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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The New World Order of NaNaCh drops the bottom

According to the Kabala, after the breaking of the world's began Oalum Hatikun the Rectified World, and that is when the greatest and most devistating expression of evil occurred. Because to set up the new system of the 4 world's, the bottom world of Asseyah (-associated with Malchus - kingdom)  had to break up with it's lowest entity which harbored the roots of evil, and for the first evil was disconnected from the tree of the true world's which are obviously completely holy, and was given it's own independent entity.
And so it will be when we establish the new world order of Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN the evil will be showing its true face very openly and blatantly.
Perhaps this is the construct and enterprise of Biden - two din - din is the aspect of Malchus, which is split into two. And his reign is in fact the manifestation of the triumph of Trump, in exposing and breaking this enterprise free to rule on its own.

Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN

#newworldorder #newworldorderofnanach #evil #biden #trump #americanpolitics #electionfraud #bigtech #olumhatikun 
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Ämichai J. Schneller said...

Hello, I like what you say about this. About evil being displayed openly, hate and confusion once again is allowed to rear its ugly head in our societies. It is happening more and more. People are becoming toxic, disillusioned. I'm learning about
Rabbi Yisroel Ber Odesser, and the teachings he has collected about Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman. I have found your youtube channnel and want to thank you.
someday i will make donation I promise. It would be nice to meet you someday and listen to your teachings.

NaaNaach said...

hey Ami - just seeing your comment now. Thanks and no need to donate, that's just a bonus.
On facebook I'm much more active - but I try to post as often as possible, and recently I am strongly considering leaving facebook altogether after all the evils of m.z. are coming to light.
Great blessings of Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!