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Sunday, September 12, 2021

Tyranny of the Illegitimate Leader


Not so long ago, after the Holocaust, the whole world got together and established the Nuremberg Laws which amongst other things says that no government can force people to take medication. 

So many people are quick and proud to say: Never Again! - At the very time that they advocate for forced vaccination with an extremely dubious untested drug - even when there are proven established alternatives.

The world stage is hosting quite a few leaders who are obviously illegitimate. In the U.S. it has already been proven in Arizona that the election was stolen, something which verifies what was known from the start on election night when for three hours everything was closed, reopening showing biden in the lead. And thus a man who has a history or racism, and openly does perverted things with children, and who is obviously in the hands of Russia and China, and who is obviously losing his mind, took the presidency. Following behind is Trudeau in Canada who is living in some sort of alternative reality fantasy. In Israel as well, after the last elections at the last minute some people snatched power by forming allegiance with terrorists. There's a few from the forefront.

Even though they proclaim: Never Again, they ardently pursue the very tyranny which the world learned from the holocaust that it must reject. They are more interested in advancing the Pride of sexual deviation. 

These things I think may be symptoms and a reflection of an awesome phenomenon, the return of many converts to Judaism. No tzadik or holy book extols the converts like Rabbi Nachman, who emphasized how there is no greater sanctification of G-d than that caused by conversion. Even still Rabbainu says it comes with cost. Because in exile, Israel lost a lot of its grandeur and arrogance, and when the converts return to Israel, they bring that back. This pride proceeds to lace Israel with promiscuity and empowers  the tyranny of illegitimate rulers. These frauds especially promote promiscuity....

See all of this in Likutay Moharan, volume II, 5:5-6 (available in English on Sefaria).

Rabbainu revealed the key and the solution to this rests with the true tzadikim, who are called the Shields of the Generation. The more we spread the true teachings and holy joyous ways of Rabbainu the better we will fare surmounting the madness of the fraudulent leaders. 

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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