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Thursday, May 20, 2021

Poem-Song for Likutay Moharan Torah-teaching 66 by Eliyahu Mahgerefteh

A student can be greater than the Rav (teacher), still it's all from the strength of the Rav 
It's a great thing to be at the Tzaddik's (righteous person) death, even for one who's not a student 
At that time there is a great light, it's a great thing for long life
For a student it shines all the more so, being that they are from the same Shoresh (root) yo
There are several aspects of a student, different levels of being attached to him
One can be so close to him, like a tree branch hanging from it
It's fitting for a Talmid (student) to feel, the ups and downs of the Tzaddik
Like a branch of a tree, feeling all the ups and downs- breeze
The whole tree gets sustenance from the same root, the same by a student and teacher too
Being that they are so close, the Talmid should sense even when not physically close

Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN

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