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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Righteous Women


Since netflix put out some sort of movie or series called Unorthodox where apparently some girl does her best to show how backwards orthodox women are, it has become a trend for orthodox women to write up their great liberties and achievements. It is sad to see their measuring rod.

When Rabbainu was on a ship to the holy land (The Praises of Rabbi Nachman, Part 2 - His Voyage to the Holy Land, Chapter 14):

And as they traveled on the sea there was a very great storm wind which is called "a very great afirtineh (-this word was also used earlier in article 9, it is the Turkish word firtina, and can mean a gust, tempest, hurricane, storm etc.)," and the boat was in great danger; "they rise to the heavens, they descend to the depths etc. (Psalms 107:26)," and no one retained in their heart  (conception) that they would be saved from death, and they were all screaming to Hashem; and it was one night like Yom Kippur mamash, with everyone crying, and confessing, and asking for atonement for their souls, and they said slichos ("veniality"- liturgy special for repentance) and other items of prayers and beseechings; but Rabbainu o.b.m. sat silently. And some people started to tell him, why does he remain silent in a time of such a plight, and he did not answer; however, the wife of the Rav of the holy community of Chutin, who was educated, and cried and screamed the whole night, also began to tell him like those, why is he silent - and presumably, he cursed her, and said to her: "If only you (-plural) would also be quiet, it would be good before you; this is the test: if you will be quiet - the sea will be quiet from you as well." And so it was, and they ceased from screaming and they were quiet, then immediately at daybreak - "He stood up the storm making it silent and their waves were quiet/still. And they were happy etc. (Psalms 107:29-)."
Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman

Rabbainu said that with one silence he answers myriads of questions.

For Jewels to have to show off in mud, that is counterproductive.

The attention they give, which itself is the fodder and the standards of the breach, this is itself capitulation, but today they desire that open victory, but fortunate are those who never had any need for it nor for the shallow hollow standards contested.

Yael refused even to lift a sword to kill Sisra, because weapons are for men, and that made her vengeance all the more glorious.  Sure, had she asked the rabbis, they would have told her, use the sword - this is the time for it, but she wasn't looking to be a masculine hero, but a truly righteous woman. 

Sure, today there is definitely very strong arguments for women to be out there performing and excelling in all types of fields and ventures, if that is what they are seeking, they are encouraged to go ahead and succeed. But in reality by doing so they are selling themselves very, extremely short. 

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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