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Saturday, July 24, 2021

Time Well Spent


Some guy posted the following:

Can’t believe Albert Einstein spent his time mentally masturbating about the nature of time and space when he could have used his brain power to helping better feed the hungry. 
I am a very righteous and moral person, please give me a pat on the back and donate to my Patreon.

So this was my response:

HH this is obviously trying to deflect the sickening ways of todays filthy rich who are spending billions of dollars to entertain themselves frivolously, and try to show off with their charity to the worst causes like universities that are destroying all moral principles, even as these billionaires themselves are suspect of actively engaging in eugenics and population dilution, and are definitely using the misfortune of the world to amass their own fortunes, which only fuels their madness.

Even though the language was a turn off, I realized that on the contrary it was spot on, good old Albert E. unfortunately wasted most of his life and mental acumen on thinking about science, and ultimately was the greatest contributor to nuclear weapons, the worst destruction of life possible. Rabbi Nachman scorned and ridiculed this, what type of wisdom and intelligence is it to invent weapons of mass destruction?! If he had really been smart, he would have sought out a simple follower of Rabbainu, who would have divulged to him the tremendous secrets of God Almighty, the value of prayer and learning the holy Torah – which is procreation of life, humanity, and civilization.

Just look at the havoc and destruction the scientists did to the world in the last two years. They created a virus, and then played with the lives of billions of people, and they continue to do so. People today are so proud of modern science, but in fact it is like spilling seed, sowing destruction, as this guy wrote about good old Albert E..

Of course everything is relative, and therefore the smarter the person is the more we expect of them, and the more devastating their choices can be. Imagine if instead of inventing nuclear bombs he would have embraced the holy Torah and the ways of Rabbainu Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman.

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