want peace and happiness for ALL.